3,069 research outputs found


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    It is said that English speaking plays a crucial role in this modern society. Nowadays, more and more non-native English people have studied English speaking for a better future in working. However, this skill is a big challenge for those who want to master it, particularly for English-majored students. For this reason, the research is conducted to figure out some difficulties that first-year students have faced in English speaking. Accordingly, the participants of this research are English-majored freshmen coming from course 15 at Tay Do University. The questionnaire and the interview are the two main research instruments that are used to collect information. The findings could point out some difficulties in speaking experienced by English-majored freshmen at Tay Do University.  Article visualizations

    A Change Support Model for Distributed Collaborative Work

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    Distributed collaborative software development tends to make artifacts and decisions inconsistent and uncertain. We try to solve this problem by providing an information repository to reflect the state of works precisely, by managing the states of artifacts/products made through collaborative work, and the states of decisions made through communications. In this paper, we propose models and a tool to construct the artifact-related part of the information repository, and explain the way to use the repository to resolve inconsistencies caused by concurrent changes of artifacts. We first show the model and the tool to generate the dependency relationships among UML model elements as content of the information repository. Next, we present the model and the method to generate change support workflows from the information repository. These workflows give us the way to efficiently modify the change-related artifacts for each change request. Finally, we define inconsistency patterns that enable us to be aware of the possibility of inconsistency occurrences. By combining this mechanism with version control systems, we can make changes safely. Our models and tool are useful in the maintenance phase to perform changes safely and efficiently.Comment: 10 pages, 13 figures, 4 table

    A pilot study on the Vietnamese labour market and its social and economic context

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    "This paper presents a regional case study of the labour market and its surrounding of Vinh City in central Vietnam, based on surveys conducted in 1999 and 2005. By including the time dimension and surveying samples with over 6000 individuals respectively it is possible to identify precisely the changes that have taken place within six years. The results reflect an enormous development process. Incomes increased fast and many structural parameters of the economy adapted to the new institutional setting of a market economy. The absolute level of income and of the standard of living is still low, however. A key finding of the analyses is that vocational training is meeting with large demand in private enterprises and is therefore of considerable importance for Vietnam's development process. Another important finding is that educational investments pay more in private enterprises." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))Arbeitsmarktentwicklung, ökonomische Faktoren, soziale Faktoren, Einkommensentwicklung, Wirtschaftsstrukturwandel, Marktwirtschaft, Berufsausbildung, Bildungsinvestitionen, Bildungsertrag, Lebensstandard, regionaler Arbeitsmarkt, Stadt, Arbeitslosenquote, strukturelle Arbeitslosigkeit, Arbeitsmarktpolitik, Arbeitslosenversicherung, Armut, Privatwirtschaft, Vietnam

    Accommodating WTO rules of non-discrimination in domestic law : the case of Vietnam

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    University of Technology, Sydney. Faculty of Law.The WTO is the only global international organisation dealing with the regulation of trade liberalisation between countries. The WTO commits to support developing members to take advantage of trade liberalisation for their economic growth and national development. Given its significance, it is understandable and desirable that many developing countries have joined the WTO for their economic growth and national development. However, joining the WTO means that all members have to accept the WTO rules and implement them in their domestic law. This is a very complex task for developing members, especially for a transitional economy such as Vietnam, because of the large gaps in economic development and legal regime between developed and developing countries. In the case of Vietnam, with its communist political regime and unique circumstances, its accession to the WTO has significantly impacted all aspects of Vietnamese society. Vietnam made a concerted effort to integrate into the regional and international economy by its 1986 comprehensive reform, in which legal reform was central. In such reform, Vietnam had to adjust its legal system and trade regime to comply with WTO rules. In the circumstances of Vietnam ' s transitional economy, accommodating WTO non-discrimination rules in domestic law was the core matter of legal reform to ensure its adequate legal system and trade regime for trade liberalisation as required by the WTO. As a result of its constant efforts over 20 years of Reform, Vietnam was accepted as a full WTO member in late 2006. Legal reform has proved positive changes towards market economy in Vietnam's economic and legal system. However, determination is needed for still ongoing legal refom involving the very complex and strategically painstaking task of implementing non-discrimination rules to warrant that all economic sectors are treated equally before the law. This thesis will explore the level and extent of legal adjustments needed for Vietnam to meet ongoing requirements for WTO members. In the scope of its seven chapters, this thesis investigates the nature of the WTO's relationship with developing members; analyses its significance in the context of Vietnam; and identifies the driving factors behind the need for further reform. It also explores progress with accommodating of WTO non-discrimination rules in Vietnam, and existing hindrances in its domestic legal system which need to be overcome for its fuller integration into the global economy. Finally the thesis concludes with recommendations on means of improving the Vietnamese economic legal system and trade regime

    Agritourism - Sustainable Tourism Trend in Ben Tre Province, Vietnam

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    Tourism and agriculture represent two of the world's largest economic industries. The combination of these two areas is critical to maximize the contribution of local tourism and economic development. Agri-tourism is an increasingly popular form of the tourism industry and may be soon one of the largest tourism sectors in a number of countries. Agri-tourism is a suitable tool to balance the needs of tourists with the needs of rural communities, is a sustainable tourism trend that creates real opportunities for economic and social development and also minimizing undesirable impacts on the environment. Ben Tre with indigenous resources is very convenient to develop agricultural tourism. This will be a new livelihood option to both improve the rural economy and respond to the impacts of climate change on agriculture

    Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) : a case study of lecturers’ experiences of professional learning for Engineering and English Integrated Learning Program within Vietnamese higher education

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    This research explores Vietnamese lecturers’ experiences of professional learning for Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) programs (Engineering and English Integrated Learning) within Vietnamese Higher Education. These university lecturers were required to change their textbook-based English language programs to CLIL with an expectation from university management that curriculum changes and development would occur seamlessly without support or training. This research investigates and documents how these lecturers rose to the challenges set by these significant changes to their responsibilities; how they undertook professional learning; how they experienced and practiced their teaching in the newly developed CLIL programs, and which other factors may have influenced their practice (for example, cultural, linguistic, social factors) in the Vietnamese context. This research used a case study design focusing on a group of CLIL lecturers in one Vietnamese University. Data was collected from these participants through interviews, classroom observations and the analysis of curriculum documents they developed. This study used Vygotsky’s social cultural theory of learning and teaching to examine CLIL University teachers’ pedagogies and professional development, including how these may have been influenced by local language, culture and social activities. Mascolo’s person-environment coactive scaffolding theory, Lave and Wenger’s community of practice and Coyle’s Content, Cognition, Communication, Culture framework were applied as analytical tools for the data analysis. Findings of this study highlight the necessity for the development of CLIL-specific pedagogy and methodology, as well as programs of proper professional development for CLIL lecturers. CLIL or bilingual education cannot be seen as another version of foreign language teaching, requiring those language lecturers to teach another subject unfamiliar to them. If we want to successfully implement CLIL programs, we need to look at CLIL from a holistic pedagogical perspective and provide lecturers with training in both accepted standards of CLIL teaching and in the subject content. The study contributes to the existing body of knowledge in the field of CLIL, the impact of which has the potential to inform policy makers responsible for the professional development of future CLIL lecturers
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