86 research outputs found
Microscopic theory of photonic band gaps in optical lattices
We propose a microscopic model to describe the scattering of light by atoms
in optical lattices. The model is shown to efficiently capture Bragg
scattering, spontaneous emission and photonic band gaps. A connection to the
transfer matrix formalism is established in the limit of a one-dimensional
optical lattice, and we find the two theories to yield results in good
agreement. The advantage of the microscopic model is, however, that it suits
better for studies of finite-size and disorder effects.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure
Radiofrequency spectroscopy of Li p-wave molecules: towards photoemission spectroscopy of a p-wave superfluid
Understanding superfluidity with higher order partial waves is crucial for
the understanding of high- superconductivity. For the realization of a
superfluid with anisotropic order parameter, spin-polarized fermionic lithium
atoms with strong p-wave interaction are the most promising candidates to date.
We apply rf-spectroscopy techniques that do not suffer from severe final-state
effects \cite{Perali08} with the goal to perform photoemission spectroscopy on
a strongly interacting p-wave Fermi gas similar to that recently applied for
s-wave interactions \cite{Stewart08}. Radiofrequency spectra of both quasibound
p-wave molecules and free atoms in the vicinity of the p-wave Feshbach
resonance located at 159.15\,G \cite{Schunck05} are presented. The observed
relative tunings of the molecular and atomic signals in the spectra with
magnetic field confirm earlier measurements realized with direct rf-association
\cite{Fuchs08}. Furthermore, evidence of bound molecule production using
adiabatic ramps is shown. A scheme to observe anisotropic superfluid gaps, the
most direct proof of p-wave superfluidity, with 1d-optical lattices is
proposed.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure
Feshbach resonances in mixtures of ultracold Li and Rb gases
We report on the observation of two Feshbach resonances in collisions between
ultracold Li and Rb atoms in their respective hyperfine ground
states and . The resonances show up as trap losses
for the Li cloud induced by inelastic Li-Rb-Rb three-body collisions. The
magnetic field values where they occur represent important benchmarks for an
accurate determination of the interspecies interaction potentials. A broad
Feshbach resonance located at 1066.92 G opens interesting prospects for the
creation of ultracold heteronuclear molecules. We furthermore observe a strong
enhancement of the narrow p-wave Feshbach resonance in collisions of Li
atoms at 158.55 G in the presence of a dense Rb cloud. The effect of the
Rb cloud is to introduce Li-Li-Rb three-body collisions occurring at a
higher rate than Li-Li-Li collisions.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure
The Atomic Lighthouse Effect
We investigate the deflection of light by a cold atomic cloud when the
light-matter interaction is locally tuned via the Zeeman effect using magnetic
field gradients. This "lighthouse" effect is strongest in the single-scattering
regime, where deviation of the incident field is largest. For optically dense
samples, the deviation is reduced by collective effects, as the increase in
linewidth leads to a decrease of the magnetic field efficiency
Mirror-assisted coherent backscattering from the Mollow sidebands
In front of a mirror, the radiation of weakly driven large disordered clouds
presents an interference fringe in the backward direction, on top of an
incoherent background. Although strongly driven atoms usually present little
coherent scattering, we here show that the mirror-assisted version can produce
high contrast fringes, for arbitrarily high saturation parameters. The contrast
of the fringes oscillates with the Rabi frequency of the atomic transition and
the distance between the mirror and the atoms, due to the coherent interference
between the carrier and the Mollow sidebands of the saturated resonant
fluorescence spectrum emitted by the atoms. The setup thus represents a
powerful platform to study the spectral properties of ensembles of correlated
Mode-locked Bloch oscillations in a ring cavity
We present a new technique for stabilizing and monitoring Bloch oscillations
of ultracold atoms in an optical lattice under the action of a constant
external force. In the proposed scheme, the atoms also interact with a
unidirectionally pumped optical ring cavity whose one arm is collinear with the
optical lattice. For weak collective coupling, Bloch oscillations dominate over
the collective atomic recoil lasing instability and develop a synchronized
regime in which the atoms periodically exchange momentum with the cavity field.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure
Observation of Lasing Mediated by Collective Atomic Recoil
We observe the buildup of a frequency-shifted reverse light field in a
unidirectionally pumped high- optical ring cavity serving as a dipole trap
for cold atoms. This effect is enhanced and a steady state is reached, if via
an optical molasses an additional friction force is applied to the atoms. We
observe the displacement of the atoms accelerated by momentum transfer in the
backscattering process and interpret our observations in terms of the
collective atomic recoil laser. Numerical simulations are in good agreement
with the experimental results.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure
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