3 research outputs found

    Corrosion Fatigue Studies on a Bulk Glassy Zr-Based Alloy under Three-Point Bending

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    Corrosion fatigue (CF) tests were carried out on bulk glassy Zr52.5Cu17.9Al10Ni14.6Ti5 (Vitreloy 105) samples under load-controlled three-point bending conditions with a load ratio of R = 0.1 in 0.01 M Na2SO4 + 0.01 M NaCl electrolyte. During cyclic testing, the bar-shaped specimens were polarized in situ at constant potentials and the current was monitored. Three different anodic potentials within the interval between the pitting potential EP and the repassivation potential ER and three different load amplitudes were applied. In some cases, in situ microscopic observations revealed the formation of black corrosion products in the vicinity of the crack tip during anodic polarization. Fractographic analysis revealed a clear distinction between two modes of crack growth characterized by smooth dissolution induced regions on the one hand and slim fast fracture areas on the other hand. Both alternating features contributed to a broad-striated CF fracture surface. Moreover, further fatigue tests were carried out under free corrosion conditions yielding additional information on crack initiation and crack propagation period by means of the open circuit potential (OCP) changes. Thereby, a slight increase in OCP was detected after rupture of the passive layer due to bare metal exposed to the electrolyte. The electrochemical response increased continuously according to stable crack propagation until fracture occurred. Finally, the fracture surfaces of the CF samples were investigated by energy dispersive X-ray with the objective of analyzing the elemental distribution after anodic dissolution. Interestingly, anodic polarization at a near repassivation potential of −50 mV vs. saturated calomel electrode (SCE), which commands a constant electric potential of E = 0.241 V vs. standard hydrogen electrode (SHE), led to favorable effects on the fatigue lifetime. In conclusion, all results are conflated to a CF model for bulk glassy Vitreloy 105 under anodic polarization in chloride-containing electrolyte and compared to the previously proposed stress corrosion mechanisms under similar conditions. © 2017 Grell, Wilkin, Gostin, Gebert and Kerscher

    Modification of structural, mechanical, corrosion and biocompatibility properties of Ti<sub>40</sub>Zr<sub>10</sub>Cu<sub>36</sub>Pd<sub>14</sub> metallic glass by minor Ga and Sn additions

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    Ti40Zr10Cu32Pd14Ga4 and Ti40Zr10Cu32Pd14Sn4 (in at%) bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) with different geometries (wedges, rods, ribbons and discs) were prepared by suction casting, melt spinning and splat quenching, respectively. For comparison, the reference Ti40Zr10Cu36Pd14 BMG was cast as a rod with 2 mm diameter and in wedge-shaped form. High-energy X-ray diffraction measurements yielded a critical casting thickness of 2.4, 2.1 and at least 4 mm for the reference, Ga-containing, and Sn-containing BMGs, respectively. The extension of the supercooled liquid region of about 50 K, measured for the glassy rods and ribbons by differential scanning calorimetry, is larger than that of only 20 K found for the splat-quenched discs. As to the alloys’ mechanical properties, the Ti40Zr10Cu36Pd14 glassy rods deform plastically in compression up to a strain of 3.8% and possess a Young’s modulus of 78 GPa. The Sn- and Ga- containing BMG rods reach respectively a plastic strain of 6.1% and 4.7%, and a Young’s modulus of 72 and 63 GPa. Corrosion tests were performed by electrochemical experiments, and the highest pitting resistance was observed for Ti40Zr10Cu32Pd14Sn4 (pitting overpotential ηpit = 446 mV) compared to Ti40Zr10Cu32Pd14Ga4 (379 mV) and Ti40Zr10Cu36Pd14 (183 mV). The results of live/dead assay and cell viability revealed excellent biocompatibility for the Ga-containing BMGs