7 research outputs found

    Total reactivity to brain proteins and intensity of IgG reacting to band-0 as a function of plasma TNFα levels in children older than 1 year.

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    <p>A. Positive correlation between PCA factor 1 and TNFα concentrations in the CM group, indicated by dashed regression line. B. Positive correlation between unadjusted reactivity to band 0 and TNFα levels. C. High band-0 reactivity was observed most frequently in CM patients with TNFα levels above 100 pg/mL (indicated as high-TNFα in a separate group on the right). Horizontal bars indicate medians. Only children over the age of 1 year are shown.</p

    IgG immunoreactivity profiles from malaria patients.

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    <p>A. Example of reactivities of IgG from patients sera in the EUIC (3), UI (2), UM (2), SNCM (2) and CM (3) groups, respectively at day 0, day 7 and/or day 30 for each patient. B. Frequency of patients in each group recognizing ranges of 0–4, 5–8, 9–12 and more than 12 bands, respectively. 1: UI, 2: UM, 3: SNCM, 4: CM.</p

    PCA factor scores from unadjusted IgG immunoreactivity profiles.

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    <p>A. Groupwise distribution of factor 1 scores. B. Groupwise distribution of factor 2 scores. C. Frequency of patients in each group with above-average factor 1 scores. D. Frequency of patients in each group with above-average factor 2 scores.</p

    PCA factor loads.

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    <p>Relative contributions of reactivity bands to the first two PCA factors calculated on unadjusted profiles of IgG immunoreactivity to brain proteins separated by 10% SDS-PAGE. A. PCA factor 1. B. PCA factor 2. C. localisation of the band-0 on Western blot profile obtain after the computer analysis of membrane N°5. Bands are ordered from high to low molecular weight (between about 230 kDa and 20 kDa).</p

    Mass fingerprinting.

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    <p>Proteins from human brain extract were separated on a 10% acrylamide gel. After Coomassie staining, three bands corresponding to reactive bands detected by Western blot were cut and their protein contents analyzed by peptide mass fingerprinting as described in the <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0000389#s2" target="_blank">material and methods</a> section. Three independent experiments were carried out and conducted to identical protein identifications. Results in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0000389#pone-0000389-g005" target="_blank">figure 5</a> correspond to those obtain in one typical experiment.</p

    Properties of adjusted IgG anti-brain reactivity in terms of PCA factor 1 scores.

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    <p>A. Relationship to total plasma IgG concentration, and dissection into three subgroups : α (IgG<25 mg/ml; F1<0.5), β (IgG<25 mg/ml; F1>0.5), δ (IgG>25 mg/ml; F1<0.5). B. Frequencies of patients above one year of age in each group, over the three subgroups. C. Groupwise distribution of PCA factor-1 scores among patients older than one year, with horizontal bars indicating median values. The significance of the difference between patients with CM and with non cerebral clinical malaria (UM+SNCM) is indicated.</p