2 research outputs found

    18 Seconds to Key Exchange: Limitations of Supersingular Isogeny Diffie-Hellman on Embedded Devices

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    The quantum secure supersingular isogeny Diffie-Hellman (SIDH) key exchange is a promising candidate in NIST\u27s on-going post-quantum standardization process. The evaluation of various implementation characteristics is part of this standardization process, and includes the assessment of the applicability on constrained devices. When compared to other post-quantum algorithms, SIDH appears to be well-suited for the implementation on those constrained devices due to its small key sizes. On the other hand, SIDH is computationally complex, which presumably results in long computation times. Since there are no published results to test this assumption, we present speed-optimized implementations for two small microcontrollers and set a first benchmark that can be of relevance for the standardization process. We use state-of-the art field arithmetic algorithms and optimize them in assembly. However, an ephemeral key exchange still requires more than 18 seconds on a 32-bit Cortex-M4 and more than 11 minutes on a 16-bit MSP430. Those results show that even with an improvement by a factor of 4, SIDH is in-fact impractical for small embedded devices, regardless of further possible improvements in the implementation. On a positive note, we also analyzed the implementation security of SIDH and found that appropriate DPA countermeasures can be implemented with little overhead

    Fast FPGA Implementations of Diffie-Hellman on the Kummer Surface of a Genus-2 Curve

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    We present the first hardware implementations of Diffie-Hellman key exchange based on the Kummer surface of Gaudry and Schost’s genus-2 curve targeting a 128-bit security level. We describe a single-core architecture for lowlatency applications and a multi-core architecture for high-throughput applications. Synthesized on a Xilinx Zynq-7020 FPGA, our architectures perform a key exchange with lower latency and higher throughput than any other reported implementation using prime-field elliptic curves at the same security level. Our single-core architecture performs a scalar multiplication with a latency of 82 microseconds while our multicore architecture achieves a throughput of 91,226 scalar multiplications per second. When compared to similar implementations of Microsoft’s Fourℚ on the same FPGA, this translates to an improvement of 48% in latency and 40% in throughput for the single-core and multi-core architecture, respectively. Both our designs exhibit constant-time execution to thwart timing attacks, use the Montgomery ladder for improved resistance against SPA, and support a countermeasure against fault attacks