223 research outputs found

    On Building a Community to Exchange and Share Sustainable Fashion Applications

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    Sustainable development is a standard plan for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and in the future, set forth by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which was adopted by all United Nations member states and agreed to in 2015. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are an urgent call to action for all developed and developing countries in relation to global cooperation. Many factors cause environmental pollution, but the fashion industry is considered by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) as the second most polluting industry in the world. It accounts for 10% of global carbon emissions due to the energy used in production, manufacturing, and transportation. In particular, the factors that strongly affect the environment in the fashion industry are the textile materials, the fabric dyeing industry, and the rapid development of fast fashion. The data was collected through an online survey of 101 fashion consumers and interviews with nine target audiences who need to buy and sell used clothes or are interested in buying and selling used clothes or sustainable fashion. Sustainable design is not a new concept, but it is still quite strange to the Vietnamese. Consumer ignorance about sustainable consumption and the harmful effects of the fashion industry on planet Earth is a big reason why consumers constantly plunge into the shopping vortex. The problem of wasteful and unsustainable fashion consumption is a big global problem at a time when the fashion industry is gradually emerging into the sustainable fashion movement. This is an opportunity to build a community by connecting consumers through their essential needs, helping them raise awareness, change their behavior, and make each individual part of a sustainable fashion community. They are thus contributing to sustainable development in the future. Keywords: SDGs, sustainable fashion, sustainable consumption, communit

    Effects of different nutrient solutions on growth and flower quality of gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii) grown in hydroponic close system

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    The nutrient solution is the decisive factor for the growth and development of hydroponic plants. This study was conducted to determine the effect of five nutrient solutions, namely, Hoagland, Knop, Hydro Umat F, BKFAST, and Bio-Life, on the growth and development of gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii) in the hydroponic system. The results show that Hydro Umat F is the most suitable solution for planting gerbera in terms of plant height, number of leaves, leaf size, and root volume. In addition, the flower yield of the gerbera plants nourished on Hydro Umat F is also the highest, with 8.7 flowers per plant after five months in the hydroponic system. The flowers have a diameter of 9.8 cm and natural durability of 19.67 days. Meanwhile, gerbera plants stop growing after 15 days in the Bio-Life solution and 30 days in the Knop solution

    Preparation and characterization of magnesium hydroxyapatite coatings on 316L stainless steel

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    Magnesium hydroxyapatite coatings (MgHAp) were deposited on the surface of 316L stainless steel (316L SS) substrates by electrodeposition technique. Different concentrations of Mg2+ ion were incorporated into the apatite structure by adding Mg(NO3)2 into electrolyte solution containing 3×10-2 M Ca(NO3)2, 1.8×10-2 M NH4H2PO4 and   6×10-2 M NaNO3. With Mg2+ concentration 1×10-3 M, the obtained coatings have 0.2 wt% Mg2+. The influences of scanning potential ranges, scanning times to deposit MgHAp coatings were researched. The analytical results FTIR, SEM, X-ray, EDX, thickness and adhension strength showed that MgHAp coatings were single phase of HAp, fibrous shapes, thickness 8.1 µm and adhesion strength 7.20 MPa at the scanning potential ranges of 0÷-1.7 V/SCE and scanning times of 5 scans. Keywords. 316L SS, Electrodeposition, MgHAp

    Investigation on Air Pollution in Vietnam : Concentration of Water-soluble Ions in Suspended Particulate Matters

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    Joint Research on Environmental Science and Technology for the Eart


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    Joint Research on Environmental Science and Technology for the Eart


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    Joint Research on Environmental Science and Technology for the Eart

    Profile of the 12^{12}CO(3-2) Emission Line Detected From the Debris Disc of 49 Ceti

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    The CO(3-2) emission of the debris disc of the young A star 49 Ceti, known to be particularly gas rich, has been recently detected and measured using the ALMA interferometer. We study the observed line profile and comment on each of the possible contributions to its width. Line broadening is found to be dominated by Keplerian shear and an upper limit of 0.8 kms FWHM is placed on other possible contributions,including temperature, confirming the quietness of the gas contained in the disc and disfavouring models that would require relatively violent events to generate secondary gas

    Sensitivity Limit of The VATLY Radio Telescope: Observing the Moon

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    The Moon has been observed using the VATLY radio telescope at frequencies of 1420.4and 1417.6 MHz in order to study the behaviour of the instrument in a domain of ux densityclose to the limit of its sensitivity. Drift scans have revealed a Moon ux density of 0:83 0:16kJy corresponding to a Moon black body temperature of 207 40 K. From these results, a limitsensitivity of 300 Jy has been inferred in agreement with earlier coarser estimates


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    Joint Research on Environmental Science and Technology for the Eart
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