306 research outputs found

    What Do Nectaris Basin Impact Melt Rocks Look like and Where Can We Find Them?

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    The formation of the Nectaris basin is a key event defining the stratigraphy of the Moon. Its absolute age, therefore, is a linchpin for lunar bombardment history. Fernandes et al. gave a thorough account of the history of different samples thought to originate in Nectaris, with the upshot being there is little agreement on what samples represent Nectaris, if any. We are revisiting the effort to identify Nectaris basin impact-melt rocks at the Apollo 16 site, to model their emplacement, and to use these parameters to examine other sites where Nectaris impact melt is more abundant and/or more recognizable for potential further study

    Documenting of Geologic Field Activities in Real-Time in Four Dimensions: Apollo 17 as a Case Study for Terrestrial Analogues and Future Exploration

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    During the Apollo exploration of the lunar surface, thousands of still images, 16 mm videos, TV footage, samples, and surface experiments were captured and collected. In addition, observations and descriptions of what was observed was radioed to Mission Control as part of standard communications and subsequently transcribed. The archive of this material represents perhaps the best recorded set of geologic field campaigns and will serve as the example of how to conduct field work on other planetary bodies for decades to come. However, that archive of material exists in disparate locations and formats with varying levels of completeness, making it not easily cross-referenceable. While video and audio exist for the missions, it is not time synchronized, and images taken during the missions are not time or location tagged. Sample data, while robust, is not easily available in a context of where the samples were collected, their descriptions by the astronauts are not connected to them, or the video footage of their collection (if available). A more than five year undertaking to reconstruct and reconcile the Apollo 17 mission archive, from launch through splashdown, has generated an integrated record of the entire mission, resulting in searchable, synchronized image, voice, and video data, with geologic context provided at the time each sample was collected. Through www.apollo17.org the documentation of the field investigation conducted by the Apollo 17 crew is presented in chronologic sequence, with additional context provided by high-resolution Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC) Narrow Angle Camera (NAC) images and a corresponding digital terrain model (DTM) of the Taurus-Littrow Valley

    ArcGIS Digitization of Apollo Surface Traverses

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    The Apollo surface activities were documented in extraordinary detail, with every action performed by the astronauts while on the surface recorded either in photo, audio, film, or by written testimony [1]. The samples and in situ measurements the astronauts collected while on the lunar surface have shaped our understanding of the geologic history of the Moon, and the earliest history and evolution of the inner Solar System. As part of an ongoing LASERfunded effort, we are digitizing and georeferencing data from astronaut traverses and spatially associating them to available, co-registered remote sensing data. Here we introduce the products produced so far for Apollo 15, 16, and 17 missions

    Building on the Cornerstone: Destinations for Nearside Sample Return

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    Discoveries from LRO (Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter) have transformed our knowledge of the Moon, but LRO's instruments were originally designed to collect the measurements required to enable future lunar surface exploration. Compelling science questions and critical resources make the Moon a key destination for future human and robotic exploration. Lunar surface exploration, including rovers and other landed missions, must be part of a balanced planetary science and exploration portfolio. Among the highest planetary exploration priorities is the collection of new samples and their return to Earth for more comprehensive analysis than can be done in-situ. The Moon is the closest and most accessible location to address key science questions through targeted sample return. The Moon is the only other planet from which we have contextualized samples, yet critical issues need to be addressed: we lack important details of the Moon's early and recent geologic history, the full compositional and age ranges of its crust, and its bulk composition

    The Effects of Accentuated Eccentric Loading on Barbell and Trap Bar Countermovement Jumps

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    This study examined effects of accentuated eccentric loading (AEL) on barbell and trap bar loaded countermovement jumps (LCMJ). Twenty-one subjects (16 male, 5 female; Age: 23.5 ± 1.8 years; Body mass: 81.4 ± 10.6 kg; Height: 176.9 ± 7.2 cm; Training age: 7.1 ± 2.6 years) participated in this study. Upon establishing one repetition maximum and baseline jumping conditions, three experimental loading sessions were completed in random order. Barbell and trap bar LCMJ were performed with a spectrum of fixed loads from 20-50 kg during control conditions and with additional AEL loads of 10, 20, or 30 kg for experimental conditions. According to coefficients of variation

    Selecting and Certifying a Landing Site for Moonrise in South Pole-Aitken Basin

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    MoonRise is a New Frontiers mission concept to land in the South Pole-Aitken (SPA) basin, collect samples, and return the samples to Earth for detailed mineral, chemical, petrologic, geochronologic, and physical properties analyses to address science questions relevant to the early evolution of the Solar System and the Moon. Science associated with this mission concept is described elsewhere; here we discuss selection of sites within SPA to address science objectives using recent scientific studies (orbital spectroscopy, gravity, topography), and the use of new data (LRO) to certify safe landing sites for a robotic sample return mission such as MoonRise