136 research outputs found

    On contact numbers in random rod packings

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    Random packings of non-spherical granular particles are simulated by combining mechanical contraction and molecular dynamics, to determine contact numbers as a function of density. Particle shapes are varied from spheres to thin rods. The observed contact numbers (and packing densities) agree well with experiments on granular packings. Contact numbers are also compared to caging numbers calculated for sphero-cylinders with arbitrary aspect-ratio. The caging number for rods arrested by uncorrelated point contacts asymptotes towards <γ> = 9 at high aspect ratio, strikingly close to the experimental contact number <C> ≈ 9.8 for thin rods. These and other findings confirm that thin-rod packings are dominated by local arrest in the form of truly random neighbor cages. The ideal packing law derived for random rod–rod contacts, supplemented with a calculation for the average contact number, explains both absolute value and aspect-ratio dependence of the packing density of randomly oriented thin rods

    Preparation and magnetisation of a silica-magnetite inverse ferrofluid

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    We introduce an ‘inverse ferrofluid’ comprising sterically stabilized, colloidal silica spheres and oleic acid stabilized magnetite particles. The preparation is described as well as magnetisation measurements which turns out to be a linear function of the silica volume fraction

    Two-dimensional Packing in Prolate Granular Materials

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    We investigate the two-dimensional packing of extremely prolate (aspect ratio α=L/D>10\alpha=L/D>10) granular materials, comparing experiments with Monte-Carlo simulations. The average packing fraction of particles with aspect ratio α=12\alpha=12 is 0.68±0.030.68\pm0.03. We quantify the orientational correlation of particles and find a correlation length of two particle lengths. The functional form of the decay of orientational correlation is the same in both experiments and simulations spanning three orders of magnitude in aspect ratio. This function decays over a distance of two particle lengths. It is possible to identify voids in the pile with sizes ranging over two orders of magnitude. The experimental void distribution function is a power law with exponent β=2.43±0.08-\beta=-2.43\pm0.08. Void distributions in simulated piles do not decay as a power law, but do show a broad tail. We extend the simulation to investigate the scaling at very large aspect ratios. A geometric argument predicts the pile number density to scale as α2\alpha^{-2}. Simulations do indeed scale this way, but particle alignment complicates the picture, and the actual number densities are quite a bit larger than predicted.Comment: 6 pages + 10 ps/eps figure

    Етнополітична партія як специфічний суб’єкт міжетнічних взаємин

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    Характер міжетнічних відносин зумовлений нерівністю прав і можливостей людей, які належать до різних етнічних спільнот, унаслідок чого між ними виникають конфлікти. У процесі їх врегулювання важлива роль покладається на політичні інститути (державу, партії, міжнародні організації), що мають гарантувати рівну участь етнічних суб’єктів у всіх сферах життєдіяльності соціуму. У статті зосереджено увагу на феномені етнополітичної партії, яка покликана забезпечувати політичне представництво конкретного народу-етносу в органах влади.The character of interethnic relationships is stipulated by inequality of rights and abilities of people that belong to different ethnic communities, which results in conflicts. Political institutions (the state, political parties, international organizations) are to play significant role in their settlement. They have to assure equal participation of ethnical entities in all areas of social life. In the article we focus on such phenomena as ethnopolitical party, which goal is to provide political representation of a given nation-ethnos in power institutions

    Dynamic density functional study of a driven colloidal particle in polymer solutions

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    The Dynamic Density Functional (DDF) theory and standard Brownian dynamics simulations (BDS) are used to study the drifting effects of a colloidal particle in a polymer solution, both for ideal and interacting polymers. The structure of the stationary density distributions and the total induced current are analyzed for different drifting rates. We find good agreement with the BDS, which gives support to the assumptions of the DDF theory. The qualitative aspect of the density distribution are discussed and compared to recent results for driven colloids in one-dimensional channels and to analytical expansions for the ideal solution limit

    Geometric origin of mechanical properties of granular materials

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    Some remarkable generic properties, related to isostaticity and potential energy minimization, of equilibrium configurations of assemblies of rigid, frictionless grains are studied. Isostaticity -the uniqueness of the forces, once the list of contacts is known- is established in a quite general context, and the important distinction between isostatic problems under given external loads and isostatic (rigid) structures is presented. Complete rigidity is only guaranteed, on stability grounds, in the case of spherical cohesionless grains. Otherwise, the network of contacts might deform elastically in response to load increments, even though grains are rigid. This sets an uuper bound on the contact coordination number. The approximation of small displacements (ASD) allows to draw analogies with other model systems studied in statistical mechanics, such as minimum paths on a lattice. It also entails the uniqueness of the equilibrium state (the list of contacts itself is geometrically determined) for cohesionless grains, and thus the absence of plastic dissipation. Plasticity and hysteresis are due to the lack of such uniqueness and may stem, apart from intergranular friction, from small, but finite, rearrangements, in which the system jumps between two distinct potential energy minima, or from bounded tensile contact forces. The response to load increments is discussed. On the basis of past numerical studies, we argue that, if the ASD is valid, the macroscopic displacement field is the solution to an elliptic boundary value problem (akin to the Stokes problem).Comment: RevTex, 40 pages, 26 figures. Close to published paper. Misprints and minor errors correcte

    Multifunctional Magnetic-fluorescent Nanocomposites for Biomedical Applications

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    Nanotechnology is a fast-growing area, involving the fabrication and use of nano-sized materials and devices. Various nanocomposite materials play a number of important roles in modern science and technology. Magnetic and fluorescent inorganic nanoparticles are of particular importance due to their broad range of potential applications. It is expected that the combination of magnetic and fluorescent properties in one nanocomposite would enable the engineering of unique multifunctional nanoscale devices, which could be manipulated using external magnetic fields. The aim of this review is to present an overview of bimodal “two-in-one” magnetic-fluorescent nanocomposite materials which combine both magnetic and fluorescent properties in one entity, in particular those with potential applications in biotechnology and nanomedicine. There is a great necessity for the development of these multifunctional nanocomposites, but there are some difficulties and challenges to overcome in their fabrication such as quenching of the fluorescent entity by the magnetic core. Fluorescent-magnetic nanocomposites include a variety of materials including silica-based, dye-functionalised magnetic nanoparticles and quantum dots-magnetic nanoparticle composites. The classification and main synthesis strategies, along with approaches for the fabrication of fluorescent-magnetic nanocomposites, are considered. The current and potential biomedical uses, including biological imaging, cell tracking, magnetic bioseparation, nanomedicine and bio- and chemo-sensoring, of magnetic-fluorescent nanocomposites are also discussed