9 research outputs found

    Sastav i antioksidativna aktivnost Picris echoides

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    Some flavonoids with antioxidant properties from the aerial parts of the plant species Picris echoides (family Asteraceae) were identified. Upon chromatography, the ethyl acetate extract afforded flavonoids, such as flavone apigenin (1) and its glucoside, cosmosiin (2), as well as common plant constituents from this family, flavonol galetin (3 3,4’,5,6,7-pentahydroxyflavone) and 4,4’,6,7-tetrahydroxyaurone (4). The structure of the aurone 4 has not been described so far in the literature and presented a very rare type of aurone skeleton. The structures of the isolated compounds were determined by interpretation of their physical and spectral data. The antioxidant activities of different extracts from Picris echoides were measured by the Schaal oven test at 60 ºC and by the Rancimat method at 100 ºC.Water/ethanol extracts (2:8, v/v), in concentrations of 0.02 and 0.05 %, showed lower activity than commercial tocopherol (Tch). On the contrary, the purified ethyl acetate extracts showed a strong concentration-dependent antioxidant effect. The investigation demonstrated that galetin was the main flavonol from this origin. According to the results of the two methods, galetin (3) showed a two-fold better activity than didTch and a lower activity than did butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA). The aurone 4 exhibited significantly lower antioxidant activity than did galetin at the same concentration level. Thus, the plant species P. echoides is a new and favorable source of natural lipid antioxidants.Ispitan je hemijski sastav vodeno/etanolnog ekstrakta domaće biqke Picris echoides (familija Asteraceae). Izolovana su i identifikovana četiri flavonoida: apigenin (1), njegov 7-O-glukozid (2), galetin (3 3,4’,5,6,7-pentahidroksi-flavon) i 4,4’,6,7-tetrahidroksi-auron (4). Skelet tipa aurona 4 vrlo retko je prisutan u biqkama i njegova struktura do sada nije opisana u literaturi. Određena je antioksidativna aktivnost različitih ekstrakata biqke, kao i čistih flavonoidnih supstanci u uslovima Schaal oven testa na 60 ºC i Rancimat metoda na 100 ºC. Vodeno/etanolni ekstrakti (2:8) u koncentracijama 0,02 i 0,05 % pokazali su slabu aktivnost u pore- đenju sa tokoferolom, dok su etilacetatni ekstrakti, u istim koncentracijama delovali kao efikasni antioksidanti. Dokazano je da galetin (3) pokazuje duplo veću aktivnost od tokoferola

    Aceton kao alternativno ekstrakciono sredstvo za izdvajanje biljnih ulja

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    Hexane, mainly due to its reasonable price, has been used as the principal solvent for the commercial extraction of oilseed since the forties of the 20th century. Over the past 40 years, factors, such as product quality and process safety, and environmental regulations, have resulted in the search for an acceptable alternative solvent. Acetone, as an extraction solvent has many ecological and physical advantages over hexane. However, to replace hexane, acetone would have to be economically and technologically acceptable. This study demonstrates a possibility of soya bean oil extraction by acetone (0-30% water), as an alternative solvent, in comparison with the conventional method. The water solubility of acetone provides some advantages and disadvantages vs. hexane. The oil extraction efficiency of acetone depends directly upon its water content. Water content above 10% results in significant decrease in its natural oil extraction ability. The content of free fatty acids (FFA) and total extractables in oil depend directly upon the water content. Insoluble, high-energy phosphatides and gums remain in the extracted meal. The nitrogen content increased in the extracted meal with the increased water content in acetone. Further studies within this field will be of a great importance in determining whether acetone can be used as an extraction solvent on a large scale.Heksan je zbog pristupačne cene bio glavni rastvarač za ekstrakciju ulja iz uljarica još od 1940 godine. U poslednjih trideset godina, faktori kao što su kvalitet proizvoda, bezbednost i ekološke regulative uslovili su intenzivno istraživanje sa ciljem da se pronađe prihvatljivi alternativni rastvarač. Aceton, kao potencijalni alternativni rastvarač, ima niz ekoloških i fizičkih prednosti u odnosu na heksan, ali da bi u potpunosti zamenio heksan trebalo bi da bude i ekonomski i tehnološki prihvatljiv. Ovim istraživanjem utvrđena je mogućnost primene acetona (0-30% vode) kao alternativnog ekstrakcionog sredstva za izdvajanje ulja soje, a u poređenju sa klasičnim načinom ekstrakcije. Rastvorljivost acetona u vodi pružila je neke prednosti, ali ima i mana u odnosu na heksan. Efikasnost ekstrakcije ulja iz soje bila je u direktnoj vezi sa sadržajem vode u acetonu, pri čemu je udeo vode iznad 10% uticao na smanjenu moć ekstrakcije i manji prinos ulja iz soje. Sadržaj slobodnih masnih kiselina (SMK) i ukupnih rastvorljivih materija zavisio je direktno od sadržaja vode. Nerastvorljivi visokoenergetski fosfatidi i gume zaostajali su u sojinoj sačmi. Sadržaj azota u sačmi rastao je sa povećanjem sadržaja vode u acetonu. Dalja istraživanja u ovoj oblasti su od značaja kako bi se utvrdilo da li aceton može biti upotrebljen kao ekstrakcioni rastvarač u širim razmerama

    Ispitivanje kvaliteta ulja dopremljenog kao 'Humanitarna pomoć'

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    The result of examination of oil of unknown origin from the crisis territory as follows: the examined oil has qualities permissible for human nutrition. The examination of contained quantity of contaminants and heavy metals showed that ingredients were not higher than values prescribed by the Statute, except for lead. It is on the upper limit. Contents of radionuclides range within the limits of average values. The quantity is not dangerous for human food. However, the present methods and the existing apparatus are not developed enough, so there is ignorance of the total structure of the sample. There is a possibility of substances being present in very low quantities, first of all, cancerogenic substances or substances which can provoke somatic or genetic changes. Paracelsius said: 'Everything is toxic, but it depends of dose'. That 'dose' is the main cause of consequences (therapeutic, toxic or lethal) which begin as a result of carrying contaminated substances into human organism.Ispitivanje ulja nepoznatog porekla sa kriznih područja pokazalo je da se radi o ulju kvaliteta dozvoljenog za ljudsku ishranu. Ispitivanja sadržaja kontaminatora i teških metala pokazalo je da primese nisu vise od dopuštenih i zakonom determinisanih vrednosti, osim olova koje se nalazi na samoj gornjoj granici. Sadržaj radionuklida nalazi se u granicama prosečnih vrednosti i ne predstavlja opasnost za ljude pri konzumiranju ulja. Ono što upućuje na oprez je da sadašnje metode i postojeća aparatura nisu dovoljno razvijene pa ostaje nepoznanica o supstancama koje se nalaze u veoma niskim koncentracijama - u prvom redu kancerogenih agenasa ili supstanci koje izazivaju somatske ili genetske promene. Ali, kao što je rekao još Paracelzijus 'sve je otrovno samo zavisi od doze', ta 'doza' je glavni uzrok posledica (terapeutskim, toksičnim ili letalnim) koje nastaju kao rezultat konzumiranja kontaminiranih supstanci

    Сесквитерпенски лактони и монотерпенски глукозиди биљне врсте Picris echoides L.

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    Investigation of the constituents of the aerial parts of domestic plant species Picris echoides afforded the sesquiterpene lactones, i.e., guaianolides jacquilenin (1), 11-epi-jacquilenin(2), achillin(3) and eudesmanolide telekin(4). The chemical indenti- fication of the two monoterpene glucosides (—)-cix-chrysanthenol-§-D-g1ucopyranoside (5) and its 6’-acetate 6 is also repoted. The guaianolide achillin (3) and the two monoterpene glucosides 5 and 6 were isolated for the first time from this plant species. Isolation was achieved by column chromatography and the structures were established mainly by the interpretation of their physical and spectral data, which were in agreement with those in the literatureИз надзменог дела домаће биљне врсте Piscris echoides (фамилија Asteraceae), корова познатог под именом Гргуша, изолована су и идентификована четири сесквитерпенска лактона, као и два монотерпенска глукозида. Идентификовани лактони су гвајанолиди јаквиленин (1), 11-epi-јаквиленин (2) ехилин (3) као и еудесманолид телекин (4). Монотерпенски глукозиди ()- cis- кризантенол-b-D-глукопиранозид (5) и његов 6'-ацетат, 6 су такође изоловани из истог екстракта. Гвајанолид ахилин (3) и монотерпенски глукозиди (5,6) су по први пут изоловани из ове биљне врсте, док су преостала три лактона изолована више пута из европске биљне врсте.The authors are grateful to the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Rеpublic of Serbia for financial support

    Seskviterpenski laktoni i monoterpenski glukozidi biljne vrste Picris echoides L.

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    Investigation of the constituents of the aerial parts of domestic plant species Picris echoides afforded the sesquiterpene lactones, i.e., guaianolides jacquilenin (1), 11-epi-jacquilenin (2), achillin (3) and eudesmanolide telekin (4). The chemical indenti-fication of the two monoterpene glucosides (-)-cis-chrysanthenol-β-D-glucopyranoside (5) and its 6'-acetate 6 is also reported. The guaianolide achillin (3) and the two monoterpene glucosides 5 and 6 were isolated for the first time from this plant species. Isolation was achieved by column chromatography and the structures were established mainly by the interpretation of their physical and spectral data, which were in agreement with those in the literature.Iz nadzemnog dela domaće biljne vrste Picris echoides (familija Asteraceae), korova poznatog pod imenom Grguša, izolovana su i identifikovana četiri seskviterpenska laktona, kao i dva monoterpenska glukozida. Identifikovani laktoni su gvajanolidi jakvilenin (1), ll-epi-jakvilenin (2) i ahilin (3) kao i eudesmanolid telekin (4). Monoterpenski glukozidi (-)-cis-krizantenol-β-D-glukopiranozid (5) i njegov 6'-acetat, 6 su takođe izolovani iz istog ekstrakta. Gvajanolid ahilin (3) i monoterpenski glukozidi (5,6) su po prvi put izolovani iz ove biljne vrste, dok su preostala tri laktona izolovana više puta iz evropske biljne vrste

    Fizičko-hemijske karakteristike i oksidativna stabilnost ulja oraha (Juglans regia L.) - sorte Gajzenhajm-139

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    The aim of this work was isolation and determination of oil from the cultivar Geisenheim-139. Two techniques of oil extraction were implemented: cold pressing and organic solvent extraction. Composition of walnut kernels was determined and also the basic physico-chemical parameters of walnut oil. The oil content was 71.23%. The fatty acid composition was identified by gas chromatography and the main components were as follows: linoleic acid 58%, oleic acid 18,6% and linolenic acid 13,1% for sample obtained by cold pressing and 57,3%, 19,8%, 13,6% for sample obtained by solvent extraction. Total tocopherol content was analyzed by HPLC and ranged from 37,6 mg% for oil sample obtained by cold pressing and 42,40% for solvent extracted sample. Predominant tocopherol was γ-tocopherol. The content of sterols was determined from the unsaponifi able fraction. The dominant sterols were beta-sitosterol i Δ-5 avenasterol. Oxidative stability of samples was measured by Rancimat method. Oil sample obtained by organic solvent extraction had better oxidative stability (5,8h) than the sample obtained by cold pressing (5,0h).Izolovano je ulje iz jezgra oraha sorte Gajzenhajm-139 primenom dve tehnike: hladno ceđenje i ekstrakcija organskim rastvaračem. Određeni su sastav i fizičko-hemijske karakteristike jezgra oraha i izdvojenog ulja. Sadržaj ulja je iznosio 71,23%. Sastav i sadržaj masnih kiselina je određen metodom gasne hromatografije. Dominantne masne kiseline su: linolna sa sadržajem od 58,0%, zatim oleinska 18,6% i linolenska 13,1% u ulju dobijenom hladnim ceđenjem odnosno 57,2%, 19,8%, 13,6% u ulju dobijenom ekstrakcijom organskim rastvaračem. Ukupan sadržaj tokoferola određen je HPLC metodom i iznosi 37,6 mg % u ulju dobijenom hladnim ceđenjem i 42,40 mg% u ulju dobijenom ekstrakcijom organskim rastvaračem. Dominantni tokoferol je bio γ-tokoferol. Određen je i sadržaj sterola iz frakcije neosapunjivih materija. Dominantni steroli su bili beta-sitosterol i Δ-5 avenasterol. Oksidativna stabilnost uzoraka je određena Rancimat testom i iznosi 5,0 h za ulje dobijeno hladnim ceđenjem odnosno 5,8 h za ulje dobijeno ekstrakcijom organskim rastvaračem.

    Relativna antioksidativna aktivnost bosiljka (Ocimum basilicum L)

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    The domestic plant species Ocimum basilicum L. (family Labiatae) was investigated. Radical scavenging activity of dry plant species of Basilici herba and different extracts was analyzed by Schaal oven test at 60oC. The inhibitory effects of investigated samples on the oxidation of prime steam lard were compared with some commercial tocopherol mixture. Water-ethanolic (2:8) extracts showed mild antioxidative activity. Dry Basilici herba showed significant activity – the same as the activity of tocopherol. The ethyl-acetate extracts showed especially strong antioxidant effects with 2.1-2.5 times better protection factor than commercial tocopherol mixture.Ispitivana je domaća biljna vrsta Ocimum basilicum L. (familija Labiatae). Antioksidativna aktivnost osušenog bosiljka (Basilici herba) i njegovih različitih ekstrakata određena je u uslovima Schaaloven testa na 60oC. Efekat ispitivanih uzoraka na inhibiciju oksidacije prečišćene svinjske masti određen je u odnosu na komercijalni tokoferol. Vodeno-etanolni (2:8) ekstrakti pokazuju slab antioksidativni efekat. Osušena biljna vrsta Basilici herba pokazuje značajnu antioksidativnu aktivnost reda veličine aktivnosti tokoferola. Etilacetatni ekstrakti pokazuju izuzetno jako antioksidativno dejstvo sa 2,1 do 2,5 puta većim zaštitnim faktorom od tokoferola

    Mogućnosti primene ulja palmine koštice u konditorskoj industriji

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    Palm kernel oil and palm oil are obtained from the fruit of Elaeis guineensis. The kernel of the soft fruit contains about 45% oil. In palm kernel oil most of the fatty acids are lauric acid and lower with iodine value maximum 21. This heavy preponderance of lauric acid that gives palm kernel oil sharp melting properties, solid composition at room temperature and a low melting point. Palm kernel oil can be fractionated into a solid and a liquid fraction, known as stearin and olein, respectively. By blending the basic palm kernel oil products in different proportions, alone or with other oils, a large number of specialty products can be made for the use in food industry. Products of PKO and their mixtures are mainly used in fats analogues to cocoa butter, different filling creams for biscuits and cakes compound chocolates and coatings and margarines.Ulje palmine koštice (UPK), kao i palmino ulje, se izdvajaju iz ploda biljke Elaeis guineensis. Koštica koja se nalazi u plodu palme sadrži oko 45% ulja. Kod ovog ulja većinu masnih kiselina čine laurinska i nižemolekularne masne kiseline, dok jodni broj ne prelazi 21 g/100g. Upravo zahvaljujući dominaciji laurinske kiseline UPK se odlikuje uskim intervalom topljenja, čvrstom konzistencijom na sobnoj temperaturi i niskom tačkom topljenja. Frakcionisanjem ovog ulja mogu se dobiti dve frakcije: čvrsta (stearin) i tečna (olein). Mešanjem osnovnih UPK frakcija u različitim odnosima, sa ili bez dodatka drugih ulja, može se formirati čitav niz specifičnih proizvoda specijalne namene koji imaju značajnu primenu u prehrambenoj industriji. Produkti UPK i njihove mešavine uglavnom se koriste u mastima analognim kakao-maslacu, različitim mešavinama masti za punjenja za keks i kolače proizvodima sličnim čokoladnim, prelivima i margarinima