27 research outputs found

    Effect of egg weight on ostrich (Struthio camelus) chick weight and growth

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    The aim of this paper is to evaluate the effects of the age of ostriches and month of laying on egg production and chickgrowth. On a small ostrich farm egg production, egg incubation and chick growth from hatching to 56 days of age wererecorded from 2000, when the breeders were 5 years old, until 2002. Ostriches were kept in groups and fed commercialfeed. In all, 568 eggs were laid and weighed at laying and during incubation (at 15th and 30th day of incubation), while353 chicks were weighed at hatching, 7, 14, 28 and 56 days of age.The female’s productivity was calculated assuming a laying of 3.5 eggs per week and ranged between 45% and 48%.The fertility was around 70% with a peak of 74% recorded in 2001. The hatchability of all eggs was higher than 62%with a peak of 72% in 2001, while the hatchability of fertile eggs was higher than 90%. In each year the number of eggslaid increased from March to July, productivity showed a positive trend from May to June, while the fertility and hatchabilityof all eggs, as well as fertile eggs, was unaffected by year and month. As the hens aged, the egg mass grew constantlywith an increase of about 8%. During the first 30 days of incubation the egg weight decreased with the percentagesof weight loss around 10.0%. At hatching, the weight of chick ranged between 765 g and 847 g, respectively, in2000 and 2002. Egg weight influenced the hatching weight showing a linear relationship (R2=0.84). The effect of eggweight on the chick weight decreased as the chick grew. At 56 days of age, only the effect of year is significant. Themonth of laying did not demonstrate any effect on chicken weight


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    Nel commentare la sentenza del 24 aprile 2017 del Tribunale di Bari, l'Autore ripercorre l'evoluzione della disciplina del lavoro a progetto - attualmente "superata" dal D.lgs. n. 81/2015, ma applicata ratione temporis al caso in esame -, concentrandosi soprattutto, da un lato, sulla individuazione della fattispecie e sulla nozione di "progetto" e, dall'altro lato, sulla presunzione di subordinazione prevista dall'art. 69, comma 1, D.lgs. n. 276/2003; due "isole" poco felici della normativa in esame, che hanno richiesto una particolare attenzione da parte della dottrina e della giurisprudenza, fino ad arrivare al loro "superamento" con il D.lgs. n. 81/2015

    Il limite del trattamento contributivo nella contrattazione di prossimit\ue0 ex art. 8, D.L. n. 138/2011 (conv. in L. n. 148/2011)

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    La sentenza n. 182/2018 del Giudice del Lavoro del Tribunale di Livorno si segnala per aver affrontato l'importante questione riguardante la rilevanza a fini contributivi di un accordo di prossimit\ue0 ai sensi dell'art. 8, D.L. n. 138/2011 (conv. in L. n. 148/2011). Dopo aver tratteggiato le peculiarit\ue0 della contrattazione di prossimit\ue0, l'analisi si concentra sui limiti al potere di deroga attribuito alle parti sociali