746 research outputs found

    Application of computational systems biology to explore environmental toxicity hazards.

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    Background: Computer-based modeling is part of a new approach to predictive toxicology. Objectives: We investigated the usefulness of an integrated computational systems biology approach in a case study involving the isomers and metabolites of the pesticide dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) to ascertain their possible links to relevant adverse effects. Methods: We extracted chemical–protein association networks for each DDT isomer and its metabolites using ChemProt, a disease chemical biology database that includes both binding and gene expression data, and we explored protein–protein interactions using a human interactome network. To identify associated dysfunctions and diseases, we integrated protein–disease annotations into the protein complexes using the Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man database and the Comparative Toxicogenomics Database. Results: We found 175 human proteins linked to p,p'-DDT, and 187 to o,p'-DDT. Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (p,p'-DDE) was the metabolite with the highest number of links, with 52. We grouped proteins for each compound based on their disease annotations. Although the two data sources differed in linkage to diseases, integrated results predicted that most diseases were linked to the two DDT isomers. Asthma was uniquely linked with p,p'-DDT, and autism with o,p'-DDT. Several reproductive and neurobehavioral outcomes and cancer types were linked to all three compounds. Conclusions: Computer-based modeling relies on available information. Although differences in linkages to proteins may be due to incomplete data, our results appear meaningful and suggest that the parent DDT compounds may be responsible for more disease connections than the metabolites. The findings illustrate the potential use of computational approaches to toxicology

    Umbilical Cord Mercury Concentration as Biomarker of Prenatal Exposure to Methylmercury

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    Biomarkers are often applied to assess prenatal exposure to methylmercury in research and surveillance. In a prospective study in the Faroe Islands, the main exposure biomarkers were the mercury concentrations in cord blood and maternal hair obtained at parturition. We have now supplemented these exposure biomarkers with mercury analyses of umbilical cord tissue from 447 births. In particular, when expressed in relation to the dry weight of the tissue, the cord mercury concentration correlated very well with that in cord blood. Structural equation model analysis showed that these two biomarkers have average total imprecision of about 30%, which is much higher than the laboratory error. The imprecision of the dry-weight–based concentration was lower than that of the wet-weight–based parameter, and it was intermediate between those of the cord blood and the hair biomarkers. In agreement with this finding, regression analyses showed that the dry-weight cord mercury concentration was almost as good a predictor of methylmercury-associated neuropsychologic deficits at 7 years of age as was the cord-blood mercury concentration. Cord mercury analysis can therefore be used as a valid measure of prenatal methylmercury exposure, but appropriate adjustment for the imprecision should be considered

    La Conférence générale de l’UNESCO à Belgrade et la position de la Suisse. Quelques réfléxions.

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    Die 21. UNESCO-Generalkonferenz beschloss u.a. die Errichtung einer Neuen Internationalen Informations- und Kommunikations- ordnung (NIIO).Die Haltund der Schweiz entsprach der klassischen Haltung gegenüber den Medien. Ihre Bevorzugung konkreter Projekte entspricht der offiziellen Konzeption der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit. Der Mac Bride Bericht spricht aber von einer generellen Domination der Industrieländer im Bereich des Informationswesens. Das Schweizer Konzept verdeckt die Ungleichgewichte im Gegenwärtigen internationalen Informationssystem.Die Absichten des Mac Bride Berichts und der Mediendeklaration von Belgrad sind für den westlichen Verleger und Journalisten nicht zu akzeptieren. Sie zeigen den grossen Gegensatz zwischen einem liberalen Informationswesen un einer davon abweichenden Informationsauffassung. Die Schweiz wird eine Presse und Informationsfreiheit, die sie für sich geschaffen hat, international nicht in Frage stellen wollen. Wenn sich die Schweiz aber gegen die NIIO wehrt, so vor allem, weil sie die dominierende Position gefährdet sieht. Wenn die dritte Welt eine ausgewogenere NIIO fordert, sieht die Schweiz die Gefahr einer Staatskontrolle über die Information.Es stimmt zwar, dass, je zentralisierter eine Staatsmacht ist, desto kleiner ist der Spielraum der freien Presse. Man muss jedoch davon ausgehen, dass gerade die Entwicklungsländer oft nach diesem Modell organisiert sind. Unsere Sieht der Medien wäre international jener, welche in den Entwicklungsländern verherrscht, an zupassen. Die Schweiz ist aber nur bereit, Infrastrukturverbesserungen im Informationswesen vorzunehmen, nicht aber, die Spielregeln zu ändern