294 research outputs found

    Сложные слова в русском языке: межъязыковые взаимодействия и противоречия

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    The aim of the article is to analyze new trends in Russian compounding, which are greatly influenced by the English language. Compound words (composites) reflect changes in the views of society, including those influenced by cultural and linguistic interaction. Compound words express current meaning complexes, which are important for the ethnic group in a given period of its existence. Russian compounding uses models of Russian folk word formation, Old Slavonic and Western European languages; these models can be used to study the history of linguistic contacts.Целью статьи является анализ новых тенденций в русском словосложении, на которые большое влияние оказывает английский язык. В сложных словах (композитах) отражаются изменения в воззрениях общества, в том числе и под влиянием культурно-языкового взаимодействия. Сложные слова выражают актуальные комплексы смыслов, важные для этноса в тот или иной период его существования. В русском словосложении  используются модели русского народного словотворчества, старославянского и западноевропейских языков, по этим моделям можно изучать историю языковых контактов

    Effects of institutional distance on internationalization of SMEs

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    Despite a big progress and increased attention to internationalization of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) among scholars, the relationship between institutional distance and sources of networking that SMEs utilize abroad remains uninvestigated. This study explored the impact of institutional differences between the host and home countries on the barriers that small enterprises face in the international markets and the composition of their networking ties. Subsequent analysis examined the moderating effects of firm’s maturity and previous experience in internationalization. The research was conducted with a help of World Bank database where the sample consisted of 357 SMEs with established operations in the European region. The results demonstrated positive relationship between the institutional distance and the level of challenges firms experience abroad. It also provides insights about institutional impact on the perceived importance of various sources of networking suggesting that SME owners from institutionally distance countries rely more on the strong inside connections such as friends and family. However with time they see more benefits in the outside, more formal sources of networking. These results highlight the value of the institutional environment in explaining networking activities of SMEs in the process of internationalization and can be applied by other scholars in different industry settings and cross-country comparisons

    Linguistic and Didactic Adapttion of Educational Mecal Texts for Foreign Students

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    The principles of selecting educational texts of a medical profile for practical classes in Russian as a foreign language are considered. The ways of their linguodidactic adaptation for foreign students who speak Russian in the volume of the basic and first certification levels are described. The novelty of the research lies in the application of the methodology of corpus linguistics and the modeling method in the preparation of educational material for the lesson. The author presents examples of adaptation of the educational text in the discipline “Anatomy” in order to prepare students for further study of the subject and successful communication in this subject area. It has been determined that for foreign students with a basic level of Russian language proficiency, it is necessary to apply non-linguistic and linguistic adaptation of the text, while for students with a B1 language proficiency level, non-linguistic text adaptation should be carried out, aimed at preserving the meaning of the original text of the textbook. It has been established that the Latin version of the terms makes it difficult to perceive the Russian-language text and, therefore, necessitates the creation of a terminological dictionary on the subject with parallel translation into Russian and English

    A solution to the problem of clustered objects compact partitioning

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    The urgency of the study consists in the fact that an object arrangement topology of a distributed system is often nonuniform. Objects can be placed at different distances from each other, thus forming clusters. That is why solving the problem of compact partitioning into sets containing thousands of objects requires the most effective way to a better use of natural structuring of objects that form clusters. The aim of the study is the development of methods of compact partitioning of sets of objects presented as clusters. The research methods are based on applied theories of sets, theory of compact sets and compact partitions, and linear programming methods with Boolean variables. As a result, the paper offers the method necessary to analyze composition and content of clusters. It also evaluates cluster compactness, which results in the decision to include clusters into the sets of partitions. It addresses the problem of optimizing the rearrangement of objects between compact sets that form clusters, which is based on the criteria of maximizing the total compactness of sets. The problem is formulated in the class of objectives of linear programming methods with Boolean variables. It introduces the example of object rearrangement

    Medical Books of the 17th–18th Centuries from the Siberian Archives: Structural-and-Grammatical Aspect

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    The article presents a comparative study of two medical books from the Siberian archives dating back to the 17 th –18 th centuries: Tobolsk Lechebnik (TL) kept in Tobolsk Book Depository, and Altai Lechebnik (AL) stored in Altai Museum of Local Lore – both stemming from the text of the medical book called "Prokhladnyi Vertograd (The Cool Garden)" from the collection of the Rumyantsev Museum (PV). Our findings show that Siberian medical books demonstrate different degrees of structural and grammatical transformation of the source PV text, conventionally considered by the authors of the research to be a list, which is chronologically closer to the original text. It was established that TL can be regarded as a list derived from the PV, and AL – a source reflecting a further stage in the process of text generation in the institutional medical discourse. We claim that the intentional and grammatical perspective of the medical text formation is associated with the modal variability of verbal lexemes: the prevailing in PV and TL personal verb forms reflect the presence of the subject of speech as an agent in special communication; in AL these are replaced by infinitives which transform the real modality of the message about an action "from experience" (in PV and TL) into a syntactic categorical imperative.It was also determined that the subject of the action expressed by personal verb forms is typically generalized (in this case, special actions of the doctor and the patient can be detected through the difference in the verbal lexemes). The subject is not grammatically defined with the infinitive verb forms

    Проблемы организации судебных экспертиз при расследовании экологических преступлений

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    The growing role of forensic examinations in establishing the circumstances of the disruption of human or natural habitats prompts the development of environmental forensics as anindependent branch of forensic practice. Special considerations when commissioning and conducting such examinations have to do with the temporal progression of the latency period of environmentalcrimes, which in turn affects investigative performance. A survey conducted among environmental forensics practitioners provided the basis for the analysis of situations in which an environmentalforensics examination may be requested; specific questions relating to case processing and types of evidence submitted for examination are also discussed. The most serious operational obstacle in themajority of environmental crime investigations is the extended lead time required for the completion of forensics inquiry. The author proposes specific solutions to the organizational and methodologicalproblems arising in the course of these investigationsВозрастание роли судебно-экспертного исследования для установления фактических обстоятельств нарушений среды обитания человека, животных и растений делают необходимым  развитие судебно-экологической экспертизы (СЭЭ) как самостоятельного направления экспертной деятельности. Назначение и проведение данных экспертиз имеет ряд  особенностей, обусловленных спецификой протекания во времени скрытой стадии развития экологических преступлений, которые влияют и на практику экспертных исследований. На основе данных анкетирования судебных экспертов-экологов проанализированы ситуации назначения СЭЭ; рассмотрены отдельные вопросы организации их производства и объекты, направляемые на исследование. Выявлено, что самой серьезной проблемой организационно-технического характера, возникающей при расследовании практически каждого экологического преступления, является длительность сроков проведения судебно-экологических экспертиз. Предложены  конкретные меры устранения организационных и методических проблем, возникающих при производстве СЭ

    Complexation and Electronic Communication between Corannulene-Based Buckybowls and a Curved Truxene-TTF Donor

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    Abstract: The association behavior of an electron-donating, bowl-shaped, truxene-based tetrathiafulvalene (truxTTF) with two corannulene-based fullerene fragments, C32H12 and C38H14, is investigated in several solvents. Formation of 1:1 complexes is followed by absorption titrations and complemented by density functional theory (DFT) calculations. The binding constants are in the range logKa=2.9–3.5. DFT calculations reveal that the most stable arrangement is the conformation in which the 1,3-dithiole ring of truxTTF is placed inside the concave cavity of the corannulene derivative. This arrangement is confirmed experimentally by NMR measurements, and implies that a combination of p–p and CH–p interactions is the driving force for association. Timedependent DFT calculations reproduce the experimental UV/Vis titrations and provide a detailed understanding of the spectral changes observed. Femtosecond transient absorption studies reveal the processes occurring after photoexcitation of either C32H12 or C38H14 and their supramolecular associates with truxTTF. In the case of truxTTF·C38H14, photoexcitation yields the charge-separated state truxTTFC +·C38H14C with a lifetime of approximately 160 ps

    Hexa-μ-chlorido-hexa­chlorido(η6-hexa­methyl­benzene)trialuminium(III)lanthanum(III) benzene solvate

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    In the title compound, [Al3LaCl12(C12H18)]·C6H6, all mol­ecules are located on a mirror plane. Three chloridoaluminate groups and a hexa­methyl­benzene mol­ecule are bound to the central lanthanum(III) ion, forming a distorted penta­gonal bipyramid with the η6-coordinated arene located at the apical position. The hexa­methyl­benzene ligand disordered between two orientations in a 1:1 ratio is also involved in parallel-slipped π–π stacking inter­molecular inter­actions with a benzene solvent mol­ecule [centroid–centroid distance 3.612 (4) Å]