5 research outputs found

    Differential Dynamic Signal Processing in Frog Vestibular Neurons

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    Vestibulo-ocular Signal Transformation in Frequency-Tuned Channels

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    International audienceSelf-generated locomotor activity is accompanied by head movements that cause retinal image displacements with a resultant degradation of visual information processing. To maintain visual acuity, retinal image drift must be counteracted by dynamic compensatory gaze adjustments that derive to a large extent from vestibulo-ocular reflexes (VOR). During head motion, vestibular signals code a wide frequency range from static head position to high acceleration profiles during rapid head turns. This large dynamic range suggests that the sensory-motor transformation occurs in parallel, yet complementary frequency-tuned pathways. In fact, the classic "three-neuronal" VOR pathway is composed of distinct functional subgroups of cells with different intrinsic properties and response dynamics at each synaptic level. This generates sets of neuronal filters that are ideal for particular frequency ranges and signaling patterns, respectively. In second-order vestibular subgroups, different filter functions, and hence a different synaptic processing is facilitated by a coadaptation of intrinsic membrane and emerging network properties. The consecutive assembly and sequential connectivity of pre- and postsynaptic neuronal elements with corresponding physiological properties, generates parallel pathways that allow for separate coding of different dynamic head-motion components during locomotor activity

    Differential inhibitory control of semicircular canal nerve afferent-evoked inputs in second-order vestibular neurons by glycinergic and GABAergic circuits.

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    Labyrinthine nerve-evoked monosynaptic excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) in second-order vestibular neurons (2 degrees VN) sum with disynaptic inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs) that originate from the thickest afferent fibers of the same nerve branch and are mediated by neurons in the ipsilateral vestibular nucleus. Pharmacological properties of the inhibition and the interaction with the afferent excitation were studied by recording monosynaptic responses of phasic and tonic 2 degrees VN in an isolated frog brain after electrical stimulation of individual semicircular canal nerves. Specific transmitter antagonists revealed glycine and GABA(A) receptor-mediated IPSPs with a disynaptic onset only in phasic but not in tonic 2 degrees VN. Compared with GABAergic IPSPs, glycinergic responses in phasic 2 degrees VN have larger amplitudes and a longer duration and reduce early and late components of the afferent nerve-evoked subthreshold activation and spike discharge. The difference in profile of the disynaptic glycinergic and GABAergic inhibition is compatible with the larger number of glycinergic as opposed to GABAergic terminal-like structures on 2 degrees VN. The increase in monosynaptic excitation after a block of the disynaptic inhibition in phasic 2 degrees VN is in part mediated by a N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor-activated component. Although inhibitory inputs were superimposed on monosynaptic EPSPs in tonic 2 degrees VN as well, the much longer latency of these IPSPs excludes a control by short-latency inhibitory feed-forward side-loops as observed in phasic 2 degrees VN. The differential synaptic organization of the inhibitory control of labyrinthine afferent signals in phasic and tonic 2 degrees VN is consistent with the different intrinsic signal processing modes of the two neuronal types and suggests a co-adaptation of intrinsic membrane properties and emerging network properties

    Differential intrinsic response dynamics determine synaptic signal processing in frog vestibular neurons.

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    Central vestibular neurons process head movement-related sensory signals over a wide dynamic range. In the isolated frog whole brain, second-order vestibular neurons were identified by monosynaptic responses after electrical stimulation of individual semicircular canal nerve branches. Neurons were classified as tonic or phasic vestibular neurons based on their different discharge patterns in response to positive current steps. With increasing frequency of sinusoidally modulated current injections, up to 100 Hz, there was a concomitant decrease in the impedance of tonic vestibular neurons. Subthreshold responses as well as spike discharge showed classical low-pass filter-like characteristics with corner frequencies ranging from 5 to 20 Hz. In contrast, the impedance of phasic vestibular neurons was relatively constant over a wider range of frequencies or showed a resonance at approximately 40 Hz. Above spike threshold, single spikes of phasic neurons were synchronized with the sinusoidal stimulation between approximately 20 and 50 Hz, thus showing characteristic bandpass filter-like properties. Both the subthreshold resonance and bandpass filter-like discharge pattern depend on the activation of an I(D) potassium conductance. External current or synaptic stimulation that produced impedance increases (i.e., depolarization in tonic or hyperpolarization in phasic neurons) had opposite and complementary effects on the responses of the two types of neurons. Thus, membrane depolarization by current steps or repetitive synaptic excitation amplified synaptic inputs in tonic vestibular neurons and reduced them in phasic neurons. These differential, opposite membrane response properties render the two neuronal types particularly suitable for either integration (tonic neurons) or signal detection (phasic neurons), respectively, and dampens variations of the resting membrane potential in the latter