17 research outputs found

    Study of Using Cassava Pulp to Produce Livestock Feed Pellet

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    In Vietnam, the cassava production capacity is about 10 million tons annually. Indeed, it eliminates approximate 4 million tons of cassava pulp from the cassava starch factories. This amount of cassava is usually dried to feed cattle or fertilizer. However, drying of cassava pulp has its disadvantages such as air pollution, difficult storage and transportation. This study has proposed and successfully tested a line of equipment used to produce pellets from the utilization of fresh cassava pulp bringing from cassava starch processing plants. The processing includes a mixing of fresh cassava pulp with dried cassava starch, pressing and drying of pellets. The experiment results show that when the mixing ratio between cassava starch and cassava residue is 1:10 – 1:5, the cassava pulp pellets after drying achieved the required technical specifications. Hence, it has high volume density, the dried specific weight of the pellets is about 700 kg / m3, the breaking strength of the pellets is greater than 2 kG, the tanning time of the pellets is greater than 116 minutes in water, the moisture content of the pellets is remained in 13% after drying in 5-5.5 hours

    Depression, anxiety, and stress among frontline health workers during the second wave of COVID-19 in southern Vietnam: a cross-sectional survey

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    Health workers around the world have taken on massive frontline roles in the fight against COVID-19, often under intense pressure and in the face of uncertainty. In this study, we determined the rates of depression, anxiety, stress and related factors among health workers in COVID-19 designated hospitals in southern Vietnam during the second wave of COVID-19. From July-September 2020, we collected self-administered surveys from 499 health workers in 14 hospitals that were designated for the care and treatment of patients with COVID-19. The survey included sections on demographics, co-morbid health conditions, symptoms experienced during patient care, a depression, anxiety and stress assessment (DASS-21), and other related factors. We used logistic regression models to identify factors associated with depression, anxiety and stress, and adjusted for confounding factors. 18%, 11.5%, 7.7% of participants had symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress, respectively with the majority at mild and moderate levels. The risk factors for increased mental health impact included long working hours, experiencing physical symptoms, fear of transmission to family, COVID-19 related stigma, and worry when watching media about COVID-19. Psychological counseling and training in infection prevention were protective factors that reduced the risk of mental health problems. Further exploration of the association between physical symptoms experienced by health workers and mental health may guide interventions to improve health outcomes. More routine COVID-19 testing among health workers could reduce anxieties about physical symptoms and alleviate the fear of transmitting COVID-19 to family and friends. Medical institutions need to ensure that health workers have access to basic trainings prior to initiation of work, and mental health support during the pandemic and into the future

    Pro-poor intervention strategies in irrigated agriculture in Asia: poverty in irrigated agriculture: issues and options: Vietnam

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    Irrigated farming / Poverty / Farm income / Irrigation management / Institutions / Legal aspects / Water rates / User charges / Participatory management / Privatization / Participatory rural appraisal / Performance indexes / Irrigation programs / Irrigation systems / Pumping / Irrigation canals / Social aspects / Economic aspects / Rivers / Hydrology / Dams / Households / Income / Regression analysis / Drainage / Cooperatives / Water delivery / Water distribution / Rice / Financing / Drought / Vietnam / Red River Delta / Nam Duong Irrigation System / Nam Thach Han Irrigation System / Han River

    Spatial distribution of elemental concentrations in street dust of Hanoi, Vietnam

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    Street dust samples were collected at 163 locations across four different zones of Hanoi, Vietnam, covering different traffic and population densities. Samples were sieved into three fractions of different particle sizes and analyzed for elemental concentrations (K, Ca, Mn, Fe, Zn, Pb) using an X-ray fluorescence (XRF) instrument. The metal concentrations in street dust were compared among different sampling zones and with samples from background to evaluate the degree of pollution. The smallest size particle fraction (diameter 180 μm). While concentrations of metals like Ca and Fe are spatially similar, concentrations of Pb and Zn in street dust varied between different zones, with the highest concentrations observed in dust from the downtown area, and lowest levels in the new suburb areas. Overall, compared to studies from cities in other countries, the mean concentration of Pb in street dust in Hanoi was relatively low, suggesting a lower risk to human health due to inhalation or ingestion of Pb-containing dust particles than in cities where Pb concentrations were several times higher

    The efficacy and tolerability of artemisinin-piperaquine (Artequick®) versus artesunate-amodiaquine (Coarsucam™) for the treatment of uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria in south-central Vietnam

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    Background: In Vietnam, the artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) of dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine is currently used for first-line treatment of uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria. However, limited efficacy and tolerability data are available on alternative forms of ACT in Vietnam in case there is a reduction in the susceptibility of dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine. A study was conducted to compare the efficacy and tolerability of two fixed-dose formulations of ACT, artemisinin-piperaquine (Artequick (R), ARPQ) and artesunate-amodiaquine (Coarsucam (TM), ASAQ) for the treatment of P. falciparum malaria in south-central Vietnam

    Susceptibility of Plasmodium falciparum to artemisinins and Plasmodium vivax to chloroquine in Phuoc Chien Commune, Ninh Thuan Province, south-central Vietnam

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    Abstract Background Reduced artemisinin susceptibility and artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT)-resistance against Plasmodium falciparum and chloroquine (CQ)-resistant P. vivax malaria has been reported in Vietnam. Two therapeutic efficacy studies were conducted in Thuan Bac District (Ninh Thuan Province, Vietnam) in 2015 and 2016 to determine the extent of reduced artemisinin susceptibility and ACT resistant falciparum malaria, and CQ-resistant vivax malaria were present. Methods Twenty-seven patients with falciparum malaria were randomized to receive artesunate alone (AS ~ 4 mg/kg/day) for 4 days followed by dihydroartemisinin (DHA) (2.2 mg/kg)–piperaquine (PPQ) (18 mg/kg) daily for 3 days or artemether (AM) (1.7 mg/kg)–lumefantrine (LUM) (12 mg/kg) twice daily for 3 days. Sixteen subjects with vivax malaria received CQ (total 25 mg/kg over 3 days). The therapeutic efficacy study for treating falciparum malaria was complemented with molecular analysis for artemisinin and piperaquine resistance, and in vitro drug susceptibility testing. Patient’s drug exposure following both falciparum and vivax treatment studies was determined. Results Twenty-five of 27 patients treated with the artemisinin regimens completed the 42-day follow-up period. None had parasites present on day 3 after commencing treatment with no incidence of recrudescence (100% curative rate). One patient on AS + DHA–PPQ was lost to follow-up and one patient had Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax infection on day 0 by PCR. Of the vivax patients, 15 of 16 completed CQ treatment and two had a recurrence of vivax malaria on day 28, a failure rate of 13.3% (2/15). No mutations in the Pfkelch-13 gene for artemisinin resistance or exo-E415G gene polymorphism and amplification in plasmepsins 2 and 3 for piperaquine resistance were observed. In vitro testing of patient’s falciparum parasites indicated susceptibility (low IC50 nM values) to dihydroartemisinin, lumefantrine, piperaquine and pyronaridine. Patient’s drug exposure to artesunate and lumefantrine was comparable to published data, however, blood CQ concentrations were lower. Conclusions Clinical findings, molecular analysis and in vitro testing revealed that the falciparum parasites at Phuoc Chien Commune were artemisinin susceptible. The clinical failure rate of the 15 vivax patients who completed CQ treatment was 13%. Further studies are required to determine whether CQ-resistant vivax malaria is present at the commune

    Elemental concentrations in roadside dust along two national highways in Northern Vietnam and the health-risk implication

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    There is a need to assess the risk of exposure to metals via roadside dust in Vietnam where many people live along the road/highways and are constantly exposed to roadside dust. In this study, we collected dust samples at 55 locations along two major Highways in north-east Vietnam, which passed through different land use areas. Samples were sieved into three different particle sizes and analyzed for concentrations of eight metals using a X-ray fluorescence instrument. The concentrations and environmental indices (EF, I ) of metals were used to evaluate the degree of pollution in the samples. Among different land uses, industrial areas could be highly polluted with heavy metals in roadside dust, followed by commerce and power plants. Additionally, the traffic density probably played an important role; higher concentrations were observed in samples from Highway No. 5 where traffic is several times higher than Highway No. 18. According to the risk assessment, Cr poses the highest noncarcinogenic risk even though the health hazard index values of assessed heavy metals in this study were within the acceptable range. Our assessment also found that the risk of exposure to heavy metals through roadside dust is much higher for children than for adults

    Spatiotemporal Variability of Hot Days in Association with the Large-Scale Atmospheric Drivers over Vietnam

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    The severe heatwaves and hot spells in Vietnam were observed more frequently in intensity and duration due to global warming and climate change impacts. The hot days and extreme summer events make the weather harsh and significantly affect human health and the environment. This study presents the spatiotemporal distribution of the number of hot days (NHDs) in Vietnam. The variability of NHD in seven climate subregions is also examined in association with the large-scale drivers. The European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) reanalysis version 5 (ERA5) data for the period 1981–2020 are used. Principal component analysis is also applied to the observed monthly NHD to obtain spatial patterns and time series. The results show that the NHD in the Highland and South subregions from March to May is linked with the subtropical high associated with decreased 500hPa-level vertical velocity (VV500). From May to June, the North and Central subregions seem related to deepening the Asiatic low and enhancement of southwest flows across the Indochina Peninsula. Finally, both increased southwest flows and decreased VV500 can partly contribute to the intensification of NHD in the North and Central subregions during July and August. The long trends of NHD are also examined. The results reveal that the increasing trends in NHD occur in most subregions, except for the Central Highland, and changing trends of NHD in June greatly contribute to the annual trend of NHD. Finally, the examinations with the El Niño-Southern Oscillation events show that NHD is significantly higher in El Niño events than in La Niña events in March and April for the Northwest, South Central, Central Highlands, and South, in May and June for all subregions, and in July and August for only the Red River Delta subregion. This suggests that ENSO can provide the potential for improving seasonal climate forecasts and mitigating natural disaster risks for the community

    Edible river fish-derived extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL)-producing Enterobacterales harboring transferable plasmids encoding blaCTX-M-15, blaCTX-M-27, and blaCTX-M-55

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    Transmission of extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL) genes has increased the global prevalence of ESBL-producing bacteria, especially in developing countries. Human infection with these bacteria may be food-mediated but has not been fully elucidated. Therefore, we aimed to examine ESBL-producing bacteria in edible river fish and elucidate their potential for horizontal gene transfer. A total of 173 ESBL-producing Enterobacterales were isolated (Escherichia coli [n = 87], Klebsiella pneumoniae [n = 52], Enterobacter cloacae complex [n = 18], Citrobacter freundii complex [n = 14], Atlantibacter hermannii [n = 1] and Serratia fonticola [n = 1]) from 56 of 80 fish intestinal contents sampled. Among the bacterial blaCTX-M genotypes, blaCTX-M-55 was the most predominant, followed by blaCTX-M-15, blaCTX-M-27, and blaCTX-M-65. Furthermore, we found that ESBL-producing Enterobacterales were able to transfer their blaCTX-M genes to E. coli. In summary, our results suggest that ESBL-producing Enterobacterales transfer blaCTX-M to indigenous gut E. coli in humans, following the consumption of contaminated fish