29 research outputs found

    Simulation of electromagnetic field distribution in the measuring cell for determining the dielectric permittivity of materials at microwave frequencies

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    To determine the dielectric permittivity of materials in a wide frequency range with the automation of measurements and the necessary accuracy, measuring cells have been created to ensure the simplicity of the design of the waveguide path. In order to obtain information about the suitability of measuring cells based on irregular SHF waveguides for estimation of dielectric parameters of materials, we simulated the structure of electromagnetic field in the system consisting of two irregular waveguides and waveguide chamber placed between them using a three-dimensional electrodynamic simulation in Ansoft HFSS package environment. The distribution of the electric field was simulated when an empty polyethylene tube, a rod of fluoroplastic and a rod of textolite are placed in the measuring cell. It was demonstrated that high order modes fade out in irregular waveguide and do not affect the precision of obtained results, and significant edge effects were not detected. It allows one to utilize measuring cells based on irregular waveguides together with a scalar or vector network analyzer and using the partial filling of the waveguide method or the modified Nicholson – Ross – Weir method for measurements of dielectric permittivity of materials. The results of modeling the dependence of the amplitude and phase of the reflection coefficient of the textolite and fluoroplastic on the frequency in Ansoft HFSS environment are given. The simulation results are compared with the results obtained experimentally. The frequency dependencies of were obtained experimentally for test materials – textolite and fluoroplastic – in the frequency range of 25,95–37,50 GHz. The experimental data are in satisfactory agreement with the results of theoretical calculations and do not go beyond the boundaries specified by the measurement uncertainty.To determine the dielectric permittivity of materials in a wide frequency range with the automation of measurements and the necessary accuracy, measuring cells have been created to ensure the simplicity of the design of the waveguide path. In order to obtain information about the suitability of measuring cells based on irregular SHF waveguides for estimation of dielectric parameters of materials, we simulated the structure of electromagnetic field in the system consisting of two irregular waveguides and waveguide chamber placed between them using a three-dimensional electrodynamic simulation in Ansoft HFSS package environment. The distribution of the electric field was simulated when an empty polyethylene tube, a rod of fluoroplastic and a rod of textolite are placed in the measuring cell. It was demonstrated that high order modes fade out in irregular waveguide and do not affect the precision of obtained results, and significant edge effects were not detected. It allows one to utilize measuring cells based on irregular waveguides together with a scalar or vector network analyzer and using the partial filling of the waveguide method or the modified Nicholson – Ross – Weir method for measurements of dielectric permittivity of materials. The results of modeling the dependence of the amplitude and phase of the reflection coefficient of the textolite and fluoroplastic on the frequency in Ansoft HFSS environment are given. The simulation results are compared with the results obtained experimentally. The frequency dependencies of were obtained experimentally for test materials – textolite and fluoroplastic – in the frequency range of 25,95–37,50 GHz. The experimental data are in satisfactory agreement with the results of theoretical calculations and do not go beyond the boundaries specified by the measurement uncertainty

    Study of Radio Absorbing Properties of Layered Oxide and Carbon Containing Composite Materials

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    The regularities of changing of the values of electromagnetic radiation absorption coefficient of layered oxide and carbon containing composite materials and electromagnetic radiation absorption losses, provided by these ones, depending on this radiation frequency values, varying in the range from 0.7 to 142.8 GHz, have been established. The results of the experimental substantiation of the technique for such materials manufacturing have been presented by the authors in earlier published scientific papers. Based on the established regularities, it was determined that layered oxide and carbon containing composite materials absorb the energy of electromagnetic radiation, interacting with them, to the greatest extent if the frequency value of this radiation varies from 16.7 to 26.0 GHz and from 54.0 to 78.0 GHz. It was defined, that the studied materials are suitable for use to ensure the high accuracy and electromagnetic compatibility of microwave measuring equipment

    Development and study of multilayer electromagnetic radiation shields based on powdered oxide-containing materials

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    The electromagnetic shields in the form of two-layer structures, the surface layer of which was the composite material with filler based on powdered titanium dioxide, and the inner one was the composite material with filler based on iron oxide, have been developed. The electromagnetic radiation reflection and transmission characteristics of the developed shields have been studied in the frequency range 0.7-142.8 GHz depending on the content of their inner layers. It has been found that electromagnetic radiation reflection and transmission coefficient values in the frequency range 0.7-142.8 GHz of the developed shields are –4.0…–27.0 dB and –10.0…–40.0 dB respectively. It has been experimentally proved that by impregnating by the calcium chloride aqueous solution of the powdered material that is part of the inner layer of such shields, it is possible to reduce by 5.0...45.0 dB of their electromagnetic radiation transmission coefficient values in the frequency range 2.0...26.0 GHz

    Free space method using a vector network analyzer to determine the dielectric permittivity of materials in microwave range

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    Предложен модифицированный метод свободного пространства с использованием векторного анализатора цепей. Разработан алгоритм определения диэлектрической проницаемости. Приведены результаты измерений амплитуды и фазы коэффициента отражения и коэффициента передачи для текстолита и воды. Получена зависимость диэлектрической проницаемости текстолита от частоты в диапазоне 78,33–105,0 ГГц


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    The waveguide method for determining the dielectric constant of materials was considered with using a panorama meter of the reflection and transmission coefficients. The influence of the waveguide channel’s parameters (linear dimensions, the reflection coefficients of materials) on the accuracy of the permittivity in the microwave range was assessed.Рассмотрен волноводный метод определения диэлектрической проницаемости материалов с использованием панорамного измерителя коэффициента отражения и передачи. Проведена оценка влияния параметров волноводного тракта (линейных размеров, коэффициентов отражения материалов) на точность измерений диэлектрической проницаемости в СВЧ диапазоне


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    Modified free space method using a vector network analyzer is proposed. The algorithm for determining the dielectric constant is developed. The results of measurements of the amplitude and phase of the reflection coefficient and transmission coefficient for textolite and water are given. Dependence of the dielectric constant of textolite on the frequency in the range 78,33–105,0 GHz is received.Предложен модифицированный метод свободного пространства с использованием векторного анализатора цепей. Разработан алгоритм определения диэлектрической проницаемости. Приведены результаты измерений амплитуды и фазы коэффициента отражения  и коэффициента передачи для текстолита и воды. Получена зависимость диэлектрической проницаемости текстолита от частоты в диапазоне 78,33–105,0 ГГц


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    It's considered the way in which the method of a cylindrical rod together with a vector network analyzer is used to determine the dielectric constant. The algorithm for determining the dielectric constant is developed. Dependences of the dielectric constant of textolite and fluoroplastic on the frequency in the range 25.95–37.5 GHz are investigated.Рассмотрен способ, в котором для определения диэлектрической проницаемости используется метод цилиндрического стерженька совместно с векторным анализатором цепей. Разработан алгоритм определения диэлектрической проницаемости. Исследованы зависимости диэлектрической проницаемости текстолита и фторопласта от частоты в диапазоне 25,95–37,5 ГГц

    Estimation of S-parameters and dielectric permittivity of quartz ceramics samples in millimeter waveband

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    Для определения комплексных параметров и диэлектрической проницаемости керамических материалов в диапазоне 78,33–118,1 ГГц применен модифицированный метод Николсона – Росса – Вейра. Измерительная установка представляет собой измеритель комплексных коэффициентов отражения и передачи, волноводный измерительный тракт со специальной измерительной ячейкой, состоящей из двух нерегулярных волноводов и волноводной камеры между ними, обеспечивающей незначительное влияние мод высших порядков. Экспериментально получены зависимости амплитуды и фазы коэффициента отражения и передачи от частоты для фторопласта и трех керамических образцов в диапазоне частот 78,33–118,1 ГГц. Полученные S-параметры обрабатываются по алгоритму, включающему их усреднение на основе преобразования Фурье, с целью получения значений диэлектрической проницаемости. Фторопласт был использован в качестве эталонного материала с известной диэлектрической проницаемостью. Диэлектрическая проницаемость фторопласта имеет стабильное значение 2,1 в вышеуказаннном диапазоне частот. Диэлектрическая проницаемость образца № 1 варьируется от 3,6 до 2,5 на границах диапазона, образца № 2 – от 3,7 до 2,1, образца № 3 – от 2,9 до 1,5. Данные эксперимента находятся в удовлетворительном согласии с литературными данными для других частот с учетом границ, заданных неопределенностью измерений.A modified Nicholson – Ross – Weir method was used to determine complex parameters and dielectric permittivity of ceramic materials in the range 78.33–118.1 GHz. The measuring equipment is a meter of complex reflection and transmission coefficients, a waveguide measuring canal with a special measuring cell, consisting of two irregular waveguides and a waveguide chamber between them, which provides insignificant influence of higher-order modes. The dependences of the amplitude and phase of the reflection and transmission coefficients on frequency were obtained experimentally for fluoroplastic and three ceramic samples in the frequency range 78.33–118.1 GHz. The obtained S-parameters are processed according to an algorithm that includes their averaging based on the Fourier transform in order to obtain the values of the dielectric permittivity. Fluoroplastic was used as a reference material with a known dielectric constant. The dielectric constant of fluoroplastic has a stable value of 2.1 in the above mentioned frequency range. The dielectric constant of sample No. 1 varies from 3.6 to 2.5 at the boundaries of the range, sample No. 2 – from 3.7 to 2.1, sample No. 3 – from 2.9 to 1.5. The experimental data are in satisfactory agreement with the literature data for other frequencies taking into account the limits set by the measurement uncertainty

    Определение S-параметров и диэлектрической проницаемости образцов кварцевой керамики в миллиметровом диапазоне длин волн

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    A modified Nicholson – Ross – Weir method was used to determine complex parameters and dielectric permittivity of ceramic materials in the range 78.33–118.1 GHz. The measuring equipment is a meter of complex reflection and transmission coefficients, a waveguide measuring canal with a special measuring cell, consisting of two irregular waveguides and a waveguide chamber between them, which provides insignificant influence of higher-order modes. The dependences of the amplitude and phase of the reflection and transmission coefficients on frequency were obtained experimentally for fluoroplastic and three ceramic samples in the frequency range 78.33–118.1 GHz. The obtained S-parameters are processed according to an algorithm that includes their averaging based on the Fourier transform in order to obtain the values of the dielectric permittivity. Fluoroplastic was used as a reference material with a known dielectric constant. The dielectric constant of fluoroplastic has a stable value of 2.1 in the above mentioned frequency range. The dielectric constant of sample No. 1 varies from 3.6 to 2.5 at the boundaries of the range, sample No. 2 – from 3.7 to 2.1, sample No. 3 – from 2.9 to 1.5. The experimental data are in satisfactory agreement with the literature data for other frequencies taking into account the limits set by the measurement uncertainty.Для определения комплексных параметров и диэлектрической проницаемости керамических материалов в диапазоне 78,33–118,1 ГГц применен модифицированный метод Николсона – Росса – Вейра. Измерительная установка представляет собой измеритель комплексных коэффициентов отражения и передачи, волноводный измерительный тракт со специальной измерительной ячейкой, состоящей из двух нерегулярных волноводов и волноводной камеры между ними, обеспечивающей незначительное влияние мод высших порядков. Экспериментально получены зависимости амплитуды и фазы коэффициента отражения и передачи от частоты для фторопласта и трех керамических образцов в диапазоне частот 78,33–118,1 ГГц. Полученные S-параметры обрабатываются по алгоритму, включающему их усреднение на основе преобразования Фурье, с целью получения значений диэлектрической проницаемости. Фторопласт был использован в качестве эталонного материала с известной диэлектрической проницаемостью. Диэлектрическая проницаемость фторопласта имеет стабильное значение 2,1 в вышеуказаннном диапазоне частот. Диэлектрическая проницаемость образца № 1 варьируется от 3,6 до 2,5 на границах диапазона, образца № 2 – от 3,7 до 2,1, образца № 3 – от 2,9 до 1,5. Данные эксперимента находятся в удовлетворительном согласии с литературными данными для других частот с учетом границ, заданных неопределенностью измерений

    Иcследование S-параметров и диэлектрической проницаемости образцов поликора и GaAs с помощью векторного анализатора цепей

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    To study the S-parameters and dielectric permittivity of polycor and GaAs samples, a vector network analyzer R4-MWM-118 with a special measuring cell and a modified Nicholson–Ross–Weir method were used. The use of polynomial Chebyshev criteria in R4-MWM-118 for approximation in digital filtering made it possible to reduce the distortion of the achieved approximations of S-parameters. The use of digital filtering made it possible to eliminate the subjective error of the operator in the analysis and measurements with the presence of a “noise” component, to improve qualitatively the perception of the amplitude-frequency characteristic and to exclude uninformative changes in the instrument readings at any point in the frequency range. The dependences of the amplitudes and phases of the transmission and reflection coefficients, as well as the dielectric permittivity of the samples under study on the frequency in the range 78.33–118.10 GHz are obtained.Для исследования S-параметров и диэлектрической проницаемости образцов поликора и GaAs использованы векторный анализатор цепей Р4-МВМ-118 со специальной измерительной ячейкой и модифицированный метод Николсона–Росса–Вейра. Применение в Р4-МВМ-118 при аппроксимации в цифровой фильтрации полиномиальных критериев Чебышева позволило уменьшить искажение достигнутых приближений S-параметров. Использование цифровой фильтрации дало возможность исключить субъективную погрешность оператора при анализе и измерениях с наличием «шумовой» составляющей, качественно улучшить восприятие амплитудно-частотной характеристики и устранить неинформативное изменение показаний прибора в любой точке частотного диапазона. Получены зависимости амплитуд и фаз коэффициентов передачи и отражения, а также диэлектрической проницаемости исследуемых образцов от частоты в диапазоне 78,33–118,10 ГГц