23 research outputs found

    Nitrate Removal from Groundwater with Membrane Bioreactor

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    The aim of this study is to model the denitrification process performed in a membrane bioreactor (MBR). The research was carried out using a modified Zenon ZeeWeed 10 MBR system. The membrane module consisted of submerged hollow-fibre membrane with a pore size of 0.04 µm and an active area of 0.93 m2. The concentration of nitrate in drinking water was (70 ± 2) mg/L NO3−. During the experiment, we maintained a constant concentration level of activated sludge at approximately 0.76 g/L under anoxic conditions. Sugar was added to the activated sludge as a source of carbon. The Monod kinetic parameters were estimated based on the experimental data numerical interpolation. Afterwards, a dynamic simulation with known parameters was carried out, and the time dependence of the substrate and biomass concentration was studied. We developed a model based on actual substrate outlet concentration. In addition, the time required to reach a steady state was estimated

    Denitrification of Spent Regenerated Brine Using Molasses

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    Spent BRINE from the regeneration of exhausted resins has to be properly treated before its disposal. The heterotrophic denitrification of regenerated brine was studied in present work. Molasses which served as a carbon source has until now not been applied during brine denitrification. The nitrate and nitrite consumptions were observed according to different ratios between total organic carbon and nitrate (TOC / NO3 ratios) and the influence of NaCl was studied during batch experiments. This work ascertained that molasses is a very good source of carbon, and no addition of other nutrients is necessary. The complete nitrate removal from regenerated brine could be achieved using molasses

    Deficiency of mast cells in coronary artery endarterectomy of male patients with type 2 diabetes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Type 2 diabetes is an important risk factor for the development of coronary artery disease (CAD). Focal or diffuse inflammation is often present in the vessels of patients with CAD. Mast cells are frequently present in the plaques as well as in the inflammatory infiltrates in the atherosclerotic vessel wall. In the study we wanted to examine whether there are differences in the morphology, number and distribution of mast cells and in their ability to modify the atherosclerotic process in coronary arteries (CA) in the diabetic <it>vs</it>. the hypertensive population of patients with CAD.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Coronary artery endarterectomy specimens were obtained from patients with diabetes or hypertension as the only risk factor for CAD. The specimens were stained with haematoxylin-eosin and Sulphated Alcian Blue for mast cells and with immunofluorescent methods for fibrinogen-fibrin and IgG deposits in the vessel wall. Both morphological and stereological assessments were conducted for mast cells and mononuclear cell infiltrates.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The histological analysis of the vessel wall of diabetic patients in comparison with hypertensive patients showed a damaged endothelial cells layer and deposits of fibrin-fibrinogen and IgG in the tunica intima and media. The stereological count revealed a diminished numerical density of mast cells and a significantly higher volume density of the mononuclear cells. Mast cells displayed cytoplasmic vacuolization, extracellular extrusion of granule and pyknotic nuclei.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This preliminary study suggests that the impaired mast cells might be the reason for more extensive inflammatory and immunologic atherosclerotic changes in the CA vessel wall of CAD patients with type 2 diabetes.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>134/88;C3-0564-381-92</p

    The Interleukin-1 Receptor Antagonist Gene and the Inhibitor of Kappa B-Like Protein Gene Polymorphisms Are Not Associated with Myocardial Infarction in Slovene Population with Type 2 Diabetes

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    In this study we investigated the association of the interleukin-1 receptor antagonist gene variable number tandem repeat (IL1RN VNTR) polymorphism and of the inhibitor of kappa B-like protein (IKBL) gene polymorphism with myocardial infarction (MI) in a group of patients with type 2 diabetes. The IL1RN VNTR and the IKBL+738T>C gene polymorphisms were tested in 374 Caucasians: 151 cases with MI and 223 subjects with no history of coronary artery disease. The IL1RN VNTR polymorphism was not a risk factor for MI in Caucasians with type 2 diabetes (genotype 22 vs. the rest: odds ratio (OR) 1.6; 95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.8–3.5; p=0.2). We also failed to demonstrate that IKBL+ 738T>C gene polymorphism was associated with MI in patients with type 2 diabetes (OR =0.9; 95% CI = 0.3–2.6; p=0.9). We provide evidence that the IL1RN VNTR and the IKBL+738T>C gene polymorphisms are not risk factors for MI in Caucasians with type 2 diabetes

    Study of nitrogen compounds and metal removal from drinking water with algae Chlorella sorokiniana

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    Glavni namen raziskav v okviru doktorske disertacije je bil preučiti odstranjevanje dušikovih spojin in težkih kovin iz pitne vode z algami vrste Chlorella sorokiniana. Pri odstranjevanju dušikovih spojin (nitrata, nitrita in amonija) iz vode z algami imobiliziranimi na Ca-alginat smo podrobneje preučili vpliv vrste zunanjega vira ogljika ter vpliv številnih drugih parametrov kot so vpliv števila celic, vpliv pH, vpliv svetlobe, vpliv količine biosorbenta, ipd. na učinkovitost odstranjevanja dušikovih spojin. Eksperimenti so pokazali, da lahko alge C. sorokiniana ob prisotnosti ustreznega vira ogljika učinkovito odstranijo dušikove spojine iz vode pri vseh testiranih koncentracijah posameznega hranila. Izmed štirih različnih preizkušenih virov ogljika smo najvišje učinkovitosti odstranjevanja nitrata dosegli ob uporabi grozdnega soka, medu oz. melase, medtem ko uporaba saharoze ni dala tako dobrih rezultatov. Eksperimenti brez dodatka zunanjega vira ogljika so bili najmanj uspešni. Ker grozdni sok in med v tovrstnih študijah do sedaj še nista bila uporabljena, so pridobljeni rezultati še toliko bolj pomembni za nadaljnje raziskave. Pri začetni koncentraciji nitrata 20 mg/L ob prisotnosti grozdnega soka, medu oz. melase, so se nitrati iz pitne vode odstranili po enem dnevu v več kot 93 %, pri začetni koncentraciji 100 mg/L pa po približno treh dneh in sicer v več kot 95 %. Razlog, da ti viri ogljika dajejo boljše rezultate kot saharoza, izvira iz njihove sestave, saj vsebujejo številna hranila, ki pozitivno vplivajo na rast alg in s tem na odstranjevanje dušikovih spojin. Popolno odstranitev amonija (z začetno koncentracijo 30 mg/L) ob prisotnosti nitrata (50 mg/L) smo dosegli v manj kot 3 dneh. Učinkovitost odstranjevanja hranil je bila odvisna predvsem od količine biosorbenta, koncentracije dodanega vira ogljika, koncentracije vira dušika in intenzitete svetlobe. ψ (B/H2O), s katerim je mogoče doseči zadovoljive učinkovitosti je znašalo 1/6,7. Študija vpliva prisotnosti alg C. sorokiniana na biološko odstranjevanje nitratov z aktivnim blatom iz pitne vode je pokazala, da imajo te alge izrazito negativen vpliv na proces denitrifikacije. Biološka denitrifikacija z aktivnim blatom pri začetni koncentraciji nitrata 100 mg/L je omogočala več kot 95 % učinkovitost odstranitve nitrata, medtem ko se je ob prisotnosti alg odstranilo le okoli 65 % - 70 % nitrata. Prisotnost amonija oz. uree v vodi je negativno vplivala na proces denitrifikacije. V nadaljevanju raziskav smo izvedli eksperimente biosorpcije kovinskih ionov, pri čemer smo študirali odstranjevanje Cu2+, Ni2+, Cr6+ in Cd2+ ionov iz pitne vode z imobiliziranimi algami C. sorokiniana. Ugotovili smo, da lahko z imobiliziranimi algami odstranimo do 97 % bakra, 51 % niklja in 74 % kadmija iz pitne vode. Odstranjevanje kroma se je izkazalo kot nesmiselno zaradi prevelike toksičnosti le-tega za alge in prenizkih učinkovitosti. Biosorpcija kovinskih ionov je bila močno odvisna od koncentracije posameznega kovinskega iona v vodi ter od pH vrednosti raztopine. Pri začetni koncentraciji izbranega kovinskega iona 25 mg/L smo z istim biosorbentom učinkovito izvedli tudi do 5 zaporednih biosorpcijskih ciklov. Najbolj toksičen efekt na alge C. sorokiniana so pokazali Cr6+ ioni, sledijo jim Ni2+ in Cu2+ ioni, najmanj toksični pa so bili Cd2+ ioni. Cd2+ ioni za razliko od ostalih ionov tudi niso imeli nobenega bistvenega vpliva na odstranjevanje nitratov. Ker biosorpcija tro-komponentnega sistema kovinskih ionov z imobiliziranimi algami C. sorokinana iz pitne vode do sedaj še ni bila raziskana, smo v nadaljevanju raziskav preučevali biosorpcijo dvo- in tro-komponentnih sistemov Cu2+, Ni2+ in Cd2+ ionov pri treh različnih koncentracijah kovinskih ionov (30, 50 in 100 mg/L). Biosorpcijske kapacitete posameznega kovinskega iona so upadale s številom kovinskih ionov prisotnih v vodi, najnižje so tako bile pri tro-komponentnem sistemu. Biosorpcija Cd2+ in Ni2+ ionov je bila nižja zaradi....The aim of this research was to study the removal of nitrogen compounds and heavy metals from drinking water by algae Chlorella sorokiniana. Firstly, in the experiments on the removal of nitrogen compounds (nitrate, nitrite and ammonium) from drinking water by alginate immobilised C. sorokiniana, besides the impacts of the types of carbon source on the removal efficiencies of nutrients, the impacts of several other parameters were studied such as the impact of cell number, pH, light intensity, amount of bio-sorbent, etc. The experiments showed that algae C. sorokiniana in the presence of an appropriate carbon source efficiently removed nitrogen compounds from the water samples at all tested concentrations of nutrients. Amongst the four tested carbon sources, the highest nitrate removal efficiencies were achieved when using grape juice, acacia honey or molasses as carbon sources, while sucrose gave poorer results. The experiments without any external carbon source added were less successful. As grape juice and acacia honey until this date have never been used as carbon sources in such kinds of studies, the obtained results represent an important contribution for further research. At an initial nitrate concentration 20 mg/L in the presence of grape juice, honey or molasses, the nitrates were removed from drinking water after one day at rates of more than 93 %, while at 100 mg/L of initial nitrate concentration by more than 95 % over three days. The main reason that these carbon sources gave better results than sucrose arises from their compositions, as they contain various nutrients that could positively impact the algae growth and thus nitrogen removal. The complete removal of ammonium (at initial concentration of 30 mg/L) in the presence of 50 mg/L of nitrate was achieved in less than three days. The nutrient removal efficiency was highly correlated with the bio-sorbent amount, the concentration of added carbon source, the concentration and type of nutrient, and with the light intensity. Otherwise, sufficient nitrate removal efficiencies could be achieved with a beads/water ratio of 1:6.7 or smaller. The study on the impact of algae C. sorokiniana on the biological removal of nitrate from drinking water by activated sludge showed that this alga had a noticeably negative effect on the denitrification process. At an initial nitrate concentration of 100 mg/L, only 65 % –70 % of the initial nitrate was removed in the presence of algae, whilst conventional biological denitrification enables above 95 % removal. The presence of ammonium or urea slowed down the denitrification process. Furthermore, experiments regarding the bio-sorption of heavy metals were performed, wherein the potential was studied of alginate immobilised C. sorokiniana for removing Cu2+, Ni2+, Cr6+ and Cd2+ ions from drinking water. It was found that immobilised algae C. sorokiniana could efficiently remove up to 97 % Cu2+, 51 % Ni2+ and 74 % Cd2+. Removal of Cr6+ ions was unreasonable due to low efficiencies achieved and due to the strong toxic effects of these ions on algae. The bio-sorption of the metals was strongly affected by the initial metal ion concentration and initial pH. At an initial metal concentration of 25 mg/L alginate immobilised C. sorokiniana cells could be used within 5 or even more successive bio-sorption-desorption cycles and still sufficiently remove metal ions. The highest toxicity effect on the algal cells was noticed in the case of Cr6+ ions, whilst Ni2+ and Cu2+ ions showed quite lower toxicities to C. sorokiniana. The lowest toxicity was observed in the case of Cd2+ ions, which among all metals also shown the negligible impact on the nitrate removal. As bio-sorption of the multi-metal systems of heavy metals from drinking water by alginate immobilised C. sorokiniana had not been studied until now, the bi- and multi-metal systems of Cu2+, Ni2+, and Cd2+ were investigated at initial metal concentrations of 30, 50 and 100 mg/L


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    Namen diplomskega dela je bila popolna denitrifikacija pitne vode (odstranitev nitratov) ob uporabi pilotne naprave, modificiranega membranskega bioreaktorja Zenon ZW 10. Aktivnemu blatu je bil kot vir ogljika dodan sladkor saharoza v ustreznem razmerju C/N. Pred, med in po obdelavi pitne vode so bili spremljani naslednji fizikalno-kemijski parametri: pH, temperatura, motnost, absorbanca pri 254 nm, koncentracija kisika, prevodnost, kemijska potreba po kisiku (KPK), celotni organski ogljik (TOC), vsebnost nitratnih ionov, vsebnost nitritnih ionov, koncentracija aktivnega blata (MLSS) ter koncentracija hlapnih suspendiranih snovi (MLVSS). Osrednji cilj naloge je bila določitev optimalnih procesnih pogojev obratovanja in ob tem ugotoviti ustreznost uporabe saharoze kot vira ogljika. Na osnovi analiz fizikalno-kemijskih parametrov in analize aktivnega blata so bili za dan sistem določeni ustrezen vtok, obtok, optimalno razmerje C/N, izračunana je bila tudi hitrost denitrifikacije. V šestih ciklih obratovanja (različnih časovnih intervalov) pri različnih pogojih in parametrih obratovanja, ki so se spreminjali glede na dosežene rezultate, so bili doseženi sledeči optimalni pogoji obratovanja: razmerje C/N za saharozo 2,5/1, vtok vode 17 mL/min, obtok 85 mL/min. Specifična hitrost denitrifikacije je v ciklu s temi pogoji v povprečju znašala 0,0226 d-1, učinkovitost odstranjevanja nitrata (učinkovitost denitrifikacije) pa je bila 99,36 %.The aim of thesis was a complete denitrification of drinking water (nitrate removal) using a pilot plant, modified membrane bioreactor Zenon ZW 10. Sucrose was added to the activated sludge as a source of carbon in the appropriate ratio C/N. Before, during and after the treatment of drinking water, the following physico-chemical parameters were monitored: pH, temperature, turbidity, absorbance at 254 nm, oxygen concentration, conductivity, chemical oxygen demand (COD), total organic carbon (TOC), content of nitrate ions, content of nitrite ions, concentration of activated sludge (MLSS) and concentration of volatile suspended solids (MLVSS). The central objective of the task was to determine the optimal process operating conditions, to thereby determine the appropriateness of using sugar as a source of carbon. Based on the analysis of physico-chemical parameters and of activated sludge, the appropriate flow, circulation and optimal C/N has been determined. Also the denitrification rate for the given system has been calculated. After six operation cycles (different time intervals), in which operating conditions and parameters were varied according to the results obtained, the following optimal operating conditions were achieved: the ratio of C/N for sucrose 2,5/1, water flow 17 mL/min and circulation 85 mL/min. The average specific denitrification rate calculated under the aforementioned conditions was 0.0226 d-1, the nitrate removal efficiency (denitrification efficiency) was 99.36%


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    Diplomsko delo Vrnitev vseobsegajočega plesa obravnava nova plesna stila klovnanje in krump, ki vsaj v nekem trenutku sovpadata s Sachsovim (1997) dojemanjem vseobsegajočega plesa, ki prežema vse vidike človekovega bivanja. Z namenom odkriti, do katere mere je možna vrnitev vseobsegajočega plesa, kaj jo povzroči in kdaj ne moremo več govoriti o vseobsežnosti, sem razdelala tudi družbene in psihološke dimenzije krumpa in klovnanja, ki sovpadajo z dimenzijami plesa nasploh. Metoda analize in sinteze virov ter komparativna metoda sta potrdili, da imata klovnanje in krump na ozemlju svojega nastanka ugodne psihološke in družbene učinke ter sta vseobsežnadrugam pa sta skozi medije prišla kot svetovni trend, ki se ga je mogoče naučiti, ni pa način življenja. Vseeno pa bi s pedagoškim premislekom lahko tudi drugod dosegli podobne učinke, če bi ta plesa ponudili ciljnim skupinam posameznikov, ki so agresivni in/ali nabiti z negativno energijo, saj znotraj skupnosti njunega nastanka plesa »zdravita« ravno takšne tegobe. Plesna terapija s klovnanjem in/ali krumpom bi utegnila biti koristno sredstvo predvsem v šolah pri ravnanju z odklonskimi posamezniki, v popravnih domovih in zaporih.Final thesis The Return of the All-embracing Dance deals with two new dance styles: Clowning and Krumping which at least to some extent correspond to Sachs\u27s (1997) understanding of all-embracing dance: the dance which permeates all aspects of human beingness. I elaborated the social and psychological dimensions of Clowning and Krumping (which correspond to dimensions of dance in general) with an aim to discover to what an extent the return of the all-embracing dance is possible, what causes it and at what point we cannot anymore address dance as all-embracing. The method of analysis and synthesis and comparative method have confirmed favorable social and psychological effects of Clowning and Krumpingand the fact that they are all-embracing in the area of their originelsewhere they became known through media as a world trend which can be thought, but does not become a way of life. However, if we put some pedagogical thought into it the same effects the dances have in their hometown, similar effects could be achieved elsewhere when offered to individuals dealing with similar negative energy and/or aggression issues. Clowning and/or Krumping dance therapy could prove as effective means when dealing with delinquent individuals in schools, correctional institutions and prisons

    A kinetic study on drinking water denitrification using a membrane bioreactor

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    This study determines the basic parameters of Monod kinetics for microbial growth within a membrane bioreactor using the Zenon ZeeWeed 10 MBR system. The influent nitrate concentration was kept at 70 ± 2 mg L-1 NO3ˉ. During the experiments a constant concentration of activated sludge was maintained at approximately 0.76 g L-1 under anoxic conditions. Sucrose was added to the activated sludge as a carbon source. The Monod kinetic parameters were calculated by numerical interpolation, by considering experimental data. The maximum specific growth rate of the biomass was determined to be 0.31 h-1, half-saturation constant 5.4 mg L-1, and yield coefficient 0.35 mg biomass mg-1 COD. Afterwards, a dynamic simulation was performed within the calculated parameters. The dynamic concentration profiles for substrate and biomass were determined at different dilution rates within the range of 0.8 to 5 d-1

    Correlations between vitreous cytokine levels and inflammatory cells in fibrovascular membranes of patients with proliferative diabetic retinopathy

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the levels of cytokines in the vitreous, and their correlation with the density of inflammatory cells in fibrovascular membranes (FVMs) in patients with proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR) to evaluate intraocular inflammatory conditions with regard to disease activity.Methods: Thirty-three patients (33 eyes) with PDR requiring vitreoretinal surgery because of FVMs and tractional detachment were enrolled in the study, and compared with 20 patients (20 eyes) with macular hole (MHcontrol group). All patients underwent complete ophthalmological examinations before surgery. The activity of the disease was noted in patients with PDR. Samples of vitreous and blood were taken, and cytokine (MCP-1, IL-8, IL-6, VEGF, IL-1%, TNF-%, MIP-1%, MIP-1%, IL-10, and IL-12) levels were measured using cytometric bead array (CBA). Samples of FVMs were analyzed with immunohistochemical methods for the presence of inflammatory cells (CD45+, CD14+, CD3+, CD4+, CD8+, and CD19+ cells), and the numerical areal density was calculated (NA). Spearman%s correlation was used to as-sess the association between variables. The Mann%Whitney test was used to assess the differences between independent groups. The Wilcoxon signed-rank test was used for assessing differences between two related groups. A p value of less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant.Results: Patients with active PDR had statistically significantly higher levels of MCP-1 (p = 0.003), VEGF (p = 0.009), and IL-8 (p = 0.02) in the vitreous in comparison with those with inactive PDR. CD45+, CD14+, CD3+, CD4+, CD8+, and CD19+ cells were identified in FVMs for patients with PDR. Statistically significantly higher numerical areal density of T lymphocytes (CD3+, CD4+, and CD8+) was demonstrated in patients with active PDR in comparison with patients with inactive PDR. Moderate to strong correlations were found between either MCP-1 or IL-8 in the vitreous, and the numerical areal density of cells (CD45+, CD3+, CD4+, and CD8+) in the FVMs, and weaker between either MCP-1 or IL-8 in the vitreous and the numerical areal density of CD14+ cells in the FVMs.Conclusions: The correlation of cytokine (MCP-1 and IL-8) vitreous levels with the density of inflammatory cells in FVMs, and differences in cytokine levels in the vitreous between patients with active and inactive PDR, and between the vitreous and serum in PDR indicate the importance of local intraocular inflammation in patients with PDR

    Efikasnost membranskog bioreaktora za denitrifikaciju vode za piće

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    The membrane bioreactor (MBR) system was investigated regarding its nitrate removal capacity from drinking water. The performance of a pilot-scale MBR was tested, depending on the operational parameters, using sucrose as a carbon source. Drinking water from the source was introduced into the reactor in order to study the influence of flow-rate on the nitrate removal and denitrification efficiency of drinking water. The content of the nitrate was around 70 mg/L and the C/N ratio was 3:1. Nitrate removal efficiencies above 90% were obtained by flow-rates lower than 4.8 L/h. The specific denitrification rates varied between 0.02 and 0.16 g/L NO3/ (g/L MLSS.d). The efficiencies and nitrate removal were noticeably affected by the flow-rate and hydraulic retention times. At the maximum flow-rate of 10.2 L/h still 68% of the nitrate had been removed, whilst the highest specific denitrification rate was achieved at 0.2738 g/L NO3/ (g/L) MLSS.d). The maximum reactor removal capacity was calculated at 8.75 g NO3/m3.h.U radu je ispitan kapacitet membranskog bioreactora (MBR) za uklanjanje nitrata iz pijaće vode. Testirane su mogućnosti poluindustrijskog postrojenja MBR u zavisnosti od ope- rativnih parametara koristeći saharozu kao izvor ugljenika. Pijaća voda iz izvora je dove- dena u reaktor da bi se analizirao uticaj protoka na efikasnost denitrifikacije i uklanjanja nitrata iz pijaće vode. Sadržaj nitrata je bio oko70 mg/l, a odnos C/N je bio 3:1. Efikasnost uklanjanja nitrata je oko 90% pri protoku manjem od 4,8 l/h. Specifična brzina denitrifikacije je bila u opsegu od 0,02 do 0,16 g/l NO3/(g/L MLSS d). Efikasnost uklanjanja nitrata je značajno zavisila od protoka i hidrauličkog vremena zadržavanja. Pri maksimalnom protoku od 10,2 L/h moguće je uklanjanje do 68% nitrata, dok je ostvarena najveća specifična brzina denitrifikacije od 0,2738 g/L NO3/(g/L) MLSS d). Izračunato je da je maksimalni kapacitet uklanjanja nitrata 8,75g NO3/m3 h