101 research outputs found

    Procena koeficijenta heritabiliteta za broj živorođene prasadi u prva tri prašenja krmača švedskog landrasa

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    The main objective of this study was to evaluate phenotypic and genetic variation of the number of piglets born alive (NBA) Swedish Landrace sows (SL) in three consecutive parities under the influence of sires, year and season of mating. The study included: 618 litters in the first, 470 in the second and 403 litter in the third farrowing. Testing the homogeneity of variance was performed with Levene's test. The data were analyzed using analysis of variance (Statistica Ver. 6.0., 2003). Heritability coefficients were evaluated by intra-class correlation. Swedish Landrace sires have influenced on the variability of the NBA's daughter in the first and second farrowing (p (lt) 0.05), but not in the third farrowing. Year and season of mating was not influenced on the variability of the NBA (p>0.05). The estimated heritability coefficients for the NBA were the highest in the second (0.123), then the first (0.092) and lowest in the third farrowing (0.030).Osnovni cilj rada bio je da se oceni fenotipska i genetska varijabilnost broja živorođene prasadi (NBA) krmača švedskog landrasa (SL) u tri uzastopna prašenja pod uticajem očeva, godine i sezone pripusta. Istraživanjem je bilo obuhvaćeno: 618 legala u prvom, 470 u drugom i 403 legla u trećem prašenju. Testiranje homogenosti varijanse izvršeno je testom Levene-a. Dobijeni podaci su obrađeni metodom analize varijanse (Statistica Ver. 6.0., 2003). Koeficijenti heritabiliteta su ocenjeni metodom intra-klasne korelacije. Očevi švedskog landrasa uticali su na varijabilnost NBA kćeri u prvom i drugom prašenju (p (lt) 0.05), ali ne i u trećem prašenju. Godina i sezona pripusta nisu uticale na varijabilnost NBA (p>0.05). Procenjeni koeficijenti heritabiliteta za NBA su bili najviši u drugom (0.123), zatim u prvom (0.092) i najniži u trećem prašenju (0.030)

    Fiksni deo modela za procenu priplodne vrednosti svinja na osnovu veličine legla

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    The goal of this paper was to investigate the effect of various fixed effects on the number of born alive piglets in litter (NBA), based on results of Swedish Landrace sow fertility on three farms in Serbia, in order to determine the best adapted model for assessing genetic parameters and breeding value. Analysis of phenotipic variability of the NBA of Swedish Landrace sows was carried out based on fertility results on three swine farms (A, B and C) in the Republic of Serbia. Data sets encompassed reproduction indicators for 2803 (A), 1826 (B) and 2235 (C) sows, i.e. their 11014, 6757 and 8452 litters, respectively. For this analysis was used fix model of least square method which includes fixed effects of farrowing number, season of conception shown as combination of year and month, litter genotype, duration of previous period from weaning to conception, effect of sow age at farrowing like quadratic regression nested within farrowing number and linear regression influence of duration of previous lactation. The average NBA was within the interval from 9.13 (A) to 9.76 piglets (B and C). The monitored trait statistically highly significantly (p lt 0.001) varied under the effect of all systematic factors encompassed by the applied model, regardless of the source of analyzed data, Only the linear regression effect of duration of previous lactation for farm B was assessed as having lower statistical significance (p lt 0.05).Cilj ovoga rada bio je da se ispita uticaj različitih sistematskih faktora na variranje broja živorođene prasadi u leglu (BŽP) radi određivanja najprilagođenijeg modela za ocenu genetskih parametara i procenu priplodne vrednosti krmača. Analiza fenotipske varijabilnosti BŽP u leglima krmača rase švedski landras sprovedena je na osnovu reproduktivnih pokazatelja 2803 (farma A), 1826 (farma B) i 2235 (farma C) krmača, odnosno njihovih 11014, 6757 i 8452 legala, respektivno. Korišćen je fiksni model metoda najmanjih kvadrata u koga su bili uključeni uticaj prašenja po redu, sezone uspešnog pripusta, genotipa legla, trajanja perioda zalučenje - oplodnja, kvadratni regresijski uticaj starosti krmače pri prašenju ugnježđen u okviru prašenja po redu i linearni regresijski uticaj trajanja prethodne laktacije. Prosečan BŽP se kretao u intervalu od 9.13 (A) do 9.76 (B i C). Svi determinisani uticaji obuhvaćeni modelom su ispoljili statistički vrlo visoko značajan uticaj (p lt 0.001) na variranje BŽP nezavisno od toga koji set podataka je bio analiziran, osim uticaja trajanja prethodne laktacije na farmi B koji je bio ocenjen kao statistički značajan (p lt 0.05)

    Fenotipska varijabilnost osobina plodnosti čistorasnih krmača u prva tri prašenja

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    Investigation of the phenotypic variability of fertility traits was performed on Swedish Landrace sows (926 sows) deriving from single herd in Serbia. Data was processed by method of least squares (Harvey, 1990), and following fixed factors were included into the model: sire, season, litter genotype and order of farrowing, as well as regression effect of age at first farrowing, duration of lactation and number of reared (raised) piglets per litter. Traits of litter size varied (P lt 0.01) under the influence of sire and order of parities (first two parities). Number of still born as well as reared piglets per litter depended on the litter genotype (P lt 0.01). Year and season had no effect on variation of litter size traits except LWW (first two and three parities). Age of sows at first farrowing demonstrated linear effect (P lt 0.01) on size of their litter at farrowing (first three parities). Litter size and weight at weaning were under regression effect of lactation duration as well as corrected litter size (CLS) or number of weaned piglets (NW).Ispitivanje fenotipske varijabilnosti osobina plodnosti krmača rase švedski landras sprovedeno je u jednom zapatu svinja u Srbiji. Podaci su analizirani primenom različitih modela metoda najmanjih kvadrata (Harvey, 1990), u koje su bili uključeni sledeći fiksni uticaji: otac, godina, sezona, genotip legla i redosled prašenja, kao i regresijski uticaji uzrasta pri prvom prašenju, trajanja laktacije i broja gajene prasadi u leglu. Istraživanjem je bilo obuhvaćeno 926 krmača i njihova 926 prva, 1598 prva dva i 2115 prva tri prašenja. Prosečna ispoljenost trajanja perioda od zalučenja do estrusa i oplodnje (W-E i W-C), broja živorođene (NBA), ukupnorođene (TNB), mrtvoroĐene (NSB) i odgajene prasadi (NW) kao i mase legla pri zalučenju (LWW) u prvom, prva dva i prva tri prašenja je bila: 9.77, 8.51, 7.80; 23.77, 20.98, 19.49; 8.31, 8.91, 9.19; 8.87, 9.46, 9.78; 0.56, 0.54, 0.51; 7.57, 8.04, 8.24 i 52.43, 58.18, 61.10, respektivno. Osobine veličine legla su varirale (P lt 0.01) pod uticajem oca i redosleda prašenja (prva dva prašenja). Broj mrtvorođene kao i odgajene prasadi u leglu zavisili su od genotipa legla (P lt 0.01). Godina i sezona nisu uticale na variranje osobina veličine legla osim na LWW (prva dva i tri prašenja). Uzrast krmača pri prvom prašenju ispoljio je linearan uticaj (P lt 0.01) na veličinu njihovih legala pri prašenju (prva tri prašenja). Veličina i masa legla pri zaluženju su bili pod regresijskim uticajem trajanja laktacije, korigovane veličine legla (CLS) ili broja odgajene prasadi (NW)

    Uticaj obima analiziranih podataka na tačnost selekcijskih indeksa za procenu priplodne vrednosti krmača

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    Objective of this paper was to establish to what extent the accuracy of constructed selection indices will be changed depending on the scope of analyzed data relating to fertility based on which parameters necessary for construction of selection indices (SI) were established. Fertility results of Swedish Landrace sows obtained on three farms in Republic of Serbia (farms 1, 2 and 3) were analyzed. Parameters necessary for construction of SI were determined by application of different mixed models of the method of Least Squares. For each farm three SI were constructed for evaluation of sow breeding value based on realized fertility in the way that parameters necessary for SI construction were calculated based on fertility results in the first (SI1), first two (SI2) and first three farrowings (SI3). Accuracy of constructed Sis varied within following limits - from low rIH = 0.255 (SI3 for Farm 2) to rIH = 0.405 (SI1 for Farm 3), and only in the case of SI2 for Farm 2 it was in the category of very low (rIH = 0.231). Introduction into analysis of fertility results realized in the second and third farrowing resulted in decrease of accuracy of constructed selection indices.U ovom radu rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da je tačnost selekcijskih indeksa konstruisanih na osnovu parametara ocenjenih analizom rezultata plodnosti (BŽP i BOP) ostvarenih na posmatranim farmama bila od rIH = 0.255 (SI3 za Farmu 2) do rIH = 0.405 (SI1 za Farmu 3), a samo je u slučaju SI2 za Farmu 2 bila u kategoriji jako slabe (rIH = 0.231). Povećanje obima analiziranih rezultata plodnosti dovelo je do smanjenja tačnosti SI

    Genetički resursi u svinjarstvu - osobine kvaliteta polutki rase moravka i mangulica

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    Objective of this paper was to evaluate phenotypic variability of carcass quality traits of pigs of Moravka and Mangalitsa breeds. Quantity and content of meat was determined based on Regulation (1985) and dissection of right carcass sides. Obtained data was processed using Least Squares Method (Harvey, 1990). Results of the investigation show that Moravka had in average higher quantity and content of meat in carcass sides than Mangalitsa. Shares of muscle, fat tissue, skin and bone tissue in pig carcass sides of Moravka breed, determined by dissection were: 32.91; 34.94 and 7.70%.Rezultati ispitivanja osobina kvaliteta polutki svinja pokazuju da su grla rase moravka imala za 11.76 odnosno 6.02 cm duže polutke od belog soja mangulica. Leđna slanina u mangulice bila je deblja (za 13.6 do 23.6 mm) nego kod moravke. Na osnovu Pravilnika (1985) je ustanovljeno da je moravka imala prosečno veću količinu (+3.22 kg) i sadržaj mesa (+ 5.15%) u polutkama od mangulice (P lt 0.01). Prosečne vrednosti površine m.l.d.P nisu bile statistički značajno različite između moravke i mangulice. Površina slanine koja pripada mišiću (PSm.l.d.) utvrđena u mangulice, bila je za 35.14cm2 (P lt 0.001) veća nego kod moravke. Tako da je odnos meso:mast kod moravke 1:1.865 a mangulice 1:3.330. Udeo mišićnog, masnog tkiva i kože i koštanog tkiva u polutkama svinja rase moravka, utvrđen na osnovu disekcije, je bio: 32.91; 34.94 i 7.70%

    Uticaj obima analiziranih podataka na vrednost koeficijenata heritabiliteta osobina veličine legla svinja

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    Low heritability of pig litter size traits at birth (number of live born piglets - LBP and total born piglets - TBP) and weaning (number of reared piglets - RP) is one of the major problems in their genetic improvement. The effect of selection is directly proportional to trait heritability and inversely proportional to the duration of generation interval. Objective of this study was to establish presence of difference in regard to heritability coefficient values of observed traits, as well as their accuracy depending on the size of data used in the analysis. Heritability coefficients in this study were calculated based on fertility results obtained for Swedish Landrace sows on three pig farms (farms 1, 2 and 3) in the Republic of Serbia. Observed traits - LBP, TBP and RP on farms 1, 2 and 3 were analyzed in the first (2422, 1677 and 2015 litters), in the first two (4190, 2897 and 3377 litters), in the first three (5576, 3809 and 4425 litters) and all available parities (9538, 6340 and 7750 litters) by applying the adequate mixed model of the Least square method. Heritability of LBP calculated based on fertility realized in the first partus ranged from 5.6 to 16.4 %, TBP ranged from 7.0 to 16.8 % and RP ranged from 3.4 to 7.7 %. Introduction into the analysis of the results pertaining to the second, third and subsequent parities lead mainly to detection of lower values of heritability coefficients for observed traits.U ovom radu rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da su koeficijenti heritabiliteta BŽP izračunati na osnovu plodnosti ostvarene u prvom prašenju bili u intervalu od 5,6 do 16,4 %, BUP u intervalu od 7,0 do 16,8 % i BOP u intervalu od 3,4 do 7,7 %. Uvođenje u analizu rezultata plodnosti drugog, trećeg i svih ostalih prašenja dovelo je uglavnom do utvrđivanja nižih vrednosti koeficijenata heritabiliteta posmatranih osobina

    Sastav polutki i kvalitet mesa lasaste mangulice gajene u dva sistema

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    Objective of this paper was to determine the composition of carcass sides and quality of meat obtained from two groups of fatteners (male castrated pigs) of Swallow-Belly Mangalitsa breed. First group was reared in an open system (SO, n=13) and the other group in farm conditions with free ranges (SI, n=10). Animals were slaughtered in the same slaughtering facility. Left carcass sides were dissected and percentage of meat (Actual LMP) calculated according to EU reference method (EC, No 1249/2008). Data obtained in the study was analyzed using GLM procedure of the program package SAS 9.1.3 (SAS Inst.Inc., 2002-2003).Average pre slaughter body weight of fatteners was 103.83 ± 10.13 kg. Housing and nutrition system in production of fatteners had statistically highly significant effect (p (lt) .0001) on pre-slaughter age of fatteners. Statistically significant differences were obtained only in mean values obtained for back fat measured on single location/position - lower back (BFR I) between fatteners of groups SO and SI. Total weight of all individual carcass side parts and weight of relevant muscle tissue, depended on the weight of warm carcass sides (WHC) but not on the housing system (SBF). Carcass sides of fatteners contained in average 35.64 ± 4.39% of muscle tissue (Actual LMP). Meat content in carcass sides (Predicted LMP) was determined according to Rulebook/Pravilnik (1985) for fatty pig breeds and it was 29.67 ± 1.27%. In the musculus longissimus dorsi (MLD) of fatteners reared in closed system, was recorded higher content of water (p=0.0069), lower content of total fats/lipids (p=0.0081) and higher content of ash (p=0.0392) compared to animals from the open system of housing. No statistically significant differences in average protein content (p=0.5940) and pH1 value (p=0.0659) were established between fatteners reared in open and closed system of housing.Cilj ovog rada je bio da se utvrdi sastav polutki i kvalitet mesa tovljenika (muška kastrirana grla) lasaste mangulice gajenih u dva sistema držanja i ishrane. Ustanovljene su statistički značajne razlike srednjih vrednosti samo debljine slanine izmerene na jednoj poziciji na krstima (BFR I) između tovljenika gajenih u otvorenom i zatvorenom sistemu. Sve linearne mere toplih polutki, osim BFR II i BFR III, zavisile su od mase toplih polutki odnosno mase tovljenika pri klanju. Ukupna masa sva četiri pojedinačna dela polutke i masa mišićnog tkiva u njima, zavisila je od mase toplih polutki ali ne i sistema držanja. U polutkama tovljenika bilo je prosečno 35,64 ± 4,39% mišićnog tkiva (Stvarni MTP). Sadržaj mesa u polutkama prema PRAVILNIKU (1985) (Procenjeni MTP) za masne svinje iznosio je 29,67 ± 1,27%. U MLD tovljenika držanih u zatvorenom sistemu utvrđen je veći sadržaj vode (+2,22%, p=0,0069), manji ukupnih masti (-2,64%, p=0,0081) i veći sadržaj pepela (+0,07%, p=0,0392) nego kod grla iz otvorenog sistema držanja

    Uticaj rase, nerasta i sezone na neke osobine sperme

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    The main objective of this study was to assess the phenotypic variability of the ejaculate volume (VOL) and progressive sperm motility (MO) under the influence of breed, boar within breed and season. The study included 555 ejaculates of Danish Landrace (DL), Danish Large White (DLW) and Danish Duroc (DD) boars. The effect of boar was analyzed within the investigated breeds. The impact of the season was investigated as the influence of the month in which the ejaculate was taken. The model included a linear regression effect of boar age when the semen was taken. Data analysis was performed using the statistical package SAS 9.1.3 (SAS Inst. Inc.., 2002-2003). Impact assessment was carried out using the GLM procedure. The impact of all factors analyzed in both sperm traits was significant to highly significant, and the observed factors largely explain the phenotypic variability VOL compared to MO. The highest values were found in VOL of DL boar (3:58 ± 164.96 ml), and the MO of boar breed DLW (85.45 ± 0.94%). Boars DD had VOL and MO below the averages of all analyzed breeds. Between boars within studied genotypes differences were established (p (lt) 0.05, p (lt) 0.05, p (lt) 0.01 p (lt) 0.001) and a boar of DLW breed compared to all tested boars had the highest volume of ejaculate sperm with progressive motility of 90.47%. Volume, or mobility varied (p (lt) 0.01 or p (lt) 0.05) influenced by season, and in September and October boars had ejaculates with the VOL values above average and the lowest MO. Since most VOL and MO above the annual average in June, it was possible to get the highest number of doses per ejaculate with optimal reproductive/fertile ability.Osnovni cilj rada bio je da se oceni fenotipska varijabilnost volumena ejakulata (VOL) i progresivne pokretljivosti spermatozoida (MO) pod uticajem rase, nerasta unutar rase i sezone. Istraživanjem je bilo obuhvaćeno 555 ejakulata nerasta rase danski landras (DL), danski jorkšir (DLW) i danski durok (DD). Uticaj nerasta analiziran je unutar ispitivanih rasa. Uticaj sezone ispitivan je kao uticaj meseca u kojem je uzet ejakulat. U model je uključen i linearni regresijski uticaj starosti nerasta prilikom uzimanja ejakulata. Obrada podataka izvršena je pomoću statističkog paketa SAS 9.1.3 (SAS Inst. Inc., 2002-2003). Ocena uticaja je izvršena primenom GLM procedure. Uticaj svih analiziranih faktora na obe osobine sperme bio je značajan do vrlo visoko značajan, a posmatrani faktori u većoj meri objašnjavaju fenotipsku varijabilnost VOL u odnosu na MO. Najveće vrednosti VOL utvrđene su kod nerasta rase DL (164.96±3.58 ml), a MO kod nerasta rase DLW (85.45±0.94%). Nerasti DD imali su VOL i MO ispod proseka svih analiziranih rasa. Između nerasta unutar ispitivanih genotipova utvrđene su razlike (p>0.05, p (lt) 0.05, p (lt) 0.01, p (lt) 0.001), a nerast rase DLW u odnosu na sve ispitivane neraste imao je najveći volumen ejakulata sa progresivnom pokretljivošću spermatozoida od 90.47%. Volumen, odnosno pokretljivost su varirali (p (lt) 0.01, odnosno p (lt) 0.05) pod uticajem sezone, a u periodu septembar-oktobar nerasti su imali ejakulate sa vrednostima VOL iznad proseka i najnižom MO. S obzirom na najveći VOL i MO iznad godišnjeg proseka, u junu mesecu je bilo moguće dobiti najveći broj doza po ejakulatu sa optimalnom fertilnom sposobnošću

    Uticaj proizvodnih osobina u direktnom testu nazimica na varijabilnost njihovih reproduktivnih osobina kao prvopraskinja

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    Objective of this paper was to establish genetic and environmental factors which influence the variation of reproductive parameters in primiparous sows with special focus on how selection on growth traits and lean meat content can influence the fertility in gilts as primiparous sows. Investigation included 1092 primiparous sows of Swedish Landrace breed. Production traits of gilts in direct test were previously adjusted to body weight of 100 kg, and subsequently they were grouped in 4 classes based on standard deviations for each of adjusted production trait. For analysis of data several models of the Least Squares Method were used (Harvey, 1990). Sires influenced the variation of age at first conception, litter size at birth and weaning and period weaning-conception of their daughters (P (lt) 0.001 to P (lt) 0.05). Age at first conception, number of live born piglets and total born piglets varied statistically significantly (P (lt) 0.001 to P (lt) 0.05) by the influence of adjusted lifetime average daily gain, but not under the influence of adjusted back fat thickness and lean meat content.Očevi su uticali na variranje uzrasta pri prvoj oplodnji, veličinu legla pri rođenju i zalučenju i perioda zalučenje-oplodnja svojih kćeri (P (lt) 0.001 do P (lt) 0.05). Uzrast pri prvoj oplodnji, broj živorođene i ukupno rođene prasadi su statistički značajno varirali (P (lt) 0.001 do P (lt) 0.05) pod uticajem korigovanog prosečnog životnog dnevnog prirasta ali ne i korigovane debljine leđne slanine i mesnatosti

    Relationship between Carcass Weight, Skatole Level and Sensory Assessment in Fat of Different Boars

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the carcass weight and the level of skatole in boar back fat samples with descriptive sensory profiles ( trained sensory panel) immediately after heating the fat samples ( warm). A weak correlation was found between the carcass weight and skatole level in fat ( P > 0.05). Between skatole levels in the fat of boars, whose carcass weight was below 70 kg, and of those with the carcass weight equal or above 70 kg, there was a statistically significant difference ( P (lt) 0.05). The average content of skatole in the fat tissue of the boars (lt) 70 kg, ( 0.18 +/- 0.09 mg/kg fat, respectively) was below the commonly used respective thresholds for tainted meat ( 0.20 mg/kg fat), 53% of the samples showed the values of (lt) = 20 mg/kg, and 73% of the samples the values of (lt) = 25 mg/kg. In the group >= 70 kg ( 0.40 +/- 0.39 mg/kg fat, respectively), 80% of the samples revealed the values of >= 20 mg/kg, and 66% of the samples the values of >= 25 mg/kg. Our results show that a positive, compelling and statistically highly significant correlation exists between the skatole level and the sensory assessment of skatole intensity in fat