82 research outputs found

    ‘The Bitter Taste of Fabric’: The Zagreb and Yugoslav Textile Industry of the 1960s in Light of Selected Croatian Printed Media

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    Analitičko-interpretativnom metodom tekstova iz odabranih tiskovina obrađena je zagrebačka i jugoslavenska tekstilna industrija u razdoblju od 1959. do 1971./1972. godine. Zbog opsega i zahtjevnosti teme obuhvaćena je samo proizvodnja tekstila u metraži, koja je činila temelje i bila glavni proizvod tekstilne industrije šezdesetih godina. Suprotno uvriježenome mišljenju da su šezdesete u Jugoslaviji zlatno doba ekonomije, tekstilne industrije, mode i političkih sloboda, autorice upozoravaju na svakodnevne i strukturne probleme tekstilne industrije.In this paper, the authors examine the yard goods industry in Zagreb in the 1960s, in the context of the Yugoslav textile industry. Due to the complexity of the textile industry as a topic, the paper examines a longer period, from the late 1950s to the early 1970s, as it has been accepted in historiography. Using an analytical-interpretative method, qualitative and quantitative results have been obtained from newspapers and journals from 1959 to 1972. A chronological overview of the studied periodicals has shown more clearly the impressions of the political and economic events on the development and business of the textile industry. The influences of the so-called ‘small reforms’ of 1961, the economic reform of 1965, and the events of 1968 and the subsequent liberalisation process are noticeable. The difference between the first and second half of the 1960s is particularly prominent. The first half was characterised by the production of heavy woollen fabrics for making women’s and men’s tops, particularly coats. The textile industry was slow to adapt to the market through its reorganisations, i.e. attempts to merge, change product ranges, and switch from heavy to light, artificial fabrics. Simultaneously, there was a reorientation towards foreign markets, which had numerous problems related to the import of poor raw materials and finished fabrics as well as exports aimed at keeping labour costs low. Other significant problems were bonification and the trading of imported textiles on the black market. In the second half of the decade, following international trends, the focus was on producing textiles from artificial fabrics, which were easier to maintain, cheaper, and expressed new social trends, especially making the lives of employed women easier. In the 1965–1971 period, stronger demands to transition to a market-based business model are evident in the yard goods industry, but a strong influence of the state is also visible in various aspects: firstly, through ideology, as there was an effort to achieve full employment, develop industry and cities, which led to overemployment and employment that was not in line with the needs of the market; secondly, through direct interference in business activities via legislations, such as the regulations on compulsory export; thirdly, through the Yugoslav international policy of non-alignment, but maintaining simultaneous economic links with the West, which led to unequal relationships (forced import of large quantities of goods, much of them of poor quality, and cheap exports). Insufficient investment in modernisation, which was the result of income being diverted to salaries, led to a lack of competitiveness on the new consumer market. This paper concludes that, despite all modernisation and liberalisation processes, obsolete technology, an unqualified female workforce, and the lowest income among all industries were permanent problems of the yard goods industry from 1959 to 1971

    Utjecaj majčinih i fetalnih faktora na uspješnost medikamentozne indukcije poroda

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    Labour induction is the process in which labour is induced mechanically or pharmacologically. The percentage of induced labours is between 1.4% and 32% of the total number of births in the world. The aim of this research is to present the number of medically induced labours from 2012 to 2019 at the Clinic for Gynaecology and Obstetrics of the Clinical Hospital Center in Osijek and to present the success rate of medically induced labour and factors, both maternal and/or foetal which may affect it. Materials and methods: In the study 2361 subjects were included whose births were induced by medication regardless of the indication for medically induced labour, gestational age or mother’s age. χ2 test, Mann Whitney U test, Fisher’s exact test, Kruskal Wallis test (Pot Hoc Conover), and the univariate and multivariate logistic regression model were used. Results: The percentage of inductions was 13.8%. 81% of the child births was completed vaginally , while 19% was completed by the caesarean section. The univariate regression analysis found that meconium amniotic fluid increases the risk of the caesarean section after the labour has been induced. Factors decreasing the possibility of the caesarean section after induced labour include multiparity, women age between 25 and 35 years and women bearing female children. The multivariate statistical regression model found that women over the age of 36 are 1.58 times more likely to have the caesarean section. Women with meconium amniotic fluid are 1.47 times more likely to have the caesarean section. Multiparity in the mother and the female sex of the child reduce the probability of the caesarean section after induced labour (odds ratio (OR) 0.20, P=0.02 and OR 0.84, P=0.09, respectively). Conclusion: The study indicates that multiparity and female gender of child increase the probability of the vaginal birth after the induction, while the mother’s age over 36 and meconium amniotic fluid after the induction increase the risk of the caesarean section.Indukcija poroda postupak je kojim mehaničkim ili farmakološkim putem pokušavamo potaknuti porod. Postotak induciranih porođaja u svijetu mjeri se od 1,4 do čak 32 % od ukupnog broja poroda. Cilj je ovog preglednog rada prikazati broj medikamentozno induciranih poroda u razdoblju od 2012. do 2019. godine na Klinici za ginekologiju Kliničkog bolničkog centra u Osijeku, prikazati uspješnost medikamentozne indukcije poroda te koji od materničnih i/ili fetalnih faktora mogu utjecati na uspjeh indukcije poroda. Materijali i metode: Koristili smo podatke iz rađaonskog protokola Klinike za ginekologiju i porodništvo Kliničkog bolničkog centra u Osijeku. U istraživanje smo uključili 2361 ispitanicu čiji su porodi inducirani medikamentozno. Statistički smo obradili podatke o vrsti indukcije poroda, indikacijama za indukciju poroda te načinu poroda nakon indukcije. Koristili smo χ2 test, Mann Whitney U test, Fisherov egzaktni test, Kruskal Wallis test (Pot Hoc Conover) te model univarijantne i multivarijantne logističke regresije. Rezultati: Postotak indukcija bio je 13,8 %. U 81 % slučajeva porod je dovršen vaginalnim putem, dok je u 19 % slučajeva dovršen carskim rezom. Utvrdili smo da je čimbenik rizika za carski rez nakon indukcije poroda dijagnoza mekonijske plodove vode, dok su čimbenici koji smanjuju vjerojatnost carskog reza – dob majke od 25 do 35 godina, trudnice koje su rodile žensko dijete te trudnice koje su do sada već rađale. Modelom multivarijantne statističke regresije utvrdilo se da žene u dobi iznad 36 godina imaju 1,58 puta veću šansu za carski rez u odnosu na mlađe, a one s prisutnom dijagnozom mekonijske plodove vode 1,47 puta veću šansu za carski rez u odnosu na one koje nemaju navedenu dijagnozu. Multiparitet u majke te ženski spol djeteta smanjuju vjerojatnost carskog reza nakon indukcije poroda (redom OR 0.20, P = 0.02 te OR 0.84, P = 0.09). Zaključak: Studija je pokazala da su multiparitet i ženski spol djeteta protektivni faktori za vaginalni porod, dok su dob majke iznad 36 godina te zelena plodna voda nakon indukcije poroda rizični faktori za carski rez

    Protection Project of the Roman Sewn Boat Pula 2: From Sludge to its Former Splendour

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    Od otkrića te istraživanja u 2013. godini, pa sve do okončanja postupka konzervacije u proljeće 2017. godine, brod Pula 2 prošao je kroz različite faze u postupku zaštite. Iako je na zaštiti brodske konstrukcije uloženo puno rada, a jednako tako i financijskih sredstava, među završnim koracima prethodi možda najzahtjevnija zadaća, a to je otkrivanje brodske konstrukcije javnosti. U nastojanju da će prezentacija broda ubrzo doći na red, namjera ovog rada je prikazati dosad realizirane poslove u okviru tekućeg projekta konzervacije rimskih šivanih brodova iz Pule. Poslovi odrađeni kroz protekle četiri godine odnose se na cjelokupan proces od arheološkog istraživanja nalaza broda „Pula 2“, postupka desalinizacije odnosno odstranjivanja topivih soli, izradu odgovarajuće transportne ambalaže te pakiranja i prijevoza brodskih ostataka u laboratorij ARC-Nucleart u Grenobleu te konačno na konzervatorski postupak.From the discovery and investigation in 2013, up to finalization of the conservation process in the spring of 2017, the Pula 2 boat underwent various phases of the conservation process. Although a lot of work and financial resources have already been invested into the protection of the boat, among the finishing steps there is still one, perhaps the most demanding, to be fulfilled - presentation of the boat to the public. The purpose of the paper is to present all the activities undertaken so far within the ongoing project of the conservation of the Roman sewn ships from Pula, while an upcoming presentation of the boat for the public is under preparation. The works carried out over the past four years included archaeological investigation of the remains of the boat Pula 2, the desalination process, i.e., removal of soluble salts, construction of the appropriate transport packaging, packing and transportation of the remains to the laboratory at ARC-Nucléart in Grenoble, and finally the conservation process

    Prognostička vrijednost intrakranijskog ultrazvuka u usporedbi s magnetskom rezonancijom mozga u djece s cerebralnom paralizom: populacijska studija

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    The aim of this population-based study was to evaluate the characteristics of cerebral palsy (CP) in relation to the predominant pattern of the Magnetic Resonance Imaging Classification System (MRI CS) that was analogously applied to the neonatal/early infant cranial ultrasound (CUS). The study included children born during the 2004-2007 period from the Croatian part (C28 RCP-HR ) of the Surveillance of Cerebral Palsy in Europe (SCPE) CP register. Motor functions, accompanying impairments and brain MRI were evaluated in 227 children, 185 of which also had CUS. Concerning CP types, 56% of children had bilateral spastic, 34% unilateral spastic, 9% dyskinetic and 1% ataxic CP type. Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) revealed that 62.05% had mild (GMFCS I-III ) and 37.85% had severe motor impairment (GMFCS IV-V). CUS showed white matter injury in 60%, gray matter injury in 12%, maldevelopments in 8%, miscellaneous changes in 14%, while 6% were normal; MRI showed significant agreement (κ=0.675, p<0.001). Neuroimaging findings of maldevelopments and predominant gray matter injury were associated with more severe CP, but 7% of children with CP had normal MRI . As we found very good agreement between CUS and MRI findings, CUS is recommended in children at an increased risk of CP if MRI is not available.Cilj ove populacijske studije bio je procijeniti karakteristike cerebralne paralize (CP) u odnosu na predominantni uzorak na magnetskoj rezonanciji mozga prema klasifikacijskom sustavu Magnetic Resonance Imaging Classification System (MRI CS) koji je analogno primijenjen i na novorođenački/rani dojenački intrakranijski ultrazvuk (UZV). Istraživanje je uključivalo djecu rođenu od 2004. do 2007. godine iz hrvatskog dijela (C28 RCP-HR ) Registra Europskog projekta nadzora cerebralne paralize (Surveillance of Cerebral Palsy in Europe, SCPE). Ispitivane su grube i fine motoričke funkcije, pridružena odstupanja i slikovni prikazi mozga u 227 djece s MRI mozga od kojih je 185 imalo i neonatalni/rani dojenački UZV. U odnosu na tip CP, 56% djece imalo je bilateralno spastičnu, 34% jednostrano spastičnu, 9% diskinetsku i 1% ataktičku CP. Prema funkcionalnoj klasifikaciji grubih motoričkih funkcija Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS), 62,05% djece imalo je blaže motoričko oštećenje (GMFCS I-III ), a 37,85% teško motoričko oštećenje (GMFCS IV-V). Intrakranijski UZV pokazao je oštećenje bijele tvari mozga u 60%, ozljedu sive tvari u 12%, poremećaj razvoja mozga u 8%, razne promjene u 14% ispitanika, dok ih je 6% imalo normalan nalaz; MRI je pokazala značajnu podudarnost (κ=0,675, p<0,001). Poremećaji razvoja mozga i predominantne ozljede sive tvari mozga bile su povezane s težim stupnjem CP, no 7% djece s CP imalo je normalnu MRI mozga. Zbog vrlo dobre podudarnosti UZV i MRI nalaza u našem istraživanju UZV se preporučuje kod djece s povećanim rizikom od CP ako MRI nije dostupna

    Adsorption studies of lignin model compounds on activated charcoal particles

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    In this work we have investigated possibilities for immobilization of lignin model compounds (LMCs) as potential antimicrobial agents on activated charcoal particles aimed for applications in wound dressings. LMC adsorption kinetics was determined for different initial LMC concentrations (0.1, 0.5 and 1.1 mg ml-1) by using UV-visible spectroscopy over 24 h when the equilibrium was reached. LMC adsorption on charcoal particles was confirmed by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Adsorption kinetics was successfully modeled by the pseudo-second order Lagergren model while the adsorption isotherm at room temperature could be described by both Freundlich and Langmuir models showing satisfactory agreements. The maximal capacity of activated charcoal particles for LMCs according to the Langmuir model was 312.5 mg g-1. However, the immobilizates did not exhibit antibacterial activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa indicating the need for further studies of LMC adsorption mechanism with the specific aim to elucidate exact compounds or functional groups responsible for antimicrobial action and their conformation on activated charcoal

    Vulnerabilität der Küste der Insel Krk

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    U ovom radu analizirana je ranjivost obala otoka Krka. Određivanje indeksa ranjivosti obale (CVI) izvršeno je za segmente obale duljine 25 m, a na temelju pet odabranih parametara (varijabli): geološke građe, obalnog nagiba, značajne visine valova, izloženosti plavljenju te postojanja i utjecaja žala. Prikazani rezultati analiza ranjivosti obala pokazali su složenost istraživanog područja, sa značajnim varijacijama indeksa ranjivosti duž obale otoka. Ispitani su i scenariji plavljenja za prognozirani porast morske razine za 60 cm do kraja stoljeća, odnosno 120 cm kod ekstremnih plima. Potvrđena je visoka ranjivost obalnih naselja na otoku Krku, prvenstveno zbog izloženosti plavljenju. Pokazalo se da je potrebno stvoriti baze podataka na temelju dovoljno točnih podataka o reljefu kopna i podmorja, geološkoj građi i oceanografskim značajkama, kako bi se mogao odrediti stupanj ranjivosti te mjere umanjenja hazarda i rizika.The paper provides analyses of the Krk Island coast vulnerability. The determination of the coastal vulnerability index (CVI) was carried out for costal segments of 25 m in length and based on 5 selected parameters (variables): geological composition, fabric coastal slope, significant wave heights, exposure to flooding, and the existence and impact of shores. The presented results of the costal vulnerability analyses revealed the complexity of the researched area, with significant variations of the vulnerability index along the island’s coast. Flooding scenarios for the forecast increase in sea levels by 60 cm until the end of the century, i.e. 120 cm at extreme tides were also tested. High vulnerability of the costal settlements on Krk Island was confirmed, primarily due to flooding exposure. It is necessary to create databases with sufficient accurate data on land and seafloor relief, geological composition fabric and oceanographic characteristics to determine the degree of vulnerability and hazard and risk mitigation measures.n diesem Beitrag wird die Vulnerabilität der Küste der Insel Krk analysiert. Der Vulnerabilitätsindex (engl. coastal vulnerability index; CVI) wurde für die Küstensegmente in Länge von 25 m bestimmt und zwar aufgrund der fünf Variablen: geologischer Aufbau, Küstengefälle, signifikante Wellenhöhe, Anfälligkeit gegenüber Überschwemmung und Existenz und Auswirkung des Strandes. Die dargestellten Ergebnisse der Analyse der Küstenvulnerabilität zeigen, dass das Forschungsgebiet einschließlicherheblicher Variationen des Vulnerabilitätsindexes entlang der Inselküsten komplex ist. Die Überschwemmungsszenarien für einen Meeresspiegelanstieg von 60 cm bis Ende des Jahrhunderts bzw. 120 cm bei extrem hohen Flut wurden auch simuliert. Die sehr hohe Vulnerabilität der Küstensiedlungen auf der Insel Krk wurde bestätigt, insbesondere weil sie Überschwemmungen ausgesetzt sind. Es hat sich auch gezeigt, dass Datenbanken aufgrund richtiger Angaben über Land- und Meeresrelief, geologischen Aufbau und ozeanographische Merkmale erstellt werden sollen, um den Vulnerabilitätsgrad und die Maßnahmen bestimmen zu können undsomit Gefahr und Risiko zu reduzieren

    Haptic Glove and Platform with Gestural Control For Neuromorphic Tactile Sensory Feedback In Medical Telepresence

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    Advancements in the study of the human sense of touch are fueling the field of haptics. This is paving the way for augmenting sensory perception during object palpation in tele-surgery and reproducing the sensed information through tactile feedback. Here, we present a novel tele-palpation apparatus that enables the user to detect nodules with various distinct stiffness buried in an ad-hoc polymeric phantom. The contact force measured by the platform was encoded using a neuromorphic model and reproduced on the index fingertip of a remote user through a haptic glove embedding a piezoelectric disk. We assessed the effectiveness of this feedback in allowing nodule identification under two experimental conditions of real-time telepresence: In Line of Sight (ILS), where the platform was placed in the visible range of a user; and the more demanding Not In Line of Sight (NILS), with the platform and the user being 50 km apart. We found that the entailed percentage of identification was higher for stiffer inclusions with respect to the softer ones (average of 74% within the duration of the task), in both telepresence conditions evaluated. These promising results call for further exploration of tactile augmentation technology for telepresence in medical interventions