3,204 research outputs found

    The CSIRO Mk3L climate system model version 1.0 – Part 1: Description and evaluation

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    The CSIRO Mk3L climate system model is a coupled general circulation model, designed primarily for millennial-scale climate simulations and palaeoclimate research. Mk3L includes components which describe the atmosphere, ocean, sea ice and land surface, and combines computational efficiency with a stable and realistic control climatology. This paper describes the model physics and software, analyses the control climatology, and evaluates the ability of the model to simulate the modern climate. <br><br> Mk3L incorporates a spectral atmospheric general circulation model, a <i>z</i>-coordinate ocean general circulation model, a dynamic-thermodynamic sea ice model and a land surface scheme with static vegetation. The source code is highly portable, and has no dependence upon proprietary software. The model distribution is freely available to the research community. A 1000-yr climate simulation can be completed in around one-and-a-half months on a typical desktop computer, with greater throughput being possible on high-performance computing facilities. <br><br> Mk3L produces realistic simulations of the larger-scale features of the modern climate, although with some biases on the regional scale. The model also produces reasonable representations of the leading modes of internal climate variability in both the tropics and extratropics. The control state of the model exhibits a high degree of stability, with only a weak cooling trend on millennial timescales. Ongoing development work aims to improve the model climatology and transform Mk3L into a comprehensive earth system model

    Measurement of 30kW output from a W-band source constructed by additive manufacturing

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    Experimental results from the operation of an electron beam driven, mm-wave, vacuum electronic source are reported. The aim of this work is to create improved electron-beam-driven, vacuum electronic mm-wave and sub-THz sources by exploiting dispersion-engineering. Dispersion-engineered structures can be manufactured by several techniques and in this work additive manufacturing has proven to be quick, reliable and cost-effective

    Laser ablation loading of a surface-electrode ion trap

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    We demonstrate loading by laser ablation of 88^{88}Sr+^+ ions into a mm-scale surface-electrode ion trap. The laser used for ablation is a pulsed, frequency-tripled Nd:YAG with pulse energies of 1-10 mJ and durations of 3-5 ns. An additional laser is not required to photoionize the ablated material. The efficiency and lifetime of several candidate materials for the laser ablation target are characterized by measuring the trapped ion fluorescence signal for a number of consecutive loads. Additionally, laser ablation is used to load traps with a trap depth (40 meV) below where electron impact ionization loading is typically successful (≳\gtrsim 500 meV).Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Evidence-based robust optimization of pulsed laser orbital debris removal under epistemic uncertainty

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    An evidence-based robust optimization method for pulsed laser orbital debris removal (LODR) is presented. Epistemic type uncertainties due to limited knowledge are considered. The objective of the design optimization is set to minimize the debris lifetime while at the same time maximizing the corresponding belief value. The Dempster–Shafer theory of evidence (DST), which merges interval-based and probabilistic uncertainty modeling, is used to model and compute the uncertainty impacts. A Kriging based surrogate is used to reduce the cost due to the expensive numerical life prediction model. Effectiveness of the proposed method is illustrated by a set of benchmark problems. Based on the method, a numerical simulation of the removal of Iridium 33 with pulsed lasers is presented, and the most robust solutions with minimum lifetime under uncertainty are identified using the proposed method

    Low Pressure Negative Ion Drift Chamber for Dark Matter Search

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    Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) are an attractive candidate for the dark matter thought to make up the bulk of the mass of our universe. We explore here the possibility of using a low pressure negative ion drift chamber to search for WIMPs. The innovation of drifting ions, instead of electrons, allows the design of a detector with exceptional sensitivity to, background rejection from, and signature of WIMPs.Comment: 5 pages submitted to PR

    Periodic structure towards the terahertz region manufactured using high resolution 3D printing

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    Periodic structures used for high power millimetre and sub-millimetre sources that implement relativistic beam - wave interactions have historically involved the implantation of a dielectric layer around the inner wall of the interaction region or a periodic corrugated structure that serves to reduce the velocity of an internal electromagnetic wave. Moving towards the THz regime, the physical dimensions required to manufacture such a cavity become prohibitively difficult. Ongoing attempts to develop manufacturing processes that provide higher resolution have resulted in a number of viable techniques. Additive Manufacturing or 3D printing offers the possibility of producing components on this scale quickly and efficiently. Here 0.1, 0.4 and 1 THz periodic structures are realised using high resolution (16 micron) 3D printing technology

    Gaseous Dark Matter Detectors

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    Dark Matter detectors with directional sensitivity have the potential of yielding an unambiguous positive observation of WIMPs as well as discriminating between galactic Dark Matter halo models. In this article, we introduce the motivation for directional detectors, discuss the experimental techniques that make directional detection possible, and review the status of the experimental effort in this field.Comment: 19 pages, review on gaseous directional dark matter detectors submitted to New Journal of Physic
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