5 research outputs found

    Peran Beras Angkak dalam Mempercepat Penyembuhan Fraktur dengan Gangguan Vaskularisasi pada Rattus Novergicus

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    Beras angkak dapat meningkatkan proliferasi osteoblas dan efek anabolik massa tulang. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui efek beras angkak terhadap penyembuhan fraktur dengan gangguan vaskularisasi.Penelitian dibagi tiga tahap: pertama mengembangkan model fraktur pada diafisis tulang femur dengangangguan vaskularisasi. Tahap ke-2 menentukan inter dan intra-observer agreement skor Allen dan skorSalkeld modifikasi. Tahap ke-3 studi eksperimental dengan desain randomized post test only control group.Sebanyak 45 tikus jantan R.novergicus dibagi 3 kelompok lalu diberikan ekstrak angkak 25x10mg/gBB dan50x10mg/gBB. Kelompok kontrol berupa akuades. Pemeriksaan histopatologis minggu ke-8 tidak tampakpembentukan tulang rawan atau tulang. Skor Allen menunjukkan inter-observer dan intra-observer agreementyang baik (kappa 0,759 dan 0,746). Skor Salkeld modifikasi menunjukkan inter-observer dan intra-observeragreement yang buruk (kappa 0,493 dan 0,461). Uji regesi linier skor Salkeld modifikasi menunjukkankoefisien konstanta 0,643 (p<0,001) dan koefisien skor Allen 0,929 (p<0,001). Uji regresi linier skor Allendiperoleh koefisien konstanta -0,508 (p<0,001) dan koefisien skor Salkeld modifikasi 0,953 (p<0,001). Tidakada neovaskularisasi atau proliferasi jaringan fibrous pada RYR 25 dan RYR 50. Pada RYR 25 penyembuhanlebih baik dan pada RYR 50 terdapat pembentukan tulang rawan. Pemberian beras angkak mempercepatpenyembuhan fraktur dan dosis 50 mg/kgBB memberikan hasil lebih baik dibandingkan 25 mg/kgBB

    Regional and experiential differences in surgeon preference for the treatment of cervical facet injuries: a case study survey with the AO Spine Cervical Classification Validation Group

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    Purpose: The management of cervical facet dislocation injuries remains controversial. The main purpose of this investigation was to identify whether a surgeon’s geographic location or years in practice influences their preferred management of traumatic cervical facet dislocation injuries. Methods: A survey was sent to 272 AO Spine members across all geographic regions and with a variety of practice experience. The survey included clinical case scenarios of cervical facet dislocation injuries and asked responders to select preferences among various diagnostic and management options. Results: A total of 189 complete responses were received. Over 50% of responding surgeons in each region elected to initiate management of cervical facet dislocation injuries with an MRI, with 6 case exceptions. Overall, there was considerable agreement between American and European responders regarding management of these injuries, with only 3 cases exhibiting a significant difference. Additionally, results also exhibited considerable management agreement between those with ≤ 10 and > 10 years of practice experience, with only 2 case exceptions noted. Conclusion: More than half of responders, regardless of geographical location or practice experience, identified MRI as a screening imaging modality when managing cervical facet dislocation injuries, regardless of the status of the spinal cord and prior to any additional intervention. Additionally, a majority of surgeons would elect an anterior approach for the surgical management of these injuries. The study found overall agreement in management preferences of cervical facet dislocation injuries around the globe

    Prevalence and Associated Factors of Musculoskeletal Disorders among Young Dentists in Indonesia

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    Introduction: Musculoskeletal problems are often work related. Dentists have been reported to have a high prevalence of musculoskeletal problems. Dentists have to perform repetitive tasks, often in awkward and nonergonomic positions in their practice. Materials and Methods: This is a cross-sectional study. Five-hundred copies of Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire were distributed to dentists who participated in a congress of a regional branch of the Indonesian Dentist Association. Data such as sex, length of practice, the presence of assistance, smoking, occupational stress, body mass index, hand dominance, and exercise were collected. Dentist who had practised for more than five years were excluded. Results: Two hundred and forty-one respondents fulfilled the research criteria. Musculoskeletal symptoms occurred in 63.5% respondents. Fatigue and pain were the most common manifestations of musculoskeletal symptoms among dentists (36.5 and 24.9% respectively). Prolonged sitting was the most common aggravating factor (26.6%) while exercise successfully relieved symptoms in 35.3% of respondents. Neck, upper back and lower back were the most common sites involved with prevalence of 25.7, 22.4, and 20.7% respectively. Neck was also the most common site of the symptoms preventing normal work during the preceding 12 months (8.3%). Exercise and stress are associated with the presence of musculoskeletal symptoms (p=0.01 and p<0.01 respectively). Exercise is associated with fatigue (p<0.01) and click (p<0.01), stress is associated with pain (p=0.00), stiffness (p=0.00), fatigue (p<0.01), and discomfort (p<0.01). Conclusions: The prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders in young dentists is 63.5%. Neck is the most common affected region. Stress and exercise are the main associated factor for musculoskeletal problems in dentists