45 research outputs found

    Initial Risk Matrix, Home Resources, Ability Development and Children's Achievement

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    This paper investigates the development of basic cognitive, motor and noncognitive abilities from infancy to adolescence. We analyse the predictive power of these abilities, initial risk conditions and home resources for children's achievement. Our data are taken from the Mannheim Study of Children at Risk (MARS), an epidemiological cohort study, which follows the long-term outcome of early risk factors. Results indicate that differences in abilities increase during childhood, while there is a remarkable stability in the distribution of the economic and socio-emotional home resources during childhood. Initial risk conditions trigger a cumulative effect. Cognitive, motor and noncognitive abilities acquired during preschool age contribute to the prediction of children's achievement at school age. --Initial Conditions,Home Resources,Intelligence,Persistence,Social Competencies,School Achievement

    Initial Risk Matrix, Home Resources, Ability Development and Children's Achievement

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    This paper investigates the role of self-productivity and home resources in ability formation from infancy to adolescence. In addition, we study the complementarities between basic cognitive, motor and noncognitive abilities and social as well as academic achievement. Our data are taken from the Mannheim Study of Children at Risk (MARS), an epidemiological cohort study following the long-term outcome of early risk factors. Results indicate that initial risk conditions cumulate and that differences in basic abilities increase during development. Self-productivity rises in the developmental process and complementarities are evident. Noncognitive abilities promote cognitive abilities and social achievement. There is remarkable stability in the distribution of the economic and socio-emotional home resources during the early life cycle. This is presumably a major reason for the evolution of inequality in human development.school achievement, social competencies, persistence, intelligence, home resources, initial conditions

    Self-Productivity and Complementarities in Human Development: Evidence from MARS

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    This paper investigates the role of self-productivity and home resources in capability formation from infancy to adolescence. In addition, we study the complementarities between basic cognitive, motor and noncognitive abilities and social as well as academic achievement. Our data are taken from the Mannheim Study of Children at Risk (MARS), an epidemiological cohort study following the long-term outcome of early risk factors. Results indicate that initial risk conditions cumulate and that differences in basic abilities increase during development. Self-productivity rises in the developmental process and complementarities are evident. Noncognitive abilities promote cognitive abilities and social achievement. There is remarkable stability in the distribution of the economic and socio-emotional home resources during the early life cycle. This is presumably a major reason for the evolution of inequality in human development. --Initial Conditions,Intelligence,Persistence,Home Resources,Social Competencies,School Achievement

    Mutter-Kind-Interaktion im Säuglingsalter, Familienumgebung und Entwicklung früher kognitiver und nicht-kognitiver Fähigkeiten: Eine prospektive Studie

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    In der vorliegenden Studie wird anhand von Daten einer prospektiven Längsschnittstudie (Mannheimer Risikokinderstudie) untersucht, welchen Beitrag die Qualität der Mutter-Kind-Interaktion (MKI) im Säuglingsalter zur Vorhersage kognitiver (IQ) und nicht-kognitiver Fähigkeiten (Persistenz) bis zum Vorschulalter leistet. Dazu wird ein ökonometrisches Modell verwendet, das zusätzlich zu den durch Verhaltensbeobachtung gewonnenen MKI-Maßen die psychosoziale und organische Risikobelastung bei Geburt, die sozio-emotionale Familienumgebung und das Haushaltseinkommen enthält. Sowohl Merkmale der Mutter (Feinfühligkeit) als auch Merkmale des Kindes (Reaktivität) tragen bedeutsam zur Prognose des IQ und der Persistenz bei. Der Erklärungswert der Interaktionsvariablen wird durch die anderen Einflussfaktoren nur teilweise eingeschränkt. --Frühe Mutter-Kind-Interaktion,mütterliche Feinfühligkeit,Reaktivität des Kindes,Geburtsrisiken,psychosoziale Risiken,Intelligenzentwicklung,Familienumgebung

    Validation of an automated enzyme immunoassay for interleukin-6 for routine clinical use

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    Serum levels of Interleukin-6 (IL-6), a proinflammatory cytokine, are increased in early stages of inflammatory diseases such as infection and sepsis. Assay systems which permit its measurement within a few hours and as a single measurement have not been reported so far. We therefore evaluated a now commercially available automated method for IL-6 measurement on the Cobas Core(R) immunological analyzer (Roche Diagnostic Systems) which enables single IL-6 measurement within about 1 hour. The automated assay correlates well with an established, manual microtiter plate assay (Biosource GmbH) which uses the same antibodies and reagents (r=0.98). Accuracy of the automated method was established by adding known amounts of IL-6 international reference preparation. Recovery of the international standard was in the range of 92-104%. The automated assay had a precision of singletons below 6% and was linear up to 2800 pg/ml. This automated assay provides a suitable, convenient and time saving method for measurement of IL-6 serum levels in the routine clinical laboratory

    The radiation field in the Gamma Irradiation Facility GIF++ at CERN

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    The high-luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) upgrade is setting now a new challenge for particle detector technologies. The increase in luminosity will produce a particle background in the gas-based muon detectors that is ten times higher than under conditions at the LHC. The detailed knowledge of the detector performance in the presence of such a high background is crucial for an optimized design and efficient operation after the HL-LHC upgrade. A precise understanding of possible aging effects of detector materials and gases is of extreme importance. To cope with these challenging requirements, a new Gamma Irradiation Facility (GIF++) was designed and built at the CERN SPS North Area as successor of the Gamma Irradiation Facility (GIF) during the Long Shutdown 1 (LS1) period. It features an intense source of 662 keV photons with adjustable intensity, to simulate continuous background over large areas, and, combined with a high energy muon beam, to measure detector performance in the presence of the background. The new GIF++ facility has been operational since spring 2015. In addition to describing the facility and its infrastructure, the goal of this work is to provide an extensive characterization of the GIF++ photon field with different configurations of the absorption filters in both the upstream and downstream irradiation areas. Moreover, the measured results are benchmarked with Geant4 simulations to enhance the knowledge of the radiation field. The absorbed dose in air in the facility may reach up to 2.2 Gy/h directly in front of the irradiator. Of special interest is the low-energy photon component that develops due to the multiple scattering of photons within the irradiator and from the concrete walls of the bunker

    Initial risk matrix, home resources, ability development and children’s achievement

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    This paper investigates the development of basic cognitive, motor and noncognitive abilities from infancy to adolescence. We analyse the predictive power of these abilities, initial risk conditions and home resources for children’s achievement. Our data are taken from the Mannheim Study of Children at Risk (MARS), an epidemiological cohort study, which follows the long-term outcome of early risk factors. Results indicate that differences in abilities increase during childhood, while there is a remarkable stability in the distribution of the economic and socio-emotional home resources during childhood. Initial risk conditions trigger a cumulative effect. Cognitive, motor and noncognitive abilities acquired during preschool age contribute to the prediction of children’s achievement at school age

    Overcoming High Energy Backgrounds at Pulsed Spallation Sources

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    Instrument backgrounds at neutron scattering facilities directly affect the quality and the efficiency of the scientific measurements that users perform. Part of the background at pulsed spallation neutron sources is caused by, and time-correlated with, the emission of high energy particles when the proton beam strikes the spallation target. This prompt pulse ultimately produces a signal, which can be highly problematic for a subset of instruments and measurements due to the time-correlated properties, and different to that from reactor sources. Measurements of this background have been made at both SNS (ORNL, Oak Ridge, TN, USA) and SINQ (PSI, Villigen, Switzerland). The background levels were generally found to be low compared to natural background. However, very low intensities of high-energy particles have been found to be detrimental to instrument performance in some conditions. Given that instrument performance is typically characterised by S/N, improvements in backgrounds can both improve instrument performance whilst at the same time delivering significant cost savings. A systematic holistic approach is suggested in this contribution to increase the effectiveness of this. Instrument performance should subsequently benefit.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures. Proceedings of ICANS XXI (International Collaboration on Advanced Neutron Sources), Mito, Japan. 201

    Neutron Position Sensitive Detectors for the ESS

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    The European Spallation Source (ESS) in Lund, Sweden will become the world's leading neutron source for the study of materials. The instruments are being selected from conceptual proposals submitted by groups from around Europe. These instruments present numerous challenges for detector technology in the absence of the availability of Helium-3, which is the default choice for detectors for instruments built until today and due to the extreme rates expected across the ESS instrument suite. Additionally a new generation of source requires a new generation of detector technologies to fully exploit the opportunities that this source provides. The detectors will be sourced from partners across Europe through numerous in-kind arrangements; a process that is somewhat novel for the neutron scattering community. This contribution presents briefly the current status of detectors for the ESS, and outlines the timeline to completion. For a conjectured instrument suite based upon instruments recommended for construction, a recently updated snapshot of the current expected detector requirements is presented. A strategy outline as to how these requirements might be tackled by novel detector developments is shown. In terms of future developments for the neutron community, synergies should be sought with other disciples, as recognized by various recent initiatives in Europe, in the context of the fundamentally multi-disciplinary nature of detectors. This strategy has at its basis the in-kind and collaborative partnerships necessary to be able to produce optimally performant detectors that allow the ESS instruments to be world-leading. This foresees and encourages a high level of collaboration and interdependence at its core, and rather than each group being all-rounders in every technology, the further development of centres of excellence across Europe for particular technologies and niches.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure. Proceedings from the 23rd International Workshop on Vertex Detectors, 15-19 September 2014, Macha Lake, The Czech Republic. PoS(Vertex2014)02

    Self-productivity and complementarities in human development : evidence from MARS

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    This paper investigates the role of self-productivity and home resources in capability formation from infancy to adolescence. In addition, we study the complementarities between basic cognitive, motor and noncognitive abilities and social as well as academic achievement. Our data are taken from the Mannheim Study of Children at Risk (MARS), an epidemiological cohort study following the long-term outcome of early risk factors. Results indicate that initial risk conditions cumulate and that differences in basic abilities increase during development. Self-productivity rises in the developmental process and complementarities are evident. Noncognitive abilities promote cognitive abilities and social achievement. There is remarkable stability in the distribution of the economic and socio-emotional home resources during the early life cycle. This is presumably a major reason for the evolution of inequality in human development