7 research outputs found

    Индикации и резултати од хируршки третман на везикоуретерален рефлукс

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    The main objective of this retrospective study was to evaluate the value of surgical approach in the treatment of children with vesicoureteral reflux (VUR). Material and method: The study was conducted in the period from January 2006 to December 2014, and included children with symptomatic VUR, who were surgically treated. A total of 72 children were treated, of whom 56 were females and 16 were males, aged between 2 and 16 years. They were treated with IV and V grade reflux ureters. Thirty-two of the unilateral refluxes were left-sided, 18 right-sided and 22 both-sided. VUR was diagnosed with Voiding cystourethrography (VCUG). Cohen technique was performed in 64 (90%) patients, Politano-Lead better technique in 4 (5%) patients and Lich-Gregoir technique in 4 (5%) patients. Results: Out of the 72 treated patients, 69 had a postoperative negative finding of VUR on the performed VCUG, indicating a high 95% success rate. In three girls, persistent postoperative reflux was found in postoperative VCUG. In the first patient persistent VUR was unilateral, of  V grade. In the second patient, a third-degree VUR was found and the third patient was diagnosed with II grade VUR. Postoperatively, non-febrile UTIs (urinary tract infections) were diagnosed in 23 patients (20 female children and 3 male children) out of 72 patients in total. One female child was hospitalized with febrile UTI and 8 patients or 10% developed febrile UTI within one year of the operative treatment. Conclusion: Open surgery, despite excellent results, is used for more complicated cases, VUR grade IV – V or in previously failed cases, and it does not appear to provide definitive correction of VUR in all patients and does not prevent certain low incidence of UTI postoperatively. Non-febrile UTIs can occur several years after a surgical correction. Endoscopic treatment is an alternative treatment for VURГлавната цел на оваа ретроспективна студија беше да се оцени вредноста на хируршкиот пристап во третманот на деца со везикоуретерален рефлукс (ВУР). Материјали и методи: Студијата беше спроведена во периодот од јануари 2006та до декември 2014та година, и вклучуваше деца со симптоматски ВУР, кои беа хируршки третирани. Вкупно биле третирани 72 деца, од кои 56 биле женски и 16 мажи, на возраст помеѓу 2 и 16 години. Тие беа третирани со IV и V степен рефлуксни уретери. Триесет и два од едностраните рефлукси беа лево, 18 десно и 22 обострани. ВУР беше дијагностициран со Voiding-ова цистоуретрографија на (VCUG). Коенова техника беше применета кај 64 (90%) пациенти,  Политано-Лидова техника кај 4 (5%) пациенти и Лих-Грегоарова техника кај 4 (5%) пациенти. Резултати: Од 72 третирани пациенти, 69 имале постоперативен негативен наод на ВУР по извршениот VCUG, што укажува на висока успешност од 95%. Кај три девојчиња е утврден  постоперативен рефлукс. Кај првиот пациент перзистирачкиот ВУР беше едностран, од V степен. Кај вториот пациент, беше пронајден ВУР од трет степен, а на третиот пациент му беше дијагностициран ВУР од II степен. Постоперативно, не-фебрилни инфекции на уринарниот тракт (ИУТ) биле дијагностицирани кај 23 пациенти (20 женски деца и 3 машки деца) од вкупно 72 пациенти. Едно женско дете беше хоспитализирано со фебрилна ИУТ и 8 пациенти (10%)  развиле фебрилна ИУТ во рок од една година по оперативниот третман. Заклучок: Отворената операција, и покрај одличните резултати, се користи за посложени случаи, ВУР IV - V степен или во претходно неуспешни случаи, и се чини дека не обезбедува конечна корекција на VUR кај сите пациенти и не спречува одредена ниска инциденца на ИУТ постоперативно. Не-фебрилни ИУТ може да се појават неколку години по хируршката корекција. Ендоскопскиот третман е алтернативен третман за ВУР

    Voiding Urosonography with Second-Generation Ultrasound Contrast Agent for Diagnosis of Vesicoureteric Reflux: First Local Pilot Study

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    BACKGROUND: Vesicoureteric reflux (VUR) is an important association of paediatric urinary tract infection (UTI) found in 30-50% of all children presenting with first UTI. Contrast-enhanced voiding ultrasonography (ceVUS) has become an important radiation-free method for VUR detection in children. Its sensitivity in detecting VUR has greatly improved due to the development of the contrast-specific ultrasound techniques and the introduction of the second-generation ultrasound contrast agent, superseding the diagnostic accuracy of standard radiological procedures.AIM: This article aimed to summarise the current literature and discuss the first local pilot study performed in our institution on detection of vesicoureteric reflux by contrast-enhanced voiding ultrasonography with second- generation agent (SonoVue, Bracco, Italy).MATERIAL AND METHODS: Retrospective review of the first 31 ceVUS (24 girls, 7 boys) was presented.  Age range was 2 months to 18 years (mean = 6.4 ± 4.9).RESULTS:  All examinations were well tolerated without any adverse incident. VUR was shown in 20 (64.5%) children in 32/62 (51.6) nephroureteral units (NUUs). In 18 NUUs, VUR was grade II/V, in 11 Grade III/V and in 3 grade IV/V, respectively. Urethra was shown in 19/31 children and in all boys, without pathological finding. In two girls spinning top urethra has been detected. Subsequent urodynamic studies revealed functional bladder problem in both. CONCLUSIONS: Contrast-enhanced voiding urosonography using intravesical second generation ultrasound contrast agent could be recommend  as a valid alternative diagnostic modality for detecting vesicoureteral reflux and evaluation of the distal urinary tract in children, based on its radiation-free, highly efficacious, reliable, and safe characteristics

    Dislocated Extension – Type Supracondylar Humerus Fractures in Children: Single Centre Experience

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    Aim: The aim of this study is to show our experience in cases of dislocated extension type – supracondylar humeral fractures and evaluate the results of their treatment in the period from 2000 to 2010 with a follow up of a maximum six months.Material and Methods: A retrospective analysis of the clinical cases for the period 2000 – 2010 was done. Children from 4 to 14 years of age with supracondylar fractures of the humerus – extension type are included. The total number of patients treated at the Clinic for Pediatric Surgery was 230.Results: The results of the treatment were evaluated after the last control examination six months later. We noticed postoperative neurological damage in 10 cases (4.85%). In 14 patients (6.8%) we noticed long term deformities such as cubitus varus or cubitus valgus. Infection at the entering place of the needles occurred in 4 patients (1.94%), which did not indicate premature extraction of the needles and conversion of the treatment.Conclusion: As a conclusion, we can stress that our outcomes in treatment of dislocated suparacondylar fractures of the humerus in children meet the world standards

    Testicular infection in brucellosis: Report of 34 cases

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    Background/Purpose: To present clinical and laboratory features, treatment options, and outcome in patients with brucellar testicular infection and to compare them with analogous in brucellar patients without testicular involvement. Methods: Thirty four brucellar patients with testicular infection treated in two general hospitals in the Republic of Macedonia, during the period 1998–2009, were retrospectively analyzed. Their clinical and laboratory characteristics were compared with analogous in 364 male brucellar patients without testicular infection, who were treated at the same hospitals during the same time period. Results: Brucellar testicular infection was evident in 34 (8.5%) out of 398 male patients with brucellosis. The median age of the patients was 46.5 years. In all patients testicular involvement was presented as an acute form with a median duration of 5 days (range, 2–14 days) prior to diagnosis. Twenty-three of the patients had at least one other simultaneous focal infection. After starting with the treatment testicular infection lasted a median 10 days, range 7–21 days. Brucellar patients with testicular infection when compared with other brucellar patients more frequently manifested fever (97% vs. 61%), concomitant spondylitis (32% vs. 16%), and urinary system involvement (12% vs. 2%). Also, the relapse rate in patients with testicular involvement was significantly higher (24% vs. 9%). Conclusion: In endemic regions brucellosis should be taken into consideration in any patient with testicular infection. Brucellar testicular involvement is usually characterized with a severe acute clinical presentation and a high percentage of relapses which entails the need of timely recognition and proper treatment duration of at least 60 days


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    Aim: aim of the study was to evaluate the efficiency of two different surgical treatments of vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) on succesfull rate and patient outcome. Methods: Retrospective study on children with primary VUR and their surgical treatment from 1999 to 2014 in the University Clinic for Pediatric Surgery in Skopje. A total of 76 children (114 ureters) with VUR ranging from second to fifth grade were treated surgically, 44 patients (67 ureters) with an open surgical technique and 32 patients (47 ureters) with endoscopic treatment ”STING” procedure. The following parameters were analyzed: duration of the intervention, duration of the hospitalization, the need for antibiotics and analgesic therapy and the need for blood and blood derivatives transfusion. The result of the surgical treatment was also validated. A good result was considered when reduction of VUR by 2 degrees with the endoscopic method or by 3 degrees in the open surgical technique was noticed. Results: Using open surgical technique, patients were hospitalized for an average of 9 days (range from 5 to 13 days). All children received double antibiotic therapy. The need for analgesics lasted for 3 to 4 days. 90% of treated children needed blood and/or blood derivatives transfusion. Success rate with this method was 93.8%. Endoscopic procedure was performed as a one-day surgical procedure. The average duration was 15 minutes. Single, prophylactic dose of antibiotic was ordinated. There was no need for blood and/or blood derivatives transfusion. The overall success of the treatment was about 70%. Conclusion: Open surgical procedure is used for more complicated cases, VUR grade IV-V or by previously failed. Endoscopic, “STING” procedure was commonly used for patients with VUR grade greater than 2, after previously failed conservative treatment, febrile urinary infection despite antibiotic prophylaxis and/or emergence of new scarring in the renal parenchyma. Patient assessment and decision for what method will be used must always be done individually for each child