811 research outputs found

    Voluntary pension system challenge of expanding coverage

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    Since 1947, the Vietnam Social Security (VSS) has provided social insurance to public servants and armed forces personnel in Vietnam. In 1995, the Government merged the social insurance unit of the Ministry of labour, invalids and social affairs with that of the Vietnam General Confederation of labor. At the same time the system became mandatory to the employees of the newly developing private sector. The consolidated system is publicly managed by the VSS administration. VSS collects contributions and pay social insurance benefits (in case of sickness and sick leaves, maternity and family planning related leaves, work injury and professional disease, survivorship and to people that reached pension ages). This paper investigates this issue by reviewing the characteristics of employment in Vietnam. It concludes that the risk that social coverage remains limited for many years is high and, presents accordingly some policy options to augment VSS's chances to reach universal coverage in the future.Pensions&Retirement Systems,Emerging Markets,Labor Markets,Debt Markets,Labor Policies

    The validation of organisational culture assessment instrument in healthcare setting : results from a cross-sectional study in Vietnam

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    Background: Organisational culture (OC) has increasingly become a crucial factor in defining healthcare practice and management. However, there has been little research validating and adapting OCAI (organisational culture assessment instrument) to assess OC in healthcare settings in developing countries, including Vietnam. The purpose of this study is to validate the OCAI in a hospital setting using key psychometric tests and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Methods: This is a cross-sectional study. Self-administered structured questionnaire was completed by 566 health professionals from a Vietnamese national general hospital, the General Hospital of Quang Nam province. The psychometric tests and CFA were utilized to detect internal reliability and construct validity of the instrument. Results: The Cronbach's alpha coefficients (α-reliability statistic) ranged from 0.6 to 0.8. In current culture, the coefficient was 0.80 for clan and 0.60 for adhocracy, hierarchy and market dimension, while in expected culture, the coefficient for clan, adhocracy, hierarchy, and market dimension was 0.70, 0.70, 0.70 and 0.60, respectively. The CFA indicated that most factor loading coefficients were of moderate values ranging from 0.30 to 0.60 in both current and expected culture model. These models are of marginal good fit. Conclusions: The study findings suggest that the OCAI be of fairly good reliability and construct validity in measuring four types of organisational culture in healthcare setting in resource-constrained countries such as Vietnam. This result is a first step towards developing a valid Vietnamese version of the OCAI which can also provide a strong case for future research in the field of measuring and managing organisational culture. © 2020 The Author(s). **Please note that there are multiple authors for this article therefore only the name of the first 5 including Federation University Australia affiliate “Nguyen Huy” is provided in this record*

    Online Learning Management in Covid-19 Pandemic: Case in Vietnam

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    The world is dealing with the COVID-19 epidemic, which has created enormous impacts on education, especially on learning management, requiring the adjustment and implementation of an online learning system effectively.The process of digital transformation has been promoted rapidly to adapt to new conditions in Education.Nowadays the online system has facilitated students of all levels to study at anytime and anywhere owing to the development of technologies.However, the existence and limits ofonline teaching and learning have been mentioned such as the complicated implementation or limited communication of active teaching methods compared to an actual classroom. Therefore, innovative teaching strategies and models are now required to be more diverse to encourage learners to focus on the lesson.In this study, we proposed an optimal paradigm of online learning management: the combination of several supported programs to effectivelymanage the teaching process. The approach has been appliedtothe Basic Informatics course for students majoring in Primary Education at the Thai Nguyen University of Education, Vietnam, and suggesteda flexible approach to stimulate learners' enthusiasm, express opinions, and actively participate in activities for enhancing their achievements. In addition, the investigation and discussion from lecturers and students about the digital transformation challenges in learning management also were presented and proposed the necessary information for the educational process


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    The 13th Next-Generation Global Workshop第13回次世代グローバルワークショップテーマ: New Risks and Resilience in Asian Societies and the World 日程: 21-23 November, 2020 開催場所: ベトナム社会科学院(ハノイ)/Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences(No. 1 Lieu Giai street, Ba Dinh, Hanoi, Vietnam) ※Due to the COVID-19, the workshop will be held at ONLINE for overseas participants(not from Vietnam)/ONSITE for Vietnamese participants.The paper is written based on the research on labourers' interest in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4.0 I.R.) with surveyed sample of 319 people who are working in the enterprises. The statistics analysis method was applied to analyze data. Probit regression model is also approached to quantitatively analyze. The study aims to examine the relationship between historical migration experiences and ability of working migration that a labor may intend in the future. The factors that simultaneously impact on worker's migration decision in the future are two-level migration, marriage status, having children less than 15 years old and living with other members in the family. These effects pointed out significant evidences in this study

    Combination of Wavelet and MLP Neural Network for Emotion Recognition System

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    Emotional recognition from the EEG signal is one of the areas in which many scientists around the world have concerned. Two important issues are EEG feature extraction and EEG classification. The wavelet transform method allows the extraction of nonlinear characteristics of the data from which it is possible to derive smaller feature vector than other methods. The MLP neural network has proven to be a very effective classification method. Thus, in this paper, the authors present one method to construct a highly accurate emotional recognition system by combining the two above methods. The results based on Matlab simulations with the standard data from the international scientific community

    Investigation of the pollution status and the waste reusing ability in trade village Duong Lieu, Hoai Duc, Hanoi: Short communication

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    Vietnam has about 2,000 trade villages locating mainly in the north. Duong Lieu village in Hoai Duc, Hanoi, is one of the key areas of agricultural production and food processing. However, this area is affected by serious environmental pollution, particularly caused by solid waste and wastewater. Solid wastes of the starch production process from arrowroot are disposed in large amounts and represent the main reason for environmental pollution in Duong Lieu village. These wastes are present anywhere in this village, for example on the main road, in gardens, event fill in ponds and ditches. The components of the dried arrowroot waste are mainly carbon-rich substances such as starch (5%), cellulose (90%) and N, P, K (0.5%; 0.11%; 0.16%, respectively). The fresh arrowroot waste has humidity of up to 80%. This substrate is suitable for culture of straw mushroom and oyster mushroom. The mushrooms use cellulose as carbon source for their growth. Therefore, waste from arrowroot that can be recycled efficiently by the biological method for culturing mushrooms. This treatment method is suitable to the conditions of Vietnam because it does not only reduce waste residues but also is environmentally friendly.Việt nam có khoảng 2000 làng nghề và tập trung chủ yếu ở miền Bắc. Dương Liễu là một trong những vùng trọng điểm chế biến nông sản thực phẩm. Song hiện tại khu vực này đang bị ô nhiễm môi trường nghiêm trọng,đặc biệt ô nhiễm rác thải và nước thải. Chất thải rắn của quá trình chế biến tinh bột từ củ dong là rất lớn. Nó có mặt khắp nơi từ trong nhà ra ngoài ngõ thậm chí lấp đầy cống rãnh, ao hồ. Đây chính là nguyên nhân gây nên ô nhiễm môi trường vùng làng nghề. Thành phần của bã dong rất giàu cellulose (90%), tinh bột (5%) và có cả nitơ, photpho, kali tương với 0,5%, 0,11% và 0,16%; độ ẩm của bã dong tươi lên tới 80%. Cơ chất này thích hợp để trồng nấm rơm và nấm sò. Bởi các loại nấm này sử dụng cellulose là nguồn cung cấp cacbon chính để sinh trưởng. Do vậy, bã thải từ củ dong có thể được tái sử dụng hiệu quả bằng phương pháp sinh học như là dùng trồng nấm. Đây là một sự lựa chọn phù hợp với điều kiện Việt Nam, vừa giảm thiểu chất thải dư thừa vừa thân thiện với môi trường

    First-principles study on the structural and electronic properties of single-layer MoSi2N4

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    Motivated by the successful exfoliation of a novel two-dimensional MoSi2N4 materials, in this work, we investigate the structural and electronic properties of a novel single-layer MoSi2N4 and the effect of strain engineering by using the first-principles calculations based on the density functional theory. The single-layer MoSi2N4 has a hexagonal structure with a space group of P6m1, which is dynamically stable. The material exhibits a semiconducting characteristic with an indirect band gap of 1.80/2.36 eV calculated by using the PBE/HSE functional. The conduction band minimum at the K point of the material originates from the Mo atom, while its valence band maximum at the G point is contributed by the hybridization between the Mo and N atoms. The electronic properties of the single-layer MoSi2N4 can be modulated with strain engineering, giving rise to a transition from a semiconductor to a metal and tending to a change in the band gap. Our results demonstrate that the single-layer MoSi2N4 is a promising candidate for electronic and optoelectronic applications

    Examining Vietnam's Success in Controlling COVID-19 Pandemic in Terms of People's Behavior

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    To deal with an unprecedented pandemic known as COVID-19, every country has developed its own policies to prevent the expansion of Coronavirus. The purpose of this study is to investigate Vietnam’s success in controlling the spread of COVID-19 epidemic from the perspective of people’s behavior. This study applied the Health Belief Model developed by Don Nutbeam and Elizabeth (2004). An online survey engine (docs.google.com/forms) and an offline survey were employed to collect data from citizens in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Quang Ninh, Haiphong and other cities. The statistical analysis used 423 questionnaires from 450 respondents, mainly aged 18 to 35. The results demonstrated that people's awareness of COVID-19 as well as their behaviors have contributed significantly to the successful efforts to prevent and control the disease in Vietnam. Keywords: Covid-19 pandemic, controlling Covid-19, people’s behavior, behavior, Vietnam DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/13-6-07 Publication date:March 31st 202

    Effect of surface treatment of recycled concrete aggregate by cement -silica fume slurry on compressive strength of concrete

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    Recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) used as an alternative to natural aggregate (NA) contains weak adhered mortar. The adhered mortar adversely affects the properties of RCA, and compressive strength of concrete with RCA. Therefore, a treatment method by coating surface of RCA with cement-silica fume slurry (CSS) at concentrations of 20, 40, and 60% was done to evaluate its effects on crushing value and water absorption of RCA, and compressive strength of concrete with treated RCA. The replacements of natural coarse aggregate by RCA for concrete production were 0, 25, and 50% by volume. Compressive strength of the concrete having a constant water-to-cement ratio of 0.35 was tested at ages of 3, 7, 28, and 56 days. Results showed that crushing value and water absorption of the treated RCA were more improved when compared with those of the untreated RCA due to new products formed from cement hydration and pozzolanic reactions on its surface detected by using scanning electron microscope. The surface treatment with CSS at concentration of 60% was the most effective method when compared with that with CSS at concentrations of 20 and 40%. The higher the concentration of CSS, the higher the compressive strength of concrete with the treated RCA. The treatment of RCA led to a significant improvement of compressive strength of the concrete at later ages (i.e., at 28 and 56 days) when compared with the concrete using untreated RCA