31 research outputs found

    Studies on some Australian pottiaceous mosses

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    Chionoloma bombayense (Müll. Hal.) P. Sollm. [syn. Pseudosymblepharis bombayensis (Müll. Hal.) P. Sollm.] and Syntrichia serrata (Dixon) R.H. Zander are reported new for Australia. Barbula hampeana Paris is identical with Barbula hornschuchiana Schultz. Pottia tasmanica Broth. and Pottia brevicaulis (Taylor) Müll. Hal. are considered new synonyms of Microbryum starkeanum (Hedw.) R.H. Zander. Comments on a nomen nudum, Tortula brachytheca Burchard, are given

    A taxonomic revision of Pseudosymblepharis Broth. (Musci: Pottiaceae) in Asia

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    In Asia, Pseudosymblepharis Broth., consists of only one species: Pseudosymblepharis bombayensis (C. Muell.) Sollman. Although the extremes in the collections (e.g. larger versus smaller plants) at first sight look distinct, intermediates were seen rather frequently. The more variable characters are discussed. Small-sized specimens of Pseudosymblepharis are distinguished from Trichostomum tenuirostre (Hook. & Tayl.) Lindb., Trichostomum brachydontium Br. and several other species. Twenty-three reductions to synonymy are proposed. Data on distribution and habitat are given

    Studies on some Asian species of the genus Leptodontium (Müll. Hal.) Hampe (Musci, Pottiaceae)

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    Leptodontium taiwanense Nog. is synonymous with Leptodontium aggregatum (Müll. Hal.) Kindb.; Leptodontium scaberrimum Broth. is synonymous with Leptodontium viticulosoides (P. Beauv.) Wijk & Margad. Bryoerythrophyllum yichunense C.H. Gao is the same as Leptodontium flexifolium (With.) Hampe in Lindb. A note on Leptodontium handelii Thér. is given. This taxon is identical with Leptodontium flexifolium (With.) Hampe

    Studies on some Australian pottiaceous mosses : including several nomina nuda

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    Barbula propingua C. Muell. is Tortula antarctica (Hampe) Wils. in Hook. f.; Barbula vesiculosa C. Muell. is Tortula papillosa Wils.; Tortula chlorotricha Broth. & Geheeb is Barbula crinita K. F. Schultz; Barbula chrysopus C. Muell. is Didymodon torquatus (Tayl.) Catcheside. Furthermore, comments are given on several nomina nuda

    Studies on Barbula consanguinea (Thw. & Mitt.) Jaeg. sensu Eddy : a pan-tropical species

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    Barbula consanguinea (Thw. & Mitt.) Jaeg. sensu Eddy is considered as a pan-tropical species. This taxon is reported new for several central African countries, the Arabian peninsula, and Middle America. This variable species is shortly discussed and compared with (most) related taxa. Hymenostylium crispulum Broth. & Par. and Barbula obscura Sull. (= Barbula wrightii Sauerb.) are considered as synonyms of Barbula consanguinea

    Not located type material of Pottiales described from Australia

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    Type material of several legitimately published taxa (Pottiales) described from Australia have not been located after a thorough search in major (relevant) herbaria. Comments on these taxa is given. Furthermore, not located nomina nuda are also listed

    Studies on type material of Bryoerythrophyllum yichunense C.H. Gao (Musci, Pottiaceae) from China

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    Type material of Bryoerythrophyllum yichunense C.H. Gao has been studied. It is considered as Leptodontium flexifolium (With.) Hampe in Lindb

    A new combination in Chionoloma Dix. (Musci, Pottiaceae)

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    After publication of the partial revision of Symblepharis Broth., Asian material (Sollman 2000), I came to realize that a new combination in Chionoloma Dix. is necessary; see especially mewnzel (1992)

    Studies on Barbula flavicans D.G. Long and related taxa

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    Barbula flavicans D.G. Long replaces Barbula consanguinea (Thwaites & Mitt.) A. Jaeger sensu Eddy. This is a variable species. The types of several mainly Asian taxa were studied. Fifteen taxa are proposed as new synonyms of Barbula flavicans. Barbula (?) anceps Cardot is Barbula arcuata Griff

    Studies on Barbula tenuirostris Brid. [replaces Barbula consanguinea (Thwaites & Mitt.) A. Jaeger sensu A. Eddy]

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    Twelve taxa are proposed as new synonyms of Barbula tenuirostris Brid. Two nomina nuda also belong here. Barbula tenuirostris is compared with the most closely related taxa in Asia. Barbula anceps Cardot is Barbula arcuata Griff. A lectotype is selected for Barbula scleromitra Besch