108 research outputs found

    Sharp Bounds on Davenport-Schinzel Sequences of Every Order

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    One of the longest-standing open problems in computational geometry is to bound the lower envelope of nn univariate functions, each pair of which crosses at most ss times, for some fixed ss. This problem is known to be equivalent to bounding the length of an order-ss Davenport-Schinzel sequence, namely a sequence over an nn-letter alphabet that avoids alternating subsequences of the form ababa \cdots b \cdots a \cdots b \cdots with length s+2s+2. These sequences were introduced by Davenport and Schinzel in 1965 to model a certain problem in differential equations and have since been applied to bounding the running times of geometric algorithms, data structures, and the combinatorial complexity of geometric arrangements. Let λs(n)\lambda_s(n) be the maximum length of an order-ss DS sequence over nn letters. What is λs\lambda_s asymptotically? This question has been answered satisfactorily (by Hart and Sharir, Agarwal, Sharir, and Shor, Klazar, and Nivasch) when ss is even or s3s\le 3. However, since the work of Agarwal, Sharir, and Shor in the mid-1980s there has been a persistent gap in our understanding of the odd orders. In this work we effectively close the problem by establishing sharp bounds on Davenport-Schinzel sequences of every order ss. Our results reveal that, contrary to one's intuition, λs(n)\lambda_s(n) behaves essentially like λs1(n)\lambda_{s-1}(n) when ss is odd. This refutes conjectures due to Alon et al. (2008) and Nivasch (2010).Comment: A 10-page extended abstract will appear in the Proceedings of the Symposium on Computational Geometry, 201

    Sources of Superlinearity in Davenport-Schinzel Sequences

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    A generalized Davenport-Schinzel sequence is one over a finite alphabet that contains no subsequences isomorphic to a fixed forbidden subsequence. One of the fundamental problems in this area is bounding (asymptotically) the maximum length of such sequences. Following Klazar, let Ex(\sigma,n) be the maximum length of a sequence over an alphabet of size n avoiding subsequences isomorphic to \sigma. It has been proved that for every \sigma, Ex(\sigma,n) is either linear or very close to linear; in particular it is O(n 2^{\alpha(n)^{O(1)}}), where \alpha is the inverse-Ackermann function and O(1) depends on \sigma. However, very little is known about the properties of \sigma that induce superlinearity of \Ex(\sigma,n). In this paper we exhibit an infinite family of independent superlinear forbidden subsequences. To be specific, we show that there are 17 prototypical superlinear forbidden subsequences, some of which can be made arbitrarily long through a simple padding operation. Perhaps the most novel part of our constructions is a new succinct code for representing superlinear forbidden subsequences

    Threesomes, Degenerates, and Love Triangles

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    The 3SUM problem is to decide, given a set of nn real numbers, whether any three sum to zero. It is widely conjectured that a trivial O(n2)O(n^2)-time algorithm is optimal and over the years the consequences of this conjecture have been revealed. This 3SUM conjecture implies Ω(n2)\Omega(n^2) lower bounds on numerous problems in computational geometry and a variant of the conjecture implies strong lower bounds on triangle enumeration, dynamic graph algorithms, and string matching data structures. In this paper we refute the 3SUM conjecture. We prove that the decision tree complexity of 3SUM is O(n3/2logn)O(n^{3/2}\sqrt{\log n}) and give two subquadratic 3SUM algorithms, a deterministic one running in O(n2/(logn/loglogn)2/3)O(n^2 / (\log n/\log\log n)^{2/3}) time and a randomized one running in O(n2(loglogn)2/logn)O(n^2 (\log\log n)^2 / \log n) time with high probability. Our results lead directly to improved bounds for kk-variate linear degeneracy testing for all odd k3k\ge 3. The problem is to decide, given a linear function f(x1,,xk)=α0+1ikαixif(x_1,\ldots,x_k) = \alpha_0 + \sum_{1\le i\le k} \alpha_i x_i and a set ARA \subset \mathbb{R}, whether 0f(Ak)0\in f(A^k). We show the decision tree complexity of this problem is O(nk/2logn)O(n^{k/2}\sqrt{\log n}). Finally, we give a subcubic algorithm for a generalization of the (min,+)(\min,+)-product over real-valued matrices and apply it to the problem of finding zero-weight triangles in weighted graphs. We give a depth-O(n5/2logn)O(n^{5/2}\sqrt{\log n}) decision tree for this problem, as well as an algorithm running in time O(n3(loglogn)2/logn)O(n^3 (\log\log n)^2/\log n)

    A Linear-Size Logarithmic Stretch Path-Reporting Distance Oracle for General Graphs

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    In 2001 Thorup and Zwick devised a distance oracle, which given an nn-vertex undirected graph and a parameter kk, has size O(kn1+1/k)O(k n^{1+1/k}). Upon a query (u,v)(u,v) their oracle constructs a (2k1)(2k-1)-approximate path Π\Pi between uu and vv. The query time of the Thorup-Zwick's oracle is O(k)O(k), and it was subsequently improved to O(1)O(1) by Chechik. A major drawback of the oracle of Thorup and Zwick is that its space is Ω(nlogn)\Omega(n \cdot \log n). Mendel and Naor devised an oracle with space O(n1+1/k)O(n^{1+1/k}) and stretch O(k)O(k), but their oracle can only report distance estimates and not actual paths. In this paper we devise a path-reporting distance oracle with size O(n1+1/k)O(n^{1+1/k}), stretch O(k)O(k) and query time O(nϵ)O(n^\epsilon), for an arbitrarily small ϵ>0\epsilon > 0. In particular, our oracle can provide logarithmic stretch using linear size. Another variant of our oracle has size O(nloglogn)O(n \log\log n), polylogarithmic stretch, and query time O(loglogn)O(\log\log n). For unweighted graphs we devise a distance oracle with multiplicative stretch O(1)O(1), additive stretch O(β(k))O(\beta(k)), for a function β()\beta(\cdot), space O(n1+1/kβ)O(n^{1+1/k} \cdot \beta), and query time O(nϵ)O(n^\epsilon), for an arbitrarily small constant ϵ>0\epsilon >0. The tradeoff between multiplicative stretch and size in these oracles is far below girth conjecture threshold (which is stretch 2k12k-1 and size O(n1+1/k)O(n^{1+1/k})). Breaking the girth conjecture tradeoff is achieved by exhibiting a tradeoff of different nature between additive stretch β(k)\beta(k) and size O(n1+1/k)O(n^{1+1/k}). A similar type of tradeoff was exhibited by a construction of (1+ϵ,β)(1+\epsilon,\beta)-spanners due to Elkin and Peleg. However, so far (1+ϵ,β)(1+\epsilon,\beta)-spanners had no counterpart in the distance oracles' world. An important novel tool that we develop on the way to these results is a {distance-preserving path-reporting oracle}

    Connectivity Oracles for Graphs Subject to Vertex Failures

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    We introduce new data structures for answering connectivity queries in graphs subject to batched vertex failures. A deterministic structure processes a batch of ddd\leq d_{\star} failed vertices in O~(d3)\tilde{O}(d^3) time and thereafter answers connectivity queries in O(d)O(d) time. It occupies space O(dmlogn)O(d_{\star} m\log n). We develop a randomized Monte Carlo version of our data structure with update time O~(d2)\tilde{O}(d^2), query time O(d)O(d), and space O~(m)\tilde{O}(m) for any failure bound dnd\le n. This is the first connectivity oracle for general graphs that can efficiently deal with an unbounded number of vertex failures. We also develop a more efficient Monte Carlo edge-failure connectivity oracle. Using space O(nlog2n)O(n\log^2 n), dd edge failures are processed in O(dlogdloglogn)O(d\log d\log\log n) time and thereafter, connectivity queries are answered in O(loglogn)O(\log\log n) time, which are correct w.h.p. Our data structures are based on a new decomposition theorem for an undirected graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E), which is of independent interest. It states that for any terminal set UVU\subseteq V we can remove a set BB of U/(s2)|U|/(s-2) vertices such that the remaining graph contains a Steiner forest for UBU-B with maximum degree ss

    A Time Hierarchy Theorem for the LOCAL Model

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    The celebrated Time Hierarchy Theorem for Turing machines states, informally, that more problems can be solved given more time. The extent to which a time hierarchy-type theorem holds in the distributed LOCAL model has been open for many years. It is consistent with previous results that all natural problems in the LOCAL model can be classified according to a small constant number of complexities, such as O(1),O(logn),O(logn),2O(logn)O(1),O(\log^* n), O(\log n), 2^{O(\sqrt{\log n})}, etc. In this paper we establish the first time hierarchy theorem for the LOCAL model and prove that several gaps exist in the LOCAL time hierarchy. 1. We define an infinite set of simple coloring problems called Hierarchical 2122\frac{1}{2}-Coloring}. A correctly colored graph can be confirmed by simply checking the neighborhood of each vertex, so this problem fits into the class of locally checkable labeling (LCL) problems. However, the complexity of the kk-level Hierarchical 2122\frac{1}{2}-Coloring problem is Θ(n1/k)\Theta(n^{1/k}), for kZ+k\in\mathbb{Z}^+. The upper and lower bounds hold for both general graphs and trees, and for both randomized and deterministic algorithms. 2. Consider any LCL problem on bounded degree trees. We prove an automatic-speedup theorem that states that any randomized no(1)n^{o(1)}-time algorithm solving the LCL can be transformed into a deterministic O(logn)O(\log n)-time algorithm. Together with a previous result, this establishes that on trees, there are no natural deterministic complexities in the ranges ω(logn)\omega(\log^* n)---o(logn)o(\log n) or ω(logn)\omega(\log n)---no(1)n^{o(1)}. 3. We expose a gap in the randomized time hierarchy on general graphs. Any randomized algorithm that solves an LCL problem in sublogarithmic time can be sped up to run in O(TLLL)O(T_{LLL}) time, which is the complexity of the distributed Lovasz local lemma problem, currently known to be Ω(loglogn)\Omega(\log\log n) and O(logn)O(\log n)