32 research outputs found

    A detailed assessment of the land cover development in a territory with dispersed settlement area (case study Hriňová – Snohy, Slovakia)

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    This study focuses on the development of the landscape during a period of significant social changes in Central Europe from the middle of the 20th century, and evaluates the impact of the selected natural factors on landscape dynamics in the Snohy dispersed settlement area (cadaster of Hriňová, Slovakia). During the periods of feudalism and the democratic Czechoslovak Republic after 1918, private ownership of land prevailed on the territory of Slovakia. After 1948, in the period of the socialist establishment, the municipality was one of the few localities without collectivisation. We focused on the state and changes to the landscape structure based on remote sensing data analysis (1949, 2003, and 2018), as well as field research and archive photographs inspection. The study area is a part of the proposed Special Area of Conservation SKUEV4026 Meadows of Poľana and is situated near the border between the transition and buffer zones of the Poľana Biosphere Reserve. The state of land cover and its changes have been evaluated using a CORINE Land Cover modification at the 5th level. Results showed that the influence of the slope on agricultural extensification, deforestation, and afforestation, was the most pronounced. Since 1949, more than half of the land cover has changed across the study area. The most extensive changes were recorded in the spatial structure and composition of forest communities

    Zemljišni pokrov i upotreba zemljišta u Slovačkoj unutar paneuropske usklađene izmjere LUCAS 2015

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    The LUCAS project was launched following a decision by the European Parliament and Council of the European Union in May 2000. Eurostat started the LUCAS pilot project in close cooperation with the technical support of the Directorate General for Agriculture and Rural Development’s Joint Research Centre in 2001 . The main aim of the project is to provide a common, aligned, in situ overview of agricultural and environmental data, using GNSS and photo documentation for specific, georeferenced points. Research was carried out in Slovakia over a three-year period, starting in 2006. In 2009, an evaluation of land cover/use was carried out. This article presents the process of preparing, securing, conducting and researching the management of land cover and land use in Slovakia. The survey was launched in 201 2. The classification base consists of eight categories of land cover and land use, which are broken down into more detail. The result is a structured database of images and digital records for 2,455 selected points. The largest class mapped is forestland. The stabilization of the sampling scheme allowed the construction of a time series for monitoring land cover changes for selected types.Projekt LUCAS pokrenut je na temelju odluke Europskog parlamenta i Vijeća Europske unije u svibnju 2000. Eurostat je 2001. godine pokrenuo pilot projekt LUCAS u bliskoj suradnji s Ravnateljstvom za poljoprivredu i tehničku podršku ruralnom razvoju Zajedničkog istraživačkog centra. Glavni je cilj projekta zajednička, usklađena izmjera poljoprivrednih podataka i podataka okoliša in situ primjenom dokumentacije GNSS-a i fotografija odrebenih, georeferenciranih točaka. Istraživanje je provedeno u Slovačkoj u razdoblju od tri godine s početkom 2006. godine. U 2009. provedena je procjena zemljišnoga pokrova i upotrebe zemljišta. U radu se opisuje postupak pripreme, osiguravanja, vođenja i upravljanja istraživanjem zemljišnog pokrova i upotrebe zemljišta u Slovačkoj. Izmjera je pokrenuta 2012. godine. Osnova klasifikacije sastoji se od osam glavnih klasa zemljišnog pokrova i upotrebe zemljišta koje se dijele u detaljnije klase. Rezultat istraživanja je strukturirana baza slika i digitalnih zapisa za 2455 odabranih točaka. Najveća kartirana klasa je šumsko zemljište. Stabilizacija sheme uzorkovanja omogućila je izradu vremenskih nizova za nadzor promjene zemljišnog pokrova na odabranim tipovima zemljišnog pokrova

    Land Cover and Land Use in Slovakia within the LUCAS 2015 Pan-European Harmonized Survey

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    Projekt LUCAS pokrenut je na temelju odluke Europskog parlamenta i Vijeća Europske unije u svibnju 2000. Eurostat je 2001. godine pokrenuo pilot projekt LUCAS u bliskoj suradnji s Ravnateljstvom za poljoprivredu i tehničku podršku ruralnom razvoju Zajedničkog istraživačkog centra. Glavni je cilj projekta zajednička, usklađena izmjera poljoprivrednih podataka i podataka okoliša in situ primjenom dokumentacije GNSS-a i fotografija određenih, georeferenciranih točaka. Istraživanje je provedeno u Slovačkoj u razdoblju od tri godine s početkom 2006. godine. U 2009. provedena je procjena zemljišnoga pokrova i upotrebe zemljišta. U radu se opisuje postupak pripreme, osiguravanja, vođenja i upravljanja istraživanjem zemljišnog pokrova i upotrebe zemljišta u Slovačkoj. Izmjera je pokrenuta 2012. godine. Osnova klasifikacije sastoji se od osam glavnih klasa zemljišnog pokrova i upotrebe zemljišta koje se dijele u detaljnije klase. Rezultat istraživanja je strukturirana baza slika i digitalnih zapisa za 2455 odabranih točaka. Najveća kartirana klasa je šumsko zemljište. Stabilizacija sheme uzorkovanja omogućila je izradu vremenskih nizova za nadzor promjene zemljišnog pokrova na odabranim tipovima zemljišnog pokrova.The LUCAS project was launched following a decision by the European Parliament and Council of the European Union in May 2000. Eurostat started the LUCAS pilot project in close cooperation with the technical support of the Directorate General for Agriculture and Rural Development’s Joint Research Centre in 2001. The main aim of the project is to provide a common, aligned, in situ overview of agricultural and environmental data, using GNSS and photo documentation for specific, georeferenced points. Research was carried out in Slovakia over a three-year period, starting in 2006. In 2009, an evaluation of land cover/use was carried out. This article presents the process of preparing, securing, conducting and researching the management of land cover and land use in Slovakia. The survey was launched in 2012. The classification base consists of eight categories of land cover and land use, which are broken down into more detail. The result is a structured database of images and digital records for 2,455 selected points. The largest class mapped is forestland. The stabilization of the sampling scheme allowed the construction of a time series for monitoring land cover changes for selected types

    Kardiorespiratorni i hemodinamički efekti medetomidina ili ksilazina sa atropin i diazepam premedikacijom prilikom indukovanja totalne intravenske anestezije sa propofol/fentanil-om kod pasa tokom hirurških intervencija

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    The aim of this study was to compare the effects of different premedication protocols followed by a propofol/fentanyl TIVA on cardio-respiratory and hemodynamic changes in twenty-four dogs randomly divided into two groups (AMD-group: medetomidine, atropine and diazepam; AXD-group: xylazine, atropine and diazepam). Cardiorespiratory variables, acid-base indices, quality of sedation, induction, intubation and recovery were recorded throughout the experiment. Signifi cant changes were observed for the pO2 level, which was increased in the AMDgroup from 90 min. (*P< 0.05) to 120 min. (**P< 0.01) of anesthesia. This can be explained by a reduction of the administration rate of propofol/fentanyl TIVA and oxygenation initiated due to excessively deep anesthesia detected by an anesthetsiologist, leading to improved ventilation and increased pO2 . The pCO2 (*P < 0.05) reached more preferable values during the fi rst 30 min. and pH (**P< 0.01) was signifi cantly improved within the fi rst 60 min. in the AXD-group thanks to less depressant effects of xylazine. Within the fi rst 30 min. of anesthesia a signifi cant heart rate difference between the groups was accompanied with signifi cantly higher BP (hypertension) in the AXD-group (10 min. ***P< 0.001, 30 min. **P< 0.01). This points to the possibility of atropine application only in the case of a tendency to bradycardia followed by hypotension. It can be concluded that xylazine is a better option for the premedication of a propofol/ fentanyl TIVA in dogs undergoing a prolonged surgical intervention, in spite of the fact that lower sedation scores were attained. We have detected signifi cantly less adverse cardio-respiratory and hemodynamic effects of xylazine, and a shorter recovery time when compared to medetomidine.Obavljeno je upoređivanje efekata različitih protokola premedikacije koji su prethodili propofol/fentanil TIVA na kardio-respiratorne i hemodinamičke promene kod 24 psa koji su podeljeni u dve grupe (AMD-grupa: medetomidin, atropin i diazepam; AXD-grupa: xylazin, atropin i diazepam). Tokom ogleda, praćene su promenljive kardio-respiratorne vrednosti, acido-bazne vrednosti, kvalitet sedacije, indukcija sedacije, intubacija i stepen oporavka od anestezije. Značajne promene su uočene u odnosu na pO2 koje su bile povećane u AMD-grupi od 90 (*P<0.05) do 120 minuta (**P<0.01) anestezije. Ovo može da se objasni smanjenjem brzine davanja propofol/fentanil TIVA i oksigenacijom koja je izazvana naročito dubokom anestezijom koja je uočena od strane anesteziologa, što je vodilo pojačanoj ventilaciji i povećanim vrednostima pO2. Zahvaljujući slabijim depresivnim efektima ksilazina, u AXD grupi, nivoi pCO2 (*P<0.05) su dostizali željene vrednosti tokom prvih 30 minuta, a pH (**P<0.01) vrednosti su bile značajno poboljšane u prvih 60 minuta. U prvih 30 minuta anestezije, uočene su značajne razlike u radu srca (puls) između grupa pri čemu su vrednosti BP (hipertenzija) bile značajno veće u AXD grupi (10 min. ***P<0.001, 30 min. **P<0.01). Ovo ukazuje na mogućnost aplikacije atropina samo u slučaju postojanja tendencije razvoja bradikardije koja bi prethodila hipotenziji. Na osnovu rezultata može da se zaključi da je ksilazin bolja opcija za premedikaciju tokom propofol/fentanil TIVA anestezije kod pasa tokom produžene hirurške intervencije, uprkos činjenici da su ustanovljeni niži skorovi sedacije. Ustanovljeni su manje značajni neželjeni kardio-respiratorni i hemodinamički efekti ksilazina, kao i kraće vreme buđenja u poređenju sa medetomidinom

    Reparacija defekata hrskavice kunića autolognim i alogenim hondrocitima zasejanim na kolagen/ hijaluronan osnovu ili suspendovanim u fibrinskom lepku

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    The topic of the study was to verify in vivo survival of in vitro cultured autologous and allogenous chondrocytes suspended in a fi brin glue Beriplast® or seeded on Collagen type I-Hyaluronan (Col type I-HYA) scaffolds for the regeneration of articular cartilage defects in rabbits. The study was carried out on 15 domestic rabbits randomly assigned to fi ve groups (n = 3 in each) with different treatments of artifi cially created chondral defects (ChD ́s). These defects were made in a non-load-bearing area of medial condyle of the distal femur, and were treated as follows: 1st and 3rd group: the ChD ́s were fi lled with autologous or allogenous chondrocytes seeded on Col type I-HYA scaffolds, respectively. The scaffolds were fi xed to the ChD ́s by fi brin glue Beriplast®; 2nd and 4th group: the ChD ́s were fi lled with a suspension of autologous or allogenous chondrocytes in fi brin glue Beriplast®, respectively, and they were immediately covered by unseeded Col type I-HYA scaffolds; Control group: the ChD ́s were left to heal spontaneously without any treatment. Macroscopical, histological and immunohistochemical analyses of the ChD ́s were performed 12 months after the treatment. In all treated groups, the chondrocytes were capable to proliferate and produce the cartilage extracellular matrix, including proteoglycans and type II collagen, as compared to the control “untreated” group. On the other hand, the production of hyaline-like cartilage tissue confi rmed that both therapeutic methods using autologous chondrocytes can be applied successfully for the treatment of chondral defects in rabbits.Cilj studije je bio da se verifi kuje in vivo preživljavanje in vitro kultivisanih autolognih i alogenih hondrocita suspendovanih u fi brinski Beriplast® lepak ili na kolagen Hyaluronan tip I (Col type I-HYA) osnovu radi regeneracije oštećenja zglobne hrskavice kod kunića. Ispitivanje je obavljeno na 15 domaćih kunića, odabranih slučajnim izborom koji su podeljeni u pet grupa (3 po grupi) kod kojih su veštački izazvana oštećenja hrskavice (ChD), tretirana na različite načine. Oštećenja su napravljena na površinama koje nisu noseće na medijalnom kondilusu distalnog femura, a tretman je podrazumevao: prva i treća grupa: ChD su punjene sa autolognim ili alogenim hondrocitima zasejanim na Col tip I-HYA osnovu. Osnove su fi ksirane na ChD pomoću fi brinskog lepka Beriplast®; druga i četvrta grupa: oštećenja su punjena suspenzijom autolognih ili alogenih hondrocita u fi brinskom Beriplast® lepku, a neposredno posle toga, prekriveni su sa nezasejanom Col tip I-HYA osnovom; kontrolna grupa: oštećenja su ostavljena da spontano zarastu, bez tretmana. Dvanaest meseci posle tretmana obavljene su makroskopske, histološke i imunohistološke analize promena. Kod svih životinja tretiranih grupa, hondrociti su bili sposobni da proliferišu i proizvode ekstracelularni matriks hrskavice, uključujući proteoglikane i II tip kolagena u poređenju sa kontrolnom “netretriranom” grupom. Sa druge strane, proizvodnja hrskavičavog tkiva nalik na hijalin potvrđuje da se oba terapijska metoda koji koriste autologne hondrocite mogu da uspešno primene u tretiranju defekata hrskavice kod kunića

    Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches of Delineation in Detailed Mapping of Vineyard Landscape. Case Study: Vicinity of Pezinok (Slovakia)

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    The main goal of this paper is the application of qualitative and quantitative free available data for geographical delineation based on reconnaissance research in vineyard landscape. The results of delineation are useful in agricultural management or environmental planning. Our delineation may serve as the basic information on site conditions of vineyards near Pezinok (Slovakia), with historical use from the beginning of 13th century. We have studied the actual land cover and classified physiotopes of the study area into a set of relatively homogenous and coherent landscape units. The landscape units defined in this work consist of homogenous physiotopes in terms of their structural and functional characteristics, which have been shaped by natural factors (land-forms, soil type and subtype, geological base, elevation, slope, aspect, solar radiation and normal different vegetation index (NDVI)). The characteristics were used to define 23 landscape units in qualitative delineation (based on both qualitative and quantitative data). Only quantitative characteristics – elevation, aspect, slope, solar radiation and NDVI, were used in a K-means cluster analysis to define the 17 landscape units. The number of landscape units was computed by WB-index, and standardisation of data was computed by factor analysis. The whole classification process was statistically significant. The strength of the grouping procedure was tested by using Discriminant Analysis, which found that 92.70% of objects in qualitative and 98.50% of objects in quantitative delineation were correctly classified


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    Abstract. Gender differences in CAD have been clearly documented, and sex hormones have been recognized to influence the risk of CAD. The cytochrome P450c17α α gene (CYP17) and the CYP19 gene influence concentrations of sex hormones. In this cross-sectional association study we tested the hypothesis whether the T/C polymorphism of the CYP17 gene and the tetranucleotide repeat (TTTA) polymorphism of the CYP19 gene are genetic markers for CAD in Caucasians. The TT genotype of the CYP17 gene polymorphism was not associated with premature CAD in men and women combined (OR 0.9; 95% CI = 0.6-1.4; P = 0.7), in men only (OR 1; 95% CI = 0.6-1.8; P = 0.7), and in women only (OR 0.8; 95% CI = 0.5-1.4; P = 0.4). The tetranucleotide repeat (TTTA) CYP19 gene polymorphism was not associated with premature CAD. Moreover, the genotypes containing the longer alleles (A6 or A7) were not associated with a lower incidence of CAD, and the genotypes containing the shorter alleles (A1 or A2) were not over-represented in the CAD patients. We may conclude that in Caucasian subjects neither the T/C CYP17 gene polymorphism nor the tetranucleotide repeat (TTTA) polymorphism of the CYP19 gene contributes to the genetic susceptibility to CAD, therefore they may not be used as genetic markers for CAD risk assessment. Gender differences in coronary artery disease (CAD) have been clearly documented, and sex hormones have been recognized to influence the risk of developing cardiovascular disease The cytochrome P450c17α gene (CYP17) encodes the cytochrome P450c17α enzyme, which is involved in the formation of precursors of testosterone and oestradiol. The T/C polymorphism of the CYP17 gene creates a recognition site for the MspA1 restriction enzyme and has been used to designate two alleles, A1 (T) and A2 (C). Subjects with the C allele have an additional Sp 1 site, which results in an increased expression of the gene The CYP19 gene encodes the enzyme aromatase (P450aro) that is crucially involved in the production of oestrogens from androgens. In men and postmenopausal women the enzyme aromatase is the main source of circulating oestrogens produced mainly peripherally from androgenic steroids, whereas in premenopausal women the ovary is the main source of circulating oestradiol Associations of the CYP17 and CYP19 polymorphisms are being extensively studied to clarify their role in hormone-related cancers (breast, endometrial, prostate and ovarian cancer), osteoporosis, and hip frac