208 research outputs found

    Forging an entrepreneur - gendered ideas and ideals

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    PurposeThe purpose of this study is to investigate the gendered ideas and ideals attached to an imagined ideal Entrepreneur in a post-industrial rural community in Sweden. While research has not yet clearly explained how the ideal entrepreneur is constructed, the result, i.e. the gendered representations of entrepreneurs, is well-researched. Previous results indicate a prevalent portrayal of entrepreneurship as a predominantly masculine construct characterised by qualities such as self-made success, confidence and assertiveness.Design/methodology/approachEthnographic fieldwork was conducted in a community that is attempting to re-brand itself through garden tourism. Through inductive reasoning, this study analyses the gendered ideas and ideals regarding the community's imagined ideal Entrepreneur who is to help the community solve its problems.FindingsThis study finds that the community forges the Entrepreneur into an imagined masculine ideal as holy, a saviour and a god and is replacing its historical masculine ironmaster with a masculine Entrepreneur. This study develops forging as a metaphor for the construction of the masculine ideal Entrepreneur, giving the community, rather than the entrepreneur himself, a voice as constructors. From social constructionism, this study emphasises how gendered ideas and ideals are shaped not only by the individual realities but more so in the reciprocal process by the realities of others.Originality/valueThe metaphor of forging adds an innovative theoretical dimension to the feminist constructionist approach and suggests focusing on how the "maleness" of entrepreneurship is produced and reproduced in the local. Previously, light has been shed on how male entrepreneurs perform their identities collectively; the focus of this study is on the social construction of this envisioned Entrepreneur within a rural community. The development of forging thus contributes as a way of analysing entrepreneurship in place. The choice of an ethnographic study allowed the authors to be a part of the real-life world of community members, providing rich data to explore entrepreneurship and gender

    ”Jag är ledsen men du får tyvärr hjälpa dig själv” : personer med Emotionellt instabil personlighetsstörning upplevelser av bemötande i vården

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    Background: Mental illness is one of our major public health problem and has for a long time increased both internationally and in Sweden (Socialstyrelsen, 2015). A need for knowledge of how to treat these patients adequately is needed for all professional nurses, not just in psychiatry. According to a report from Socialstyrelsen (2010), the mentally ill receive inferior care than others and the need for increased knowledge about the treatment of these patients, their behaviors and care needs is great among professional nurses (Socialstyrelsen, 2015). A large proportion of the patients who seek help in emergency departments and somatic care after they have self-harmed or tried to take their own life are people suffering from emotionally unstable personality disorder (Lamph, 2011). Aim: To highlight obstacle and success factors for a healthy caring relation between a nurse and a person with emotionally unstable personality disorder. Method: A general literature review in which 10 articles were studied to see the connection of attitudes in health care towards people with emotionally unstable personality disorder. Results: People with EIPS is facing negative attitudes when seeking care and they experience difficulties in caring relationship with the nurses. It is a complex situation where both the diagnosis itself and the nurses' lack of knowledge about the diagnosis and how the treatment of these patients should be, that together create this problem. However, there are factors that can help in developing a good health care relationship. Conclusions: Based on the results we can see that if you treat people with emotionally unstable personality disorder with respect, as adults, give them time, listening to them and see them, a care relationship can occur that is both person-centered, equitable and caring.Bakgrund: Psykisk ohälsa är idag ett av våra största folkhälsoproblem och har under en lång period ökat både internationellt och inom Sverige (Socialstyrelsen, 2015). Enligt en rapport från Socialstyrelsen (2010) får psykiskt sjuka sämre vård än andra och behovet av ökad kunskap om bemötande av dessa patienter, deras beteenden och omvårdnadsbehov hos sjuksköterskor är stort (Socialstyrelsen, 2015). Många vårdsökande inom både akutsjukvård och somatisk vård som behöver vård efter att de självskadat eller försökt ta sitt liv, lider av Emotionellt instabil personlighetsstörning (EIPS) (Lamph, 2011). Syfte: Belysa hinder och framgångsfaktorer för en lyckad vårdrelation mellan sjuksköterska och personer med Emotionellt Instabil Personlighetsstörning (EIPS). Metod: En allmän litteraturstudie där 10 artiklar studerades föratt se samband av bemötande och attityder inom vården emot personer med Emotionellt instabil personlighetsstörning (EIPS). Resultat: Personer med EIPS bemöts av negativa attityder när de söker vård och de upplever svårigheter i vårdrelationen med sjuksköterskor. Det är en komplex situation där både diagnosen i sig och sjuksköterskornas okunskap om diagnosen och hur bemötandet av dessa patienter bör vara som tillsammans skapar denna problematik. Dock finns det faktorer som kan främja att en god vårdrelation kan utvecklas. Diskussion: Utifrån resultatet kan vi se att om man behandlar människor med EIPS med respekt, som vuxna, ge dem tid, lyssnar på och ser dem kan en vårdrelation uppstå som både är personcentrerad, jämlik och vårdande

    Analysing Multimodal Communication and Persuasion in Populist Radical Right Political Blogs

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    This chapter discusses how populist radical right politicians utilise political blogs for political communication and persuasion. Applying a critical discursive and visual rhetorical analytical approach on a case example of a Finnish populist radical right-wing political blog, the chapter shows that use of digital and visual communicative tools allows politicians to express negative views about immigrants and minorities without expressing an explicit personal opinion, thus avoiding coming across as xenophobic or prejudiced. The chapter discusses the social and political implications of the political blog discourse and draws attention to the importance of the social media for the electoral fortunes of populist radical right-wing parties. Finally, it encourages discursive researchers in the future to pay analytic attention to various non-verbal, especially visual, forms of online political communication and persuasion.Peer reviewe

    “Freedom of speech requires actions” : Exploring the discourse of politicians convicted of hate‐speech against Muslims

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    This study explores how politicians convicted of hate‐speech against Muslims account for their actions in statements on their Facebook‐pages as well as in reported interviews. Taking a critical discursive psychological perspective, the study examines the strategies through which the politicians discursively claim and resist various subject positions, thus managing to construct their hate‐speech as everything from trivial mishaps to acts of virtue. The study examines the multifaceted dynamics of these constructions, and shows how elements from the Five Step Social Identity Model of the Development of Collective Hate are flexibly deployed in the discourse to serve distinct social and political purposes. By allowing the Social Identity and (critical) discursive approaches to challenge and develop each other, the study advances social psychological research on political communication and persuasion, and contributes to the debate on the boundaries between hate‐speech and freedom of speech.Peer reviewe

    ‘Pray for the fatherland!’ Discursive and digital strategies at play in nationalist political blogging.

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    Political blogs have come to constitute important channels for expressing nationalist and anti-immigration political views. The new forms that this rhetoric may take, comprising an intricate intermingling of verbal, digital, (audio-)visual, and communicative elements, present challenges for qualitative research. In this article we propose a way for analysing this new" nationalist political discourse from a qualitative social psychological perspective. The suggested approach combines analytical procedures form critical discursive and rhetorical psychology with social semiotic and rhetorical studies of images, completed with analytical tools and concepts from narrative psychology and research into online political communication. Using two empirical examples of nationalist and anti-immigration political blog-entries written during the 2015 refugee crisis," we show this approach enables the researcher to adequately study how such political messages are conveyed through the multitude of elements provided by the blogs. In so doing, our ultimate goal is to contribute to the analytical capacity of qualitative social psychological research into contemporary political communication and persuasion.Peer reviewe

    Working from the heart - cultivating feminist care ethics through care farming in Sweden

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    In this paper we explore why and how women and men farmers carry out care farming, paying attention to farming being gendered. We engage in geographical research on feminist care ethics to understand care farming by considering the people-place relationships cultivated. We draw on post-structural feminist understandings of gendered farm subjectivities, thereby exploring the emergence of new gender subjectivities. The paper fills research gaps on farmers providing care, and on the gendered nature of care farming. To the feminist geographic theorisations on feminist care ethics, we contribute a post-structural feminist approach. Empirically, the study builds on farm visits and 20 semi-structured interviews with women and men engaged in care farming on 12 farms in rural Sweden. We conclude that care farmers cultivate feminist care ethics as an ontology of connections, by working from the heart. This has meant care farmers are developing people-place and people-people connections. Feminist care ethics is, on the one hand a way of expressing criticism of current societal developments such as productivist agriculture and efficiency orientated welfare provisioning and, on the other, a way of making a difference. Feminist care ethics also includes the development of new gender subjectivities for both women and men farmers. We suggest that care farming implies farming otherwise, which shifts the farms to places of care, instead of food production. Altogether, we argue that care farmers nurturing feminist care ethics challenge the very conceptualisation of agriculture - from cultivating animals and plants to cultivating connections

    Imbrications of gender and religion in Nordic radical right populism

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    We examine here how issues of gender and religion are employed for ideological purposes in the discourses of radical right populist parties in Sweden and Finland. We begin with the complexity of these societies as paragons of social welfare and gender equality, within which Lutheran Christianity discreetly underpins their largely secularised character. Employing a poststructuralist methodological approach, we analyse the key political speeches of the chairpersons of the Sweden Democrats (Sverigedemokraterna) and Finns Party (Perussuomalaiset/ Sannfinlandarna). We unveil a complex interplay between gender and religion; gender equality is used strategically to strengthen and legitimise the separation between 'the people' and racialised Others, while references to religion are employed to rank the racialised Other as 'less than' the secular and modern 'people', and to oppose alleged inquisitorial attempts on the part of progressive left and liberal parties.Peer reviewe

    Update on the genetics of congenital myopathies

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    The congenital myopathies form a large clinically and genetically heterogeneous group of disorders. Currently mutations in at least 27 different genes have been reported to cause a congenital myopathy, but the number is expected to increase due to the accelerated use of next-generation sequencing methods. There is substantial overlap between the causative genes and the clinical and histopathologic features of the congenital myopathies. The mode of inheritance can be auto-somal recessive, autosomal dominant or X-linked. Both dominant and recessive mutations in the same gene can cause a similar disease phenotype, and the same clinical phenotype can also be caused by mutations in different genes. Clear genotype-phenotype correlations are few and far between. (C) 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Anti-gender politics in Finland and Romania

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    This study examines the articulation of anti-gender politics in the parliamentary debates centred on two citizens’ initiatives in Finland and Romania. Although different in their endeavours (in Finland, supporting equal marriage rights; in Romania, attempting to legislate pre-emptively against them), these citizens’ initiatives resulted in significant defeats for the wider anti-gender campaigns in these countries. Examining closely the parliamentary debates ensuing these proposals, we evidence how anti-gender politics developed in ways specific to each examined polity and served as a key vehicle for different manners of retrogressive mobilisation, which bypassed left–right ideological cleavages and party loyalty. We scrutinise critically the discursive scenarios that coalesce in anti-gender politics in the two countries, and we map out both the commonalities and differences between the antithetic narrative scenarios, which hinge on the position of the child within a heteronormative nuclear family and the depiction of marriage equality as a harbinger of an impending societal collapse