9 research outputs found

    Prof. dr Pavao Sokolić

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    [Pathophysiologische betrachtungen uber das problem der Herdinfektion in der Zahnheilkunde]

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    U radu je opisan patofiziološki mehanizam djelovanja fokalnog žarišta, kao izvor vrlo različitih, ali i vrlo potentnih toksičnih supstancija, koje djeluju na organizam: neuroreflektorno, humoralno toksički, disciklički perturbacijski, imunološki dizregulatorno, infektološki bakterijemički. Tako se stvara podloga za gubitak fiziološkog funkcionalno-dinamičkog ekvilibrija. Upada se u patogeno kondicioniranje i stvaraju se uvjeti za razvoj patološkog procesa.The author describes the pathophysiologic mechanism of a focal infection as a source of various toxical substances affecting the human body. Their action prepares the ground for a loss of the physiologic equilibrium and creates conditions for the development of a pathologic process.In der Arbeit ist der pathophysiologische Wirkungsmechanismus der Herdinfektion als Quelle sehr verschiedenartiger und sehr potenter toxischer Substanzen beschrieben. Die Auswirkung auf den Organismus geht entweder neuroreflektorisch oder humoraltoxisch, oder dyszyklisch-perturbatorisch, oder immunologisch — dysregulatorisch, oder infektiös-bakteriämisch, vor sich. Solcherart werden die Grundlagen für den Verlust des physiologischen, funktionell-dynamischen Gleichgewichts und günstige Bedingungen für die Entwicklung des pathologischen Prozesses, geschaffen

    Beitrag zur Erforschung der pathophysiologischen Grundlagen des Schmerzes im Bereich des stomatognathen Systems

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    Autor opisuje današnje naziranje o zbivanjima u humoralnom mediju oko algestetičkih receptora, pri narušavanju fiziološkog integriteta te pojave biološkog fenomena boli. Posebno naglašava, da je za veliku šarolikost kliničkog ispoljavanja boli na području stomatologije odgovoran anatomsko-neurološki status tog područja, tj. mnogostruko ukrštavanje i povezivanje živčanih struktura te regije.The author describes the present day view on processes in the medium surrounding algestetic receptors wich are triggered off when the physiological integrity is disturbed and the biological phenomenon of pain is elicited. The author emphasizes the great variety of neurological inner symptomatology in presentation of the sensation of pain in the area innervated by the nervi trigemini as the result of multiple intermingling of nerve fibres in stomatological regions.Der Autor bringt die heutigen Anschaungen über Prozesse die sich im Medium um algaesthe- tische Rezeptoren abspielen, vor, wenn die physiologische Integrität zerstört ist und sich der Schmerz als biologisches Phänomen meldet. Die grosse Verschiedenheit der neurologischen Symptomathologie des Schmerzgefühls im Gebiet des Trigeminus, führt der Autor auf vielfache Kreuzungen der Nervenfasern im Bereiche der stonatognatischen Regionen zurück

    The role of a dentist in the prevention of microbial endocarditis

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    Prema kliničkim istraživanjima incidencija mikrobnog ednokarditisa je sve veća. Dok je prije upotrebe antibiotika kao uzročnik prevalirao Streptococcus viridans, danas se kao uzročnici sve češće pojavljuju stafilokoki, gram negativne bakterije, gljivice i virusi. Kako je populacija sve starija, tako su i regresivno degenerativne promjene na pojedinim sistemima sve izraženije. Uz to se pojedini pacijenti s hereditarnim i stečenim bolestima srca sve bolje medicinski opskrbljeni, a životni vijek je produžen. Primjena medicinskih pomagala u dijagnostici i terapiji je sve veća. Svi ovi spomenuti momenti postaju danas značajan činilac u etiologiji i patogenezi mikrobnog endokarditisa.According to clinical studies performed, the incidence of microbial endocarditis is on an increase. Prior to the introduction of antibiotics, Streptococcus viridans was the prevailing cause of microbial endocarditis, whereas now staphylococci, gram-negative bacteria, fungi and viruses ever more frequently appear as causes of this derangement. With growing age of the population, the regressive-degenerative alterations in particular systems also become more marked. Besides this, some patients with hereditary and acquired heart diseases have better medical equipment and life expectancy has been prolonged. The use of medical facilities in both diagnostics and therapy is also on an increase. All these mentioned above have become important factors in the etiology and pathogenesis of microbial endocarditis

    Prof. dr Pavao Sokolić

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    Recent views on the formation of pain and review of the theory control pain signals

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    U radu su prikazane i novije spoznaje o nastanku boli s posebnim osvrtom na teoriju boli pod nazivom »Teorija kontrole ulaza«.New aspects of pain origin and the concept of gate control theory. New aspects lof pain origin with special regard upon the new pain theory gate control theory are presented

    Morfometrijsko istraživanje zaušne žlijezde štakora nakon orhidektomije.

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    In this study the reaction of the rat parotid acini, duct system and the glandular connective tissue was analysed at various times after orchiectomy. Mature Fisher rats were sacrificed at 12 hours and at 3, 8, 15, 30 and 60 days after orchiectomy. Following the removal of parotid glands, histological sections were made and stereologically analysed by Weibel\u27s multipurpose test system. When compared to controls, the volume of the parotid acini (per mm3 of the tissue) in orchiectomized rats was significantly decreased, whereas the volume of the connective tissue (per mm3 of the tissue) was significantly increased from day 8 to day 60 of the experiment. The significantly lower volume of the ductal system (per mm3 of the tissue) was noted only 60 days after orchiectomy. The statistically significant shortening of the intralobular ducts (per mm3 of the tissue) was found from day 8 to day 60 after the operation. Interlobular ducts were significantly shorter from day 8 to day 15 after orchiectomy. The shortening of the rat parotid duct system and the changes of the parotid acini and the connective tissue after orchiectomy may be provoked by a lack of testosterone or some other substance which depends on androgens, such as epidermal growth factor (EGF).Tijekom ovog istraživanja proučavana je struktura acinusa, kanalnog sustava i veziva zaušne žlijezde štakora nakon različitih razdoblja po odstranjenju muške spolne žlijezde (orhidektomije). Zreli štakori soja Fisher usmrćeni su 12 sati te 3, 8, 15, 30 i 60 dana poslije orhidektomije. Nakon odstranjenja zaušnih žlijezdi, histološki rezovi su stereološki analizirani pomoću Weibel-ove mnogonamjeneske testne mrežice. U usporedbi s kontrolom, volumen acinusa zaušne žlijezde (u mm3 tkiva) orhidektomiranih štakora bio je značajno snižen, dok je volumen vezivnog tkiva (u mm3 tkiva) bio značajno povećan od 8-og pa sve do 60-og dana pokusa. Značajno smanjenje volumena kanalnog sustava (u mm3 tkiva) moglo se otkriti tek 60 dana nakon orhidektomije. Morfometrijska analiza također je pokazala da dolazi do značajnog skraćenja intralobularnog kanalnog sustava (u mm3 tkiva) u razdoblju od 8-og do 60-og dana nakon operacije. Skraćenje interlobularnih kanala moglo se zabilježiti u orhidektomiranih štakora usmrćenih samo 8-og i 15-og dana pokusa. Ovo skraćenje kanalnog sustava kao i promjene na acinusima i vezivnom tkivu zaušne žlijezde štakora mogli bi biti uzrokovani nedostatkom testosterona ili neke druge tvari koja je ovisna o androgenima, kao npr. epidermalnog čimbenika rasta (EGF)

    Schwermetalle und Biologishe systeme mit besonderer Berucksichigung des Quecksilbers

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    U radu su ukratko opisani djelovanje teških metala na biološke sustave, opasnost nekontrolirane primjene radi kontaminacije okoliša, kao i mogućnost intoksikacije humane populacije kadmijem, olovom i živom. Dat je nešto opširniji prikaz metabolizma žive i njezinih spojeva u organizmu, primjene žive u stomatologiji, a navedene su i opasnosti od eventualne intoksikacije. Isto tako, izneseni su eksperimentalni rezultati, dobiveni djelovanjem živinog biklorida na strukturu poliribosoma stanica bubrega miša, kao i patološka slika djelovanja istoga spoja na tkivo bubrega miša, u vremenu od jednog sata, nakon interaperitonealno aplicirane doze.The paper gives a short description of the effects of heavy metals on biological systems pointing at the risks of environmental contamination due to uncontrolled application and to possible intoxication of human population by cadmium, lead and mercury. The metabolism of mercury and its compounds in the organism, its application in dentistry and possible risks of poisoning are discussed in more details. The experimental results obtained by the effect of mercuric chloride on the polyribosome structure of the renal cells in mice are also presented along with the pathohistological picture of the effect of same compound on the renal tissue of hte mouse observed one hour after an intraperitoneally administered dose.In dieser Arbeit wird die Wirkung der Schwermetalle auf biologische Systeme, die Gefahr der unkontrollierten Anwendung inbezug auf die Verschmutzung der Umwelt, und die Möglichkeit der Vergiftung der humanen Population mit Kadmium, Blei und Quecksilber, vorgebracht. Etwas ausführlicher wird der Metabolismus des Quecksilbers uns seiner Verbindung im Organismus, die Verwendung des Quecksilbers in der Stomatologie, und die Gefahr einer eventuellen Vergiftung, dargestellt. Uusserdem werden die experimentallen Resultate über die Auswirkung des Quecksilberbichlorids auf die Struktur der Nierenzellen-PoHribosomen von Mäusen, sowie das pathohistologische Bild der Wirkung derselben Substanzen auf das Nierengewebe von Mausen, eine Stunde nach der intraperitonealen Verabreichung, beschrieben

    Die Bedeutung der stomatologie in der medizinischen begutachtung des Organismus

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    Autori su u radu nizom primjera ilustrirali da posebna specifična funkcionalna organizacija struktura usne šupljine daje podlogu za razvoj naročitih oblika kroničnih procesa, s dobivanjem značenja patoloških žarišta — fokusa, koji podloženi neprekidnoj, neophodnoj funkciji tih struktura pri neprekidnom otvorenom kontaktu s okolinom, podliježu povremenim atakama, koje ne samo onemogućuju njihovo mirno saniranje, nego i izazivaju kronične alteracije i egzacerbacije.Autori su isto tako ukazali, da određena patološka stanja drugih dijelova organizma mogu fungirati kao biološki faktori oboljenja struktura usne šupljine.The authors illustrate by a number of examples that a specific functional organisation of the structures in the oral cavity offers a basis for the development of special forms of chronic processes which may develop into pathological foci and these being continually in open contact with the environment are exposed to occasional attacks which not only prevent uninterrupted treatment but also cause chronic changes and exacerbations. According to the authors certain pathological conditions of other parts of the organism may act as biological factors responsible for diseases of the structures in the oral cavity.An Hand von vielen Beispielen wurde gezeigt dass die spezifische Organisation der Gewebe der Mundhöhle die Entwicklung von chronischen Prozessen mit der Bedeutung von pathologischen Herden fördert. Infolge ständiger unvermeidlicher Funktion dieser Gewebe und bei offenem Kontakt mit der Mundhöhle sind sie zeitweilig Stressen ausgesetzt, welche ihre Sanation nicht nur verhindern sondern Alterationen und Exazerbationen hervorrufen. Ausserdem wird darauf hingewiesen dass gewisse pathologische Zustande an anderen Geweben des Organismus als biologische Ursachen von Erkrankungen der Mund\u27höhlengewebe fungieren können