17 research outputs found

    Meiotic Recombination Intermediates Are Resolved with Minimal Crossover Formation during Return-to-Growth, an Analogue of the Mitotic Cell Cycle

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    Accurate segregation of homologous chromosomes of different parental origin (homologs) during the first division of meiosis (meiosis I) requires inter-homolog crossovers (COs). These are produced at the end of meiosis I prophase, when recombination intermediates that contain Holliday junctions (joint molecules, JMs) are resolved, predominantly as COs. JM resolution during the mitotic cell cycle is less well understood, mainly due to low levels of inter-homolog JMs. To compare JM resolution during meiosis and the mitotic cell cycle, we used a unique feature of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, return to growth (RTG), where cells undergoing meiosis can be returned to the mitotic cell cycle by a nutritional shift. By performing RTG with ndt80 mutants, which arrest in meiosis I prophase with high levels of interhomolog JMs, we could readily monitor JM resolution during the first cell division of RTG genetically and, for the first time, at the molecular level. In contrast to meiosis, where most JMs resolve as COs, most JMs were resolved during the first 1.5–2 hr after RTG without producing COs. Subsequent resolution of the remaining JMs produced COs, and this CO production required the Mus81/Mms4 structure-selective endonuclease. RTG in sgs1-ΔC795 mutants, which lack the helicase and Holliday junction-binding domains of this BLM homolog, led to a substantial delay in JM resolution; and subsequent JM resolution produced both COs and NCOs. Based on these findings, we suggest that most JMs are resolved during the mitotic cell cycle by dissolution, an Sgs1 helicase-dependent process that produces only NCOs. JMs that escape dissolution are mostly resolved by Mus81/Mms4-dependent cleavage that produces both COs and NCOs in a relatively unbiased manner. Thus, in contrast to meiosis, where JM resolution is heavily biased towards COs, JM resolution during RTG minimizes CO formation, thus maintaining genome integrity and minimizing loss of heterozygosity

    First observation of Hα redshifted emission in RR Lyr: Evidence of a supersonic infalling motion of the atmosphere

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    International audienceContext. The so-called Hα third emission occurs around pulsation phase ϕ = 0.30. It has been observed for the first time in 2011 in some RR Lyrae stars. The emission intensity is very weak, and its profile is a tiny persistent hump in the red side-line profile.Aims. We report the first observation of the Hα third emission in RR Lyr itself (HD 182989), the brightest RR Lyrae star in the sky.Methods. New spectra were collected in 2013−2014 with the AURELIE spectrograph (resolving power R = 22 700, T152, Observatoire de Haute-Provence, France) and in 2016−2017 with the eShel spectrograph (R = 11 000, T035, Observatoire de Chelles, France). In addition, observations obtained in 1997 with the ELODIE spectrograph (R = 42 000, T193, Observatoire de Haute-Provence, France) were reanalyzed.Results. The Hα third emission is clearly detected in the pulsation phase interval ϕ = 0.188−0.407, that is, during about 20% of the period. Its maximum flux with respect to the continuum is about 13%. The presence of this third emission and its strength both seem to depend only marginally on the Blazhko phase. The physical origin of the emission is probably due to the infalling motion of the highest atmospheric layers, which compresses and heats the gas that is located immediately above the rising shock wave. The infalling velocity of the hot compressed region is supersonic, almost 50 km s-1, while the shock velocity may be much lower in these pulsation phases.Conclusions. When the Hα third emission appears, the shock is certainly no longer radiative because its intensity is not sufficient to produce a blueshifted emission component within the Hα profile. At phase ϕ = 0.40, the shock wave is certainly close to its complete dissipation in the atmosphere