31 research outputs found

    Benefits and swot analysis of iknow estudent services system

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    The implementation of new robust and complex overall systems in any area is in the very least demanding, complicated, extensive, particularized and delicate. Especially if they are planned to be designed for almost entire higher education system in a country. Inevitably at the beginning, the stakeholders in the existing processes and resources will be reluctant to radical change such as the one in the case of iKnow system implementation, setbacks can be experienced in the mentality shifts, workflow adjustments and adaptation, but also in the different starting points in different institutions for such implementations. And this is only before the beginning of usage of the system. As with any big, ERP-like software solution, the first period of implementation may be the scariest, until everyone gets on board. Then the impressions from the intuitive interface, completion of tasks from distance, the overview of many aspects, maybe never even considered before, and the usefulness of the reports will kick in. That is the point from which the added value from the iKnow eStudent Services System will start to pile up improvements in many directions and depths. This paper can serve as an introduction to the benefits, strengths and opportunities that can be expected from iKnow, and food for thought for the involved parties in the realization of the project for its weaknesses and threats. By observing the requirements for the system on one side, and the technical documentation and the software itself on the other, we can conclude that what is asked for has been delivered in the construction area, and time will show that the objectives will be reachable in the very least, if not completely, with timely implementation and proper usage

    Triggers of the subprime mortgage crisis, still not defeated by the world

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    Adaptive organizations in the digital age : complexity, creativity and innovation

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    Adaptive organizations are the contemporary kind of socio-technical systems derived from the need to respond effectively to changes in the dynamic and unpredictable landscape of the digital economy. These organizations are both internetworked and knowledge-driven, and thus responsive to challenges and opportunitiesof the digital age. The networking capability (e.g. ICT-enabled virtuality,organizational teaming, and knowledge hyperlinking) provides for the adaptive organizations to cope with one of the biggest challenges they face today – complexity. For a small number of businesses, embracing complexity yields a competitive edge in terms of creativity, innovation, information management, and human resources. If we consider our countries, unions, departments, projects as complex adaptive systems, then we need to take into account their specificities to address and guide them properly. This paper looks through the lens of system design, complex adaptive systems, and the tactical management adaptability and effectiveness to provide an analysis of the European (1) strengths in strategy and operations (2) problems in ‘silos’, matrix- organizations, insufficient information and communication flows, current project management and slow risk management (3) example of the freedom of movement for workers (4) ‘business model’, and (5) growth paradigm that need to be fundamentally redefined through the value co-creation and co- evolution. The solutions we provide here are both conceptual (e.g. greater effectiveness delivered through the existing governance structures by drawing attention to the missing link between tactics and empowered project management), and tangible (e.g. methods providing adaptability in dynamic and unpredictable environment that is preserved by continuous Sense-Interpret-Decide-Act (SIDA) Loop and Role-and-Accountability system design, with proper information sensors, emitters and risk management for strategy and tactics)

    Identifying and addressing adaptability and information system requirements for tactical management

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    This paper discusses the challenges of context-appropriate implementation of blended learning in contemporary higher education. The faculty analyzed is of economics and management. Having in consideration that the 21st century professors are facing a continuous challenge to co-create a learner-friendly class environment, and maximize the educational outcomes, special attention has been paid to the blend composed for contemporary teaching, learning and communication; accompanied by existing ICT disruptive technologies and E-learning platforms, combined with the traditional educational processes and vehicles. Crucial challenge in this context is designing the optimal mix of applicable disruptive technologies, having in mind constricted funding, high competitiveness in the higher education, specific student profile etc. The blended learning ‘mashup’ investigated from theoretical and practical point of view has been sustainably implemented in a Western Balkan’s higher education institution for several academic years. Some key findings and lessons learned in this context are presented further in the paper

    European payment services directive 2 in North Macedonia : are we ready to comply?

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    The Payment Services Directive 2 (PSD2) will have a profound and direct impact on the European banking industry. It is also widely accepted as a regulation producing ripple effects both in the banking and other sectors in and beyond Europe. Extending the first Payment Services Directive, PSD2 is intended to strengthen the security of online transactions, promote a more efficient and integrated payments market, protect customers, provide a level playing field between different payment service providers, and resolve all security gaps and risks that were not previously addressed. PSD2 creates space for innovative financial services, and by developing and advancing openness in banking, it calls into question the traditional banking models and imposes important operational and technological amendments to banks, their vendors, collaborates and the entire banking ecosystem mechanisms and function. PSD2 principles are also important for regulating the new Account Information Services (AIS) and Payment Initiation Services (PIS) along with the Third Party Providers (TPPs) - AISPs and PISPs. By properly synthesizing and analyzing the financial information from different banks and institutions, the former act as aggregators for the various customers. The latter, on the other hand, look to arrange and administer the financial transactions of their customers. Given the above considerations, this paper aims at answering three main questions about the PSD2. At first, we will take an in-depth look at the concepts and principal goals of the European Directive. Secondly, we will examine the implications of the EU regulation on the (1) legislative measures in the area of financial services and (2) day-to-day operations of both the central bank and commercial banks, or any other entity that may also be affected. Finally, this paper may serve as a guideline for the queries and dilemmas that managers in North Macedonia have about the PSD2, and may also assist by providing certain instructions and recommendations in managing change during the implementation process

    Enterprise adaptability using a capability-oriented methodology and tool support

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    This paper investigates the differences that exist between a 3D and a 4D ontology. We examine these differences by comparing both ontologies through the metaphysical choices each ontology makes and explore the composing characteristics that define them. More specifically, the differences between the ontologies were illustrated through several modeling fragments that were derived from a modeling case presented at the 5thOntoCom workshop. Each of these modeling fragments focused on the metaphysical choices that the ontologies make –Essence and Identity, Relationships and Time. These comparisons highlighted the different ontological approaches and structures that exist between the ontologies. Moreover, depending on the ontology, the resulting conceptual model could differ substantially, confirming the impact and importance of the choice of a certain ontology. The observed differences between both ontologies eventually led us to formulate three discussion points that question the applicability of certain metaphysical choices in certain circumstances, and that can serve as a basis for future discussion or future research studies in the domain of ODCM