350,609 research outputs found

    Interference Between Cabibbo Allowed and Doubly Forbidden Transitions in D\ra K_{S,L} + \pi 's Decays

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    Both Cabibbo allowed and doubly forbidden transitions contribute coherently to DKS,L+πsD\rightarrow K_{S,L}+\pi 's decays. This leads to several intriguing and even quantitatively significant consequences, among them: (i) A difference between Γ(D+KSπ+)\Gamma (D^+\rightarrow K_S \pi ^+) and Γ(D+KLπ+)\Gamma (D^+\rightarrow K_L \pi ^+) and between Γ(D0KSπ0)\Gamma (D^0\rightarrow K_S \pi ^0) and Γ(D0KLπ0)\Gamma (D^0\rightarrow K_L \pi ^0) of roughly 10\% ; similarly Γ(D+[KSπ0]Kπ+)14Γ(D+[Kπ+]Kπ+)\Gamma (D^+\rightarrow [K_S\pi ^0]_{K^*} \pi ^+) \neq \frac{1}{4}\Gamma (D^+\rightarrow [K^-\pi ^+]_{K^*} \pi ^+), and more generally Γ(DKˉ0+πs)2Γ(DKS+πs)\Gamma (D\rightarrow \bar K^0+\pi 's) \neq 2\Gamma (D\rightarrow K_S+\pi 's). (ii) A change in the relative phase between the isospin 3/2 and 1/2 amplitudes as extracted from the observed branching ratios for D+KSπ+D^+\rightarrow K_S\pi ^+, D0KSπ0,Kπ+D^0\rightarrow K_S\pi ^0 ,\, K^-\pi ^+. (iii) If New Physics intervenes to provide the required {\em weak} phase, then CP asymmetries of up to a few per cent can arise in D+KSπ+D^+\rightarrow K_S\pi ^+ vs. DKSπD^-\rightarrow K_S\pi ^-, D0KSπ0D^0\rightarrow K_S\pi ^0 vs. Dˉ0KSπ0\bar D^0\rightarrow K_S\pi ^0, D+[KSπ0]Kπ+D^+\rightarrow [K_S\pi ^0]_{K^*}\pi ^+ vs. D[KSπ0]KπD^-\rightarrow [K_S\pi ^0]_{K^*}\pi ^-, etc.; an asymmetry of the same size, but opposite in sign occurs when the KSK_S is replaced by a KLK_L in the final state.Comment: 6 pages, latex, no figure

    Understanding I=2 pi-pi Interaction

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    A correct understanding and description of the I=2 pi-pi S-wave interaction is important for the extraction of the I=0 pi-pi S-wave interaction from experimental data and for understanding the I=0 pi-pi S-wave interaction theoretically. With t-channel rho, f2(1270) exchange and the pi pi -> rho rho -> pi pi box diagram contribution, we reproduce the pi-pi isotensor S-wave and D-wave scattering phase shifts and inelasticities up to 2.2 GeV quite well in a K-matrix formalism.Comment: Talk given at Hadron 03: 10th International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy, Aschaffenburg, Germany, 31 Aug - 6 Sep 200

    D^+_s -> pi^+ pi^+ pi^- decay: the 1^3P_0 s anti-s component in scalar-isoscalar mesons

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    On the basis of data on the decay D^+_s -> pi^+ pi^+ pi^-, which goes dominantly via the transition D_s -> pi^+ s anti-s, we evaluate the 1^3P_0 s anti-s components in the scalar-isoscalar resonances f0(980), f0(1300), f0(1500) and broad state f0(1200-1600)$. The data point to a large s anti-s component in the f0(980): 40% < s anti-s < 70%. Nearly 30% of the 1^3P_0 s anti-s component flows to the mass region 1300-1500 MeV being shared by f0(1300), f0(1500) and broad state f0(1200-1600): the interference of these states results in a peak near 1400 MeV with the width around 200 MeV.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, epsfi

    On the role of three functions in the Riemann literatures

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    In Riemann's paper and Nachlass on the zeta function, πs2Γ(s2)ζ(s)\pi^{-\frac{s}{2}}\Gamma(\frac{s}{2})\zeta(s) has three different functional expressions, of which πs2Γ(s2)ζ(s)=2[πs2Γ(s2)f(s)],(s)=1/2\pi^{-\frac{s}{2}}\Gamma(\frac{s}{2})\zeta(s)=2\Re[\pi^{-\frac{s}{2}}\Gamma(\frac{s}{2})f(s)],\qquad\Re(s)=1/2 still has no literature to study it so far. Based on its geometric meaning, we obtain the number of zeros of the Riemann zeta function on the critical line is T2πlogT2πT2π+argf(1/2+iT)π+O(T1).\frac{T}{2\pi}\log\frac{T}{2\pi}-\frac{T}{2\pi}+\frac{\arg{f(1/2+iT)}}{\pi}+O(T^{-1}). Research shows that Riemann's assertion about ~"One now finds indeed approximate this number of real roots within these limits" comes from this functional expression of πs2Γ(s2)ζ(s)\pi^{-\frac{s}{2}}\Gamma(\frac{s}{2})\zeta(s) which associated with the Jacobi function. Finally, this paper analyzes the reason why these conclusions are neglected.Comment: AMS-LaTeX v2.2, 11 page

    ππ\pi\pi scattering S wave from the data on the reaction πpπ0π0n\pi^-p\to\pi^0\pi^0n

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    The results of the recent experiments on the reaction πpπ0π0n\pi^-p\to\pi^0\pi^0n performed at KEK, BNL, IHEP, and CERN are analyzed in detail. For the I=0 ππ\pi\pi S wave phase shift δ00\delta^0_0 and inelasticity η00\eta^0_0 a new set of data is obtained. Difficulties emerging when using the physical solutions for the π0π0\pi^0\pi^0 S and D wave amplitudes extracted with the partial wave analyses are discussed. Attention is drawn to the fact that, for the π0π0\pi^0\pi^0 invariant mass, m, above 1 GeV, the other solutions, in principle, are found to be more preferred. For clarifying the situation and further studying the f0(980)f_0(980) resonance thorough experimental investigations of the reaction πpπ0π0n\pi^-p\to\pi^0\pi^0n in the m region near the KKˉK\bar K threshold are required.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figure

    The teaching profession in Europe : historical and sociological analysis

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    A possible effect of direct CP violation in D -> K-S(0)pi(+)pi(-) decay on the gamma measurement from B-+/- -> DK +/-, D -> K-S(0)pi(+)pi(-) Dalitz plot analysis is considered. Systematic uncertainty of gamma coming from the current limits on direct CP violation in D -> K-S(0)pi(+)pi(-) is estimated, and a modified model-independent procedure of B-+/- -> DK +/-, D -> K-S(0)pi(+)pi(-) Dalitz plot analysis is proposed that gives an unbiased gamma measurement even in presence of direct CP violation in charm decays. The technique is applicable to other threebody D decays such as D-0 -> (KSK+K-)-K-0, D-0 -> pi(+)pi(-)pi(0), etc