115 research outputs found

    Quantum Spin Dimers from Chiral Dissipation in Cold-Atom Chains

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    We consider the non-equilibrium dynamics of a driven dissipative spin chain with chiral coupling to a 1D bosonic bath, and its atomic implementation with a two-species mixture of cold quantum gases. The reservoir is represented by a spin-orbit coupled 1D quasi-condensate of atoms in a magnetized phase, while the spins are identified with motional states of a separate species of atoms in an optical lattice. The chirality of reservoir excitations allows the spins to couple differently to left and right moving modes, which in our atomic setup can be tuned from bidirectional to purely unidirectional. Remarkably, this leads to a pure steady state in which pairs of neighboring spins form dimers that decouple from the remainder of the chain. Our results also apply to current experiments with two-level emitters coupled to photonic waveguides.Comment: Replaced by published version (6 pages + 8 pages supplemental material

    Universal Quantum Computation in Globally Driven Rydberg Atom Arrays

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    We develop a model for quantum computation which only relies on global driving, without the need of local addressing of the qubits. Our scheme is based on dual-species processors, and we present it in the framework on neutral atoms subjected to Rydberg blockade constraints. A circuit is imprinted in the (static) trap positions of the atoms, and the algorithm is executed by a sequence of global, resonant laser pulses; we show that this model for quantum computation is universal and scalable

    Continuous Coherent Quantum Feedback with Time Delays: Tensor Network Solution

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    In this paper we develop a novel method to solve problems involving quantum optical systems coupled to coherent quantum feedback loops featuring time delays. Our method is based on exact mappings of such non-Markovian problems to equivalent Markovian driven dissipative quantum many-body problems. In this work we show that the resulting Markovian quantum many-body problems can be solved (numerically) exactly and efficiently using tensor network methods for a series of paradigmatic examples, consisting of driven quantum systems coupled to waveguides at several distant points. In particular, we show that our method allows solving problems in so far inaccessible regimes, including problems with arbitrary long time delays and arbitrary numbers of excitations in the delay lines. We obtain solutions for the full real-time dynamics as well as the steady state in all these regimes. Finally, motivated by our results, we develop a novel mean-field approach, which allows us to find the solution semi-analytically and identify parameter regimes where this approximation is in excellent agreement with our exact tensor network results

    Delayed Coherent Quantum Feedback from a Scattering Theory and a Matrix Product State Perspective

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    We study the scattering of photons propagating in a semi-infinite waveguide terminated by a mirror and interacting with a quantum emitter. This paradigm constitutes an example of coherent quantum feedback, where light emitted towards the mirror gets redirected back to the emitter. We derive an analytical solution for the scattering of two-photon states, which is based on an exact resummation of the perturbative expansion of the scattering matrix, in a regime where the time delay of the coherent feedback is comparable to the timescale of the quantum emitter's dynamics. We compare the results with numerical simulations based on matrix product state techniques simulating the full dynamics of the system, and extend the study to the scattering of coherent states beyond the low-power limit.Comment: 28 pages, 6 figure

    Measurement Protocol for the Entanglement Spectrum of Cold Atoms

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    Entanglement, and, in particular the entanglement spectrum, plays a major role in characterizing many-body quantum systems. While there has been a surge of theoretical works on the subject, no experimental measurement has been performed to date because of the lack of an implementable measurement scheme. Here, we propose a measurement protocol to access the entanglement spectrum of many-body states in experiments with cold atoms in optical lattices. Our scheme effectively performs a Ramsey spectroscopy of the entanglement Hamiltonian and is based on the ability to produce several copies of the state under investigation together with the possibility to perform a global swap gate between two copies conditioned on the state of an auxiliary qubit. We show how the required conditional swap gate can be implemented with cold atoms, either by using Rydberg interactions or coupling the atoms to a cavity mode. We illustrate these ideas on a simple (extended) Bose-Hubbard model where such a measurement protocol reveals topological features of the Haldane phase
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