3 research outputs found

    Venereal Disease

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    At this point in time, the most intensive efforts toward education should be made in the medical schools. Very shortly these students will be faced with large numbers of patients with venereal disease, and we must prepare them. Unfortunately, this area in the medical school curriculum has been progressively crowded out by what seemed more important. It is now apparent that even though the prevalence of venereal disease may wax and wane, they will always represent a sizable medical problem. We must gear medical education and medical reeducation to meet these needs

    Indications for Antenatal Genetic Diagnosis

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    The future of antenatal genetic diagnosis is an exciting one. Recent advances include the application of chromosal banding techniques to identify subtle abnormalities and rearrangements; ultrasonography, using high resolution gray scale equipment to permit delineation of fetal soft tissue and skeletal anomalies; and fetoscopy, using a small fiberoptic instrument to view the fetus directly and observe its development. With these advances in technology, it should be possible to enable even more women at high risk for genetically diseased offspring to bear healthy children

    Identification of the High-Risk Gravida

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    In the past, there has been considerable pessimism about our ability to identify the pregnant patient at risk. However, with the development of sophisticated diagnostic techniques these patients can be identified and with appropriate treatment their outcome can be improved. This paper presents the overall benefit of categorizing obstetrical patients, the method that has been developed at the Medical College of Virginia (MCV), and certain categories of high-risk obstetrical patients who continue to present problems and have unacceptably high complication rates