93 research outputs found

    The relationship of peritubular capillary density with glomerular volume and kidney function in living kidney donors

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    Background: Peritubular capillary rarefaction plays an important role in the progression of chronic kidney disease. Little is known about the relation between peritubular capillary density, glomerular volume and filtration rate in the healthy kidney. Methods: In this single-center study, we included 69 living kidney donors who donated between 2005 and 2008 and had representative renal biopsies available. In all donors, glomerular filtration rate was measured using 125I-Iothalamate before donation and at five years after donation. Before donation, the increase in glomerular filtration rate after dopamine stimulation was measured. Glomerular volume and peritubular capillary density were determined in biopsies taken at the time of transplantation. Pearson’s correlation coefficient and linear regression were used to assess relations between parameters.Results: Mean donor age was 52 ± 11 years and mean measured glomerular filtration rate was 119 ± 22 mL/min before donation and 82 ± 15 mL/min at five years after donation. While peritubular capillary density (measured by either number of peritubular capillaries/50,000 μm2 or number of peritubular capillaries/tubule) was not associated with measured glomerular filtration rate before or after donation, number of peritubular capillaries/tubule was associated with the increase in measured glomerular filtration rate after dopamine stimulation (St.β = 0.33, p = 0.004), and correlated positively with glomerular volume (R = 0.24, p = 0.047). Glomerular volume was associated with unstimulated measured glomerular filtration rate before donation (St.β = 0.31, p = 0.01) and at five years (St.β = 0.30, p = 0.01) after donation, independent of age.Conclusions: In summary, peritubular capillary density was not related to unstimulated kidney function before or after kidney donation, in contrast to glomerular volume. However, number of peritubular capillaries/tubule correlated with the increase in glomerular filtration rate after dopamine stimulation in healthy kidneys, and with glomerular volume. These findings suggest that peritubular capillary density and glomerular volume differentially affect kidney function in healthy living kidney donors. Graphical abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.]</p

    Irreversible renal damage after transient renin-angiotensin system stimulation:involvement of an AT1-receptor mediated immune response

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    Transient activation of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) induces irreversible renal damage causing sustained elevation in blood pressure (BP) in Cyp1a1-Ren2 transgenic rats. In our current study we hypothesized that activation of the AT1-receptor (AT1R) leads to a T-cell response causing irreversible impairment of renal function and hypertension. Cyp1a1-Ren2 rats harbor a construct for activation of the RAS by indole-3-carbinol (I3C). Rats were fed a I3C diet between 4-8 weeks of age to induce hypertension. Next, I3C was withdrawn and rats were followed-up for another 12 weeks. Additional groups received losartan (20 mg/kg/day) or hydralazine (100 mg/kg/day) treatment between 4-8 weeks. Rats were placed for 24h in metabolic cages before determining BP at week 8, 12 and 20. At these ages, subsets of animals were sacrificed and the presence of kidney T-cell subpopulations was investigated by immunohistochemistry and molecular marker analysis. The development of sustained hypertension was completely prevented by losartan, whereas hydralazine only caused a partial decrease in BP. Markers of renal damage: KIM-1 and osteopontin were highly expressed in urine and kidney samples of I3C-treated rats, even until 20 weeks of age. Additionally, renal expression of regulatory-T cells (Tregs) was highly increased in I3C-treated rats, whereas the expression of T-helper 1 (Th1) cells demonstrated a strong decrease. Losartan prevented these effects completely, whereas hydralazine was unable to affect these changes. In young Cyp1a1-Ren2 rats AT1R activation leads to induction of an immune response, causing a shift from Th1-cells to Tregs, contributing to the development of irreversible renal damage and hypertension

    Thromboxane receptor signalling in renal ischemia reperfusion injury

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    F(2)-isoprostanes are formed by oxidative modification of arachidonic acid and are the gold standard for detection of oxidative stress in vivo. F(2)-isoprostanes are biologically active compounds that signal through the thromboxane A(2) (TP) receptor; infusion of F(2)-isoprostanes reduces glomerular filtration in the kidney by constricting afferent arterioles. This study investigated whether endogenous F(2)-isoprostanes contribute to the pathogenesis of ischemic acute kidney injury, which is associated with oxidative stress and reduced glomerular filtration. TP receptor knockout mice-that lack F(2)-isoprostanes and thromboxane A(2) signalling-and wild-type control mice underwent 30 min of renal ischemia and 24 h of reperfusion. Kidney dysfunction, histological injury and the number of infiltrated neutrophils were similar between the two mouse strains, whereas TP receptor knockout mice had significantly more apoptotic cells and tissue lipid peroxidation than their wild-type counterparts. F(2)-isoprostanes and thromboxane B(2) were readily detectable in urine collections after surgery. The findings indicate that F(2)-isoprostanes and thromboxane A(2) signalling do not contribute critically to the pathogenesis of ischemic acute kidney injury and more generally provide evidence against a prominent role for F(2)-isoprostanes signalling in exacerbating acute disease states associated with oxidative stress

    Apoptotic cell death is initiated during normothermic ischemia in human kidneys

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    Ischemic damage plays an important role in post-transplant organ failure. Activation of the apoptotic cascade is crucially involved in post-ischemic inflammation resulting in tissue damage and organ dysfunction. Here we investigate the initiation of the apoptotic cascade during normothermic ischemia in human kidneys using a model for normothermic ischemia with kidneys nephrectomized because of renal cell carcinoma. Ex vivo, kidneys were stored at 37 degrees C, and consecutive biopsies were taken from disease-free tissue. Pro- and anti-apoptotic proteins were assessed by Western blotting and immunofluorescence. During normothermic ischemia the pro-apoptotic proteins Bax and activated caspase-9 increased with ischemia time, whereas caspase-8 was not activated. The anti-apoptotic proteins Bcl-2 and cFLIP decreased in time. Data on Bcl-2 and Bax were supported by immunofluorescence for Bcl-2 and activated Bax. However, activation of the central effector caspase-3, essential for execution of the apoptotic process, was not detected. In conclusion, during normothermic ischemia the apoptotic cascade in the human kidney is initiated, but not fulfilled. Our data show that the duration of ischemia significantly correlates with activation of the apoptotic cascade. These findings provide insight in the initiation of apoptotic cell-death during warm ischemia and may be useful in the assessment of ischemic injury

    Improvements in kidney transplantation from donors after cardiac death

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    To reduce the growing waiting list for kidney transplantation, we explored the limits of kidney transplantation from donors after cardiac death by liberally accepting marginal donor kidneys for transplantation. As the percentage of primary non-function (PNF) increased, we evaluated our transplantation program and implemented changes to reduce the high percentage of PNF in 2005, followed by a second evaluation over the period 2006-2009. Recipients of a kidney from a donor after cardiac death between 1998 and 2005 were analyzed, with PNF as outcome measure. During the period 2002-2005, the percentage of PNF increased and crossed the upper control limits of 12% which was considered as unacceptably high. After implementation of changes, this percentage was reduced to 5%, without changing the number of kidney transplantations from donors after cardiac death. Continuous monitoring of the quality of care is essential as the boundaries of organ donation and transplantation are sought. Meticulous donor, preservation, and recipient management make extension of the donor potential possible, with good results for the individual recipient. Liberal use of kidneys from donors after cardiac death may contribute to a reduction in the waiting list for kidney transplantation and dialysis associated mortality