1,716 research outputs found

    Utjecaj prostornog okruženja u predŔkolskim ustanovama na razinu tjelesne aktivnosti djece rane dobi

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    The aim of the present research is to establish if the physical environment in various rooms of an early education institution (living room, hall, gym, outdoor space) can have a strong effect on the level of childrenā€™s physical activity. Participants of the research were two nursery groups belonging to two newly-built kindergartens in the City of Rijeka, with state-of-the-art architecture of the indoor and outdoor space. The experimental group included 19, while the control group included 17 children, a total of 36 children averagely aged 3.1. Variables were formed based on the space in which children spent their time and the measuring instrument ā€“ pedometer (Omron HJ-720IT-E2). The basic descriptive parameters were calculated, and to determine the significance of differences the Studentā€™s independent sample t-test was applied. Results show a significant difference (p=0.00) in favour of the contemporary environment which encourages movement. According to statistics, the experimental group children are significantly more physically active and on average they move up to five times more than children of the control group, and at a level of intensity which ensures a significant effect on their health. Such an organised contemporary spatial environment which stimulates movement is adequate to any child and their potentials because it evenly homogenises children at the physical activity level so that there are almost no differences among experimental group children regarding the results of their physical activity level. The foundations have been set from which the criteria for a new approach to spatial organisation and integrated learning stimulating childrenā€™s physical activity can be developed. It is a contemporary approach which significantly stimulates childrenā€™s motor movement, enables their integral development, integrated learning, is applicable in all spaces of a preschool institution and has a significant health effect.Cilj je ovog istraživanja utvrditi može li fizičko okruženje u različitim prostorima (dnevni boravak, hodnik, sportska dvorana, vanjski prostor) ustanove ranog odgoja značajno utjecati na razinu tjelesne aktivnosti djece. U istraživanju su sudjelovale dvije jasličke skupine dva novoizgrađena dječja vrtića sa suvremenom arhitekturom vanjskog i nutarnjeg prostora u Gradu Rijeka. Eksperimentalna skupina je obuhvaćala 19, a kontrolna 17 djece, ukupno 36 djece prosječne dobi 3,1 godine. Varijable su formirane na temelju prostora u kojem djeca borave i mjernog instrumenta pedometra (Omron HJ-720IT-E2). Izračunati su osnovni deskriptivni parametri, a za utvrđivanje značajnosti razlika primjenjen je Studentov t-test za nezavisne uzorke. Rezultati su ukazali na značajnu razliku (p=0,00) u korist suvremenog prostornog okruženja koje potiče pokret. Djeca iz eksperimentalne skupine su statistički značajno tjelesno aktivniji te se u prosjeku kreću do pet puta viÅ”e u odnosu na djecu iz kontrolne skupine i to na razini intenziteta koji osigurava značajni zdravstveni učinak. Ovako organizirano suvremeno prostorno okruženje koje potiče pokret, primjereno je svakom djetetu i njegovim potencijalima jer djecu ravnomjerno homogenizira u razini tjelesne aktivnosti te gotovo da ne postoje razlike među djecom eksperimentalne skupine u rezultatima razine tjelesne aktivnosti. Postavljeni su temelji iz kojih se mogu razvijati kriteriji za novi pristup organizacije prostora i integriranog učenja koje potiče tjelesnu aktivnost djece. Radi se o suvremenom pristupu koji značajno motivira dijete na motoričko kretanje, omogućuje njegov cjeloviti razvoj, integrirano učenje,primjenjiv je u svim prostorima ustanove ranog odgoja i ima značajan zdravstveni učinak

    Sustainability of the city and its ecological footprint

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    There are some agreed sustainability indicators, even some agreed target values regarding a sustainable city, but they still have to be underpinned by empirical evidence. The common starting point of definitions is generally the destructive impact of the city on its regional and global environment which can be observed in form of the depletion of natural resources and the pollution of soil, water and air. A sustainable city is therefore generally regarded to be the one that is compact and preserves land, has mixed use to increase access and reduce need to travel, is socially and economically balanced, uses clean and renewable energy and recycles all its waste. However, the sustainable city cannot exist as a self-sufficient unit, in ignorance of relationship with its hinterland. The ecological footprint which is the amount of land required to produce resources to sustain our quality of life is a yardstick for measuring the ecological bottom line of sustainability. With a sustainable city target to relieve pressure on the countryside, there is an increasing awareness of the importance of calculating cityā€™s ecological footprint and see how it relates to the target global average. Although problem of reducing ecological footprints primarily concerns the wealthiest countries, it has to be fully acknowledged in the less economically developed part of the world, while recognizing that cities themselves provide many potential solutions

    The Gudnja Culture and Examples of Imports in Neolithic Dalmatia

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    Na neolitičkim nalaziÅ”tima Dalmacije dugo je bila nalažena specifična dvobojna i trobojna keramika koja se bitno razlikovala od dotad poznate bojane keramike dalmatinskih neolitičkih kultura. Na nekoliko nalaziÅ”ta ona se nalazi kao import, dok se u Veloj spilji na otoku Korčuli i u pećini Gudnji na poluotoku PeljeÅ”cu pojavljuje kao izrazita kulturna skupina srednjeg neolitika specifičnih keramografskih i ikonografskih značajki. Ona je svojedobno bila definirana kao kultura Gudnja, pod izrazitim utjecajem Dimini stila, te s odgovarajućim analogijama sa sličnim kulturama Maliq ā€“ Kamnik u Albaniji, te kulturama Scaloria i Serra dā€™Alto u Apuliji. Pluralizam kultura i komunikacije u pretpovijesti Jadrana nadopunjuju primjeri izravnog importa u neolitiku Dalmacije kao Å”to su keramički primjerci iz Grčke i Apulije, sjekire od žada i nefrita, te kampinijenske sjekire.For many years, specific bicolour and tricolour ceramics were found at Neolithic sites in Dalmatia which differed considerably from previously-known coloured ceramics of Dalmatian Neolithic cultures. At several sites it appears as an import, while in Vela Cave on the island of Korčula and in Gudnja Cavern on the PeljeÅ”ac Peninsula it appears as a remarkable cultural group from the middle Neolithic with specific ceramographic and iconographic features. It was at one time defined as the Gudnja culture, under the marked influence of the Dimini style, with the corresponding analogies to similar cultures of Maliq-Kamnik in Albania, and the Sacloria and Serra dā€™Alto cultures in Apulia. The pluralism of cultures and communications in the Adriaticā€™s prehistory are supplemented by examples of direct imports to Neolithic Dalmatia, such as ceramic examples from Greece and Apulia, jade and nephrite axes and Campignien axe

    Automatizirana kontrola serijskih publikacija u Knjižnici SveučiliŔta u Zadru

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    The Library of the Zadar University hosts a rich collection of serials, the most representative of which are the journals from the fields of the social sciences and humanities. The article deals with the traditional acquisition methods for serials used in the Zadar University Library, i.e.: purchase, exchange and donation. Special attention is given to the traditional way of serials' control ā€“ namely kardex, which turned out to be very complicated with regard to an extensive number of titles and three methods of acquisition. There existed different forms for exchange, purchase and donation. The article presents the experience of automatisation in the Library following the introduction of the integrated library system CROLIST, and describes the resulting changes in processing serials, that is in the serials' control. The advantages of the automatised control of serials for both librarians and catalogue users are pointed out in relation to the traditional use of kardex

    Residential Preferences Meeting Sustainable Urban Goals - An Analysis of the Variability of Urban and Suburban Preferences

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    Current planning policy in the UK, following the EU recommendations and sustainable development path, suggests a return to a more compact and less land consumptive urban pattern that places greater emphasis on higher densities, mixed uses, quality shared space and facilities, and public transport. Despite all the promotion of urban living, in reality people most commonly remain conservative in their residential choices and tend to prefer the type of living which offers them certain amenities and values they either cannot find or cannot afford within compact cities. Within the context of Glasgow, which has a steadily declining urban population, the research was focused on sustainability of neighbourhoods rather than on compact city as a sustainable solution. The assumption of this thesis was that sustainability of urban/suburban neighbourhoods is strongly related to their attraction to residents. The aim of the research was to determine the underlying factors that influence residents in their choice of preferred neighbourhood of either urban or suburban type and to point out which (if any) of dimensions of urban/suburban preferences appear to be changeable. The empirical study involved a comprehensive questionnaire survey, which was conducted on the sample of 246 residents in the two comparable neighbourhoods in terms of high preference: the West End of Glasgow and Bearsden (Glasgowā€™s suburban neighbourhood). The findings suggest that although there is a strong attachment to the residential neighbourhood in both case study areas, suburban residents in general place higher disfavour towards any residential mobility. The main contribution regards the development of a model for prediction of residentā€™s total neighbourhood satisfaction, which may serve as an indicator of what people require from a sustainable residential environment.Supervisors/ mentori: Prof. Michael Corcoran and Dr Hildebrand Frey.U julu 2004. godine, odlukom Arhitektonskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu, br.01-964/2-6, dr Jasni Petrić je nostrifikovana diploma stečena u Velikoj Britaniji i izjednačena sa diplomom naučnog stepena doktora tehničkih nauka u oblasti arhitekture i urbanizma

    How to Make a Unicorn or ā€˜There Never Was an ā€œActe Clairā€ in EU Lawā€™: Some Remarks about Case C-561/19 Consorzio Italian Management

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    In its judgment in Consorzio Italian Management, the Court of Justice has gone some way to solving the riddle that since the beginning of European integration has remained one of the most important and widely discussed doctrines of EU law: one that concerns the obligation of national courts of last instance to refer questions of interpretation of EU law for a preliminary ruling to the Court. The doctrine in question concerns exceptions to this obligation, solidified four decades ago in the landmark CILFIT ruling. More specifically, one exception to the obligation of national courts of last instance to make a reference is found in situations where the meaning of a provision of EU law is clear beyond reasonable doubt. This contribution discusses whether and how the Courtā€™s ruling in Consorzio Italian Management adjusts and recalibrates this particular exception, which despite the name it was usually referred to ā€“ ā€˜acte clairā€™ ā€“ still remains unclear. To explain what, if anything, changes after Consorzio Italian Management, the discussion will go back to the origins of the doctrine of ā€˜acte clairā€™, initially pronounced in CILFIT
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