99 research outputs found

    Risultati di prove di controllo in impianti di mungitura del sassarese

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    The principal results are reported of tests carried aut on 86 milking machine installations on farms in the province of Sassari. On examination of the results serious and frequent defects as a whole. Some were due to lack of maintenance and assistance, others to errors in planning and installations, and still others were by an irrational use of the installations on the part of the agricu1tural operators. All this has shown that it wuold be desireble to consider: certification of the milking machine installations; more widespread controls on farms, to be carried out annually; the teaching of reational milking techinnques to agricultural operators

    Aspetti ergonomici ed organizzativi della mungitura meccanica

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    We have exposed the most recent acqisitions of the ergonomical aspects of the mechanical milking, connected to the structure of working place, to the environmental conditions and to the physical and mental fatiguing of the milker in the different installations. We have also reported the results, both of an inquiry by sample fitted to attain informations on the general conditions of milkers-work in the different installations, and of a more specificd survey in six installations, in place and position, fitted to ascertain the influence of the kind of installation and of the number of groups per attached, on the tranfers, on the routines and on the productivity of milker's work. At last, on the base of these knowledges, we define the routines, the number of groups per attached and the connected productivity attainable, respecting, on the one hand the organising elliciency and, on the other, the exigences of the man

    Raccolta delle olive con macchina scuotitrice: risultati di prove continuative di campo ed analisi dei limiti d'impiego della macchina

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    The technical, operative and economical results are reported of tests conducted in Sardinia for the mechanical pick up of olives, with the shaking machine Mono Boom series 300. The analyses of the resu1ts have allowed the authors to give indications on the possibilities and on the limits of usage of the machine while working and also: - on the behavior of the separation force and on the level of ripeness of the olives; - on the tree conformation; - on the quantity of production; - on the number of times the machine is used; - on the best harvest period

    Mungitura meccanica degli ovini in Sardegna: risultati di un biennio di prove

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    Three installations of milking at column have been followed for two years also in comparaison with the manuel milking. The analysis of the results of the functional prooves and of the importance of the times and of the productions, permit to show the want of the installations and to define of good moduli of milking

    Rilievi sulla mungitura meccanica della pecora sarda e realizzazione di una nuova strumentazione

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    Through the remark of the transfer lines of the milk of two hals udders during the mechanical milking of the Sard sheep, the AA. show the advantage attainable working at an hollow level of 44,0 kPa instead of 50,5 kPa. They are then explained the characteristics of a new instrumentation for telemeasure, purposely prepared, that allows to record contemporaneously the activity motor of the udders and the parameters of working of the mechanical milking
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