4 research outputs found

    Cu–Ni nanoalloy phase diagram – Prediction and experiment

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    The Cu-Ni nanoalloy phase diagram respecting the nanoparticle size as an extra variable was calculated by the CALPHAD method. The samples of the Cu-Ni nanoalloys were prepared by the solvothermal synthesis from metal precursors. The samples were characterized by means of dynamic light scattering (DLS), infrared spectroscopy (IR), inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP/OES), transmission electron microscopy (TEM, HRTEM), and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The nanoparticle size, chemical composition, and Cu-Ni nanoparticles melting temperature depression were obtained. The experimental temperatures of melting of nanoparticles were in good agreement with the theoretical CALPHAD predictions considering surface energy.Fázový diagram nanoslitiny Cu-Ni respektující velikost nanočástic jako další proměnné byl vypočten metodou CALPHAD. Vzorky Cu-Ni nanoslitin byly připraveny solvotermální syntézou z prekurzorů kovů. Tyto vzorky byly charakterizovány pomocí dynamického rozptylu světla (DLS), infračervené spektroskopie (IR) s indukčně vázanou plazmou a optickou emisní spektroskopií (ICP / OES), transmisní elektronovou mikroskopií (TEM, HRTEM) a diferenciální skenovací kalorimetrií (DSC). Velikost nanočástic, chemické složení a Cu-Ni deprese teploty tání nanočástic byly získány experimentálně a v dobré shodě s teoretickou předpovědí metodou CALPHAD s uvážením povrchové energie nanočástic

    Interactions between Macroparticles and High-Energy Proton Beams

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    A known threat to the availability of the LHC is the interaction of macroparticles (dust particles) with the LHC proton beam. At the foreseen beam energy of 6.5 TeV during Run 2, quench margins in the superconducting magnets will be 2-3 times lower, and beam losses due such interactions may result in magnet quenches. The study introduce an improved numerical model of such interactions, as well as Monte-Carlo simulations that give the probability that such events will result in a beam-dump during Run 2

    Beam Loss Monitoring for Run 2 of the LHC

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    The Beam Loss Monitoring (BLM) system of the LHC consists of over 3600 ionization chambers. The main task of the system is to prevent the superconducting magnets from quenching and protect the machine components from damage, as a result of critical beam losses. The BLM system therefore requests a beam abort when the measured dose in the chambers exceeds a threshold value. During Long Shutdown 1 (LS1) a series of modifications were made to the system. Based on the experience from Run 1 and from improved simulation models, all the threshold settings were revised, and modified where required. This was done to improve the machine safety at 7 TeV, and to reduce beam abort requests when neither a magnet quench or damage to machine components is expected. In addition to the updates of the threshold values, about 800 monitors were relocated. This improves the response to unforeseen beam losses in the millisecond time scale due to micron size dust particles present in the vacuum chamber. This contribution will discuss all the changes made to the BLM system, with the reasoning behind them