2 research outputs found

    "Voice of the Priest" - a journal of the "patriot priests" movement

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    W ramach swojej pracy magisterskiej autor podj膮艂 si臋 pr贸by opisania pierwszego z periodyk贸w wydawanych przez istniej膮cy i dzia艂aj膮cy w Polsce w okresie stalinizmu ruch "ksi臋偶y patriot贸w". Na 艂amach pierwszego z dw贸ch rozdzia艂贸w pracy mo偶liwie dok艂adnie zrekonstruowano proces powstawania czasopisma ksi臋偶y "znanych ze swej patriotycznej postawy". Wykorzystano r贸wnie偶 pozostawiony przez wydawc贸w materia艂 archiwalny do ustalenia sk艂adu utajnionego wcze艣niej sk艂adu redakcyjnego. Ukazano r贸wnie偶 problemy jakie zaistnia艂y podczas pracy redakcyjnej, oraz istniej膮ce koncepcje rozwoju "Voice of the Priest". W rozdziale drugim po艣wi臋conym zawarto艣ci opisywanego czasopisma ukazano tematy, jakie poruszano na 艂amach periodyku. Opisuj膮c zaanga偶owanie ruchu "ksi臋偶y do艂owych" w kwesti臋 贸wczesnej antyko艣cielnej propagandy takie jak bezprawne zaj臋cie Caritas, tymczasow膮 administracj臋 na ziemiach zachodnich czy plebiscyt pokoju starano si臋 ukaza膰 rol臋 "ksi臋偶y patriot贸w" w rozgrywce komunistycznej w艂adzy z Ko艣cio艂em. Scharakteryzowano r贸wnie偶 pr贸by wypromowania "G艂osu Kap艂ana" jako powa偶nego i poczytnego periodyku redagowanego przez duchownych dla duchownych. Wreszcie zwr贸cono uwag臋 na autoprezentacj臋 ruchu "ksi臋偶y post臋powych" na 艂amach czasopism. Poruszono r贸wnie偶 kwestie, kt贸re zosta艂y skrupulatnie pomini臋te przez redaktor贸w periodyku. W zako艅czenie pracy mo偶liwie dok艂adnie zrekonstruowano proces wydania przez ks. kard. Stefana Wyszy艅skiego dekretu zakazuj膮cego jakiejkolwiek interakcji z "G艂osem Kap艂ana". Opisano r贸wnie偶 konsekwencj臋 tego wydarzenia, jakim by艂a zmiana obwoluty oraz tytu艂u pisma na "Ksi膮dz Obywatel".As part of master's thesis, the author attempted to describe the first of the periodicals published by the "patriot priests" movement existing and active in Poland during the Stalinist period. In the first of the two chapters, the process of creating a magazine of priests "known for their patriotic attitude" was reconstructed as accurately as possible. Archival material left by publishers was also used to determine the composition of the previously classified editorial composition. Issues that arose during the editorial work and existing concepts for the development of "G艂os Kap艂ana" were also shown. The second chapter devoted to the content of the described magazine presents the topics that were discussed in the periodical. Describing the involvement of the "underground priests" movement in the issue of anti-church propaganda of the time, such as the unlawful seizure of Caritas, temporary administration in the western territories, or a plebiscite of peace, the autor tried to show the role of "patriot priests" in the game of communist power with the Church. Attempts to promote "Voice of the Priest" as a serious and widely read periodical edited by clergy for clergy were also characterized. Finally, attention was paid to the self-presentation of the "progressive priests" movement in the magazines. Issues that were meticulously omitted by the magazine's editors were also raised. At the end of the work, the publication process by Fr. Cardinal. Stefan Wyszy艅ski's decree prohibiting any interaction with the "Voice of the Priest". The consequence of this event was also described, which was the change of the dust jacket and the title of the letter to "Citizen Priest"

    Events the November Night in the light of selected diaries and memoirs

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    Autor stara si臋 udowodni膰, z pomoc膮 wspomnie艅, pami臋tnik贸w, oraz opracowa艅, 偶e przebieg wydarze艅 z nocy 29 na 30 listopada by艂 daleki od ustale艅 spiskowc贸w. Podj臋to r贸wnie偶 problem bierno艣ci wojsk pod dow贸dztwem wielkiego ksi臋cia Konstantego Romanowa. Na sam koniec zbadano problem nadu偶ywania alkoholu ze sk艂ad贸w Leona Newachowicza, po wyp臋dzeniu Rosjan z Warszawy.The author tries to prove, with the help of memoirs, diaries and papers, that the course of events of the night of 29 to 30 November was far from understanding the conspirators. It was also the problem of passivity troops under the command of the Grand Duke Konstantin Romanov. At the end I examined the problem of alcohol abuse from the stores of Leon Nevakhovich, after the expulsion of Russians from Warsaw