753 research outputs found


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    Hasil penyelidikan geoteknik di lapangan  yaitu:  1).  Konstruksi Ringan, Menggunakan pondasi dangkal (Spread Footing), Type  :  Pondasi Telapak (spread footing), Kedalaman  :- 3.00 m dari elevasi existing,   Tegangan ijin  :6.78 T/m2.  2) Konstruksi Berat , Menggunakan pondasi tiang, kedalaman 6 meter dengan diamter Pile 0.30 meter = 56,55 T/Plie, diameter 0,40 meter = 97.18  (T/Pile), diameter 0.50 meter = 148.70  (T/Pile), diameter 0.60 meter = 211.12 (T/Pile

    Processing Technologies of Lignocellulosic Biomass: Potentials and Constraints for Ruminant Feed Production

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    Lignocellulosic biomass (LCB) such as crop residues and agro-industrial wastes are renewable resources and available abundantly. It could play central role in sustainable feeding system of ruminant production. These materials are potential source of fiber to support optimum rumen function and energy supply. However, the LCB has important nutritional constraints that limit its utilization as feed for ruminants. This review is intended to discuss nutritional constraints of LCB as ruminant feed and the potentials and challenges of processes in upgrading the nutritional quality of LCB. The main polymer compounds in LCB are  cellulose (30 to 60% ), hemicellulose (20 to 40 %) and lignin (15-25%)  and its  inter linkages make the energy contained in the LCB is less extractable by the ruminant digestive system. Physical, chemical and biological processing technologies have been well known as  alternative means to upgrade the nutritive values of LCB. Recently, novel processing technologies of LCB such as ionic liquid, organosolv, sonication, and new screened rot white fungi (Ceriporiopsis subvermispora) and some older technologies  using alkaline and acids have been studied and developed particularly for the purpose of biofuel production in the bio refinery industry. Processing technologies have different properties in degrading the lignin, degrading and solubilizing the cellulose and hemicellulose that all relate to the nutritive quality of LCB. Advantages of processed LCB in ruminant animals were indicated by increase in diet digestibility, intake, rumen fermentation and gain. It is concluded that numerous processing technologies are available to upgrade the nutritional quality of LCB, but there are obstacles to use some of these techniques for wide application in ruminant production system


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    In the manufacture of wind turbines, there are several parameters that are taken into account, namely the wind speed in the area to be installed. The wind speed in Indonesia ranges from 3m/s – 11m/s, so it is quite difficult to implement a macro-scale wind turbine and the facilities are still inadequate. So this design is a design to make a micro-scale wind turbine that adapts to the characteristics of wind speed in Indonesia. In this design, a blade with the Inverse Tapper type is made which is a blade type with an enlarged shape to the end to get a large sweep at the end of the blade and produce a lift force that is greater than the drag force on the blade so that it can rotate the blade. In the design of this blade, material changes are also made, generally the material used in the blade is made of wood, fiber, and aluminum. In this design, a material made of styrofoam is used, this is to make the mass of the blade lighter and make the blade able to rotate at the smallest wind speed. In this design, the maximum power obtained is 553 watts at 668 rounds of blade rotations . Keywords : Airfoil, Inverse Blade, Cl/Cd, Styrofoam

    Cultural NGO-interventions in post-conflict contexts: The case of the CLA in Cambodia (2009-2016)

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    The genocide in Cambodia, that lasted from 1975 until 1979, caused by the Khmer Rouge, left the Cambodian society completely devastated in a desolate state. The survivors of the genocide had to cope with many problems ranging from material poverty to physical and psychological injuries. In comparison to other conflicts, the most affected people during that four-year period were intellectuals and educated people. As a consequence the country lost 90% of its artists and therefore its rich artistic culture.1 After the genocide, mostly in the early 1990s, Cambodia witnessed an influx of hundreds of non-governmental organizations. Nowadays there are in total around 3.500 NGOs registered in the country.2 That means the second highest number of NGOs per capita in the world after Rwanda.3 The NGOs came with the aim to help the Cambodians in general, and genocide survivors in particular, in the course of the signings of the Paris Peace Agreements on October 23rd 1991, to put the Cambodian society back on its feet.4 The Paris Peace Agreements, which were signed by 19 governments, offered a comprehensive political settlement aimed at ending the tragic conflict in Cambodia.5 This work therefore, is a Case Study, which seeks to investigate the role of one specific Non- Governmental Organization (NGO) called Cambodian Living Arts. This NGO is working on the continuity and preservation of Cambodia´s artistic cultural heritage. The investigation also surveys the social and political background to the genocide. The assessment was carried out through the analysis of the conducted interviews, which have been complemented with secondary data from organizational project reports and websites related to that topic. One of the major challenges of the Case Study will be, to connect my own primary research with the broader theoretical themes of the existing literature.O genocídio no Camboja, que durou de 1975 a 1979, causado pelos Khmers Vermelhos, deixou a sociedade cambojana completamente devastada num estado de desolação. Os sobreviventes do genocídio tiveram de lidar com muitos problemas, desde a pobreza material às lesões físicas e psicológicas. Em comparação com outros conflitos, as pessoas mais afetadas durante esse período de quatro anos foram os intelectuais e as pessoas instruídas. Como consequência, o país perdeu 90% dos seus artistas, portanto, a sua rica cultura artística. Após o genocídio, principalmente no início da década de 90, o Camboja testemunhou um influxo de centenas de organizações não governamentais. Atualmente, existem no total cerca de 3.500 ONGs registadas no país. Isso significa o segundo maior número de ONGs per capita do mundo, depois do Ruanda. As ONGs vieram com o objetivo de ajudar os cambojanos, em geral, e os sobreviventes do genocídio em particular, no decurso da assinatura dos Acordos de Paz de Paris em 23 de outubro de 1991, a reconstruir a sociedade cambojana. Os Acordos de Paz de Paris, assinados por 19 governos, proporcionaram uma solução política global destinada a pôr termo ao trágico conflito no Camboja. Este trabalho, portanto, um Estudo de Caso, que procura investigar o papel de uma organização Não Governamental (ONG) específica denominada, Cambodian Living Arts. Esta ONG está a trabalhar na continuidade e preservação do património cultural artístico do Camboja. A investigação também examina os antecedentes sociais e políticos do genocídio. A avaliação foi efetuada através da análise das entrevistas realizadas, que foram complementadas com dados secundários de relatórios de projetos organizacionais e sites relacionados ao tema. Um dos maiores desafios do Estudo de Caso será correlacionar a minha própria pesquisa primária com os temas teóricos mais amplos da literatura existente


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    Motor starter merupakan suatu komponen pada kendaraan yang berfungsi untuk menghidupkan mesin pertama kali dengan cara mengubah energi listrik menjadi tenaga putar. Dimana sistem motor starterdigunakan untuk memutar poros engkol kemudian menggerakan torak-toraknya sehingga mesin dapat hidup. Umumnya mobil menggunakan motor listrik yang digabung dengan magnetic switchuntuk memindahkan gigi pinion yang berputar ke ring geardan dipasang mengelilingi roda gila serta dibaut pada poros engkol. Motor starter harus dapat menghasilkan momen yang besar dari tenaga kecil yang tersedia pada baterai yang mempunyai arus searah. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif yaitu suatu metode yang dilakukan untuk melakukan pemeriksaan pada komponen-komponen motor starter pada Toyota Innova 2.4 G. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana mekanisme kerja motor starter pada Toyota Innova 2.4 G. Hasil dari penelitian dan pengukuran yang dilakukan dapat disimpulkan bahwa komponen-komponen pada motor starter Toyota Innova 2.4 G masih dalam keadaan standar dan masih layak untuk dioperasikan