320 research outputs found

    Tungsten fiber-reinforced nickel superalloy with greatly increased strength at 2000 degrees F

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    Superalloy has 1000-hour strength of 37,000 psi at 2000 degrees F. The strength to density ratio of the composite is also greater, permitting applications where reduced weight rather than greater strength is desired

    Advanced tungsten fiber-reinforced nickel superalloy

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    Matrix composition, fabrication technique, and fiber diameter were selected to minimize fiber-matrix reaction and preserve composite strength. Composites may be used in place of superalloys where higher strength or greater strength-to-density ratios are advantageous, and will permit higher operating temperatures in particular applications

    Tungsten fiber reinforced superalloys: A status review

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    Improved performance of heat engines is largely dependent upon maximum cycle temperatures. Tungsten fiber reinforced superalloys (TFRS) are the first of a family of high temperature composites that offer the potential for significantly raising hot component operating temperatures and thus leading to improved heat engine performance. This status review of TFRS research emphasizes the promising property data developed to date, the status of TFRS composite airfoil fabrication technology, and the areas requiring more attention to assure their applicability to hot section components of aircraft gas turbine engines

    Stress-rupture strength and microstructural stability of tungsten-hafnium-carbon-wire reinforced superalloy composites

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    Tungsten-hafnium-carbon - superalloy composites were found to be potentially useful for turbine blade applications on the basis of stress-rupture strength. The 100- and 1000-hr rupture strengths calculated for 70 vol. % fiber composites based on test data at 1090C (2000F) were 420 and 280 MN/m2 (61,000 and 41,000 psi, respectively). The investigation indicated that, with better quality fibers, composites having 100- and 1000-hr rupture strengths of 570 and 370 MN/m2 (82,000 and 54,000 psi, respectively), may be obtained. Metallographic studies indicated sufficient fiber-matrix compatibility for 1000 hr or more at 1090C (2000F)

    Stress-rupture strength and microstructural stability of W-HF-C wire reinforced superalloy composites

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    W-Hf-C/superalloy composites were found to be potentially useful for turbine blade applications on the basis of stress-rupture strength. The 100-and 1000-hour rupture strengths obtained for 70 volume percent fiber composites tested at 1090 C were 420 and 280 MN/sq m (61,000 and 41,000 psi). The investigation indicated that with better quality fibers, composites having 100- and 1000-hour rupture strengths of 570 and 370 MN/sq m (82,000 and 54,000 psi) may be obtained. Metallographic studies indicated sufficient fiber-matrix compatibility for long time applications at 1090 C for 1000 hours or more

    Stress-rupture and tensile properties of refractory-metal wires at 2000 deg and 2200 deg F /1093 deg and 1204 deg C/

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    Stress rupture and tensile properties of refractory metal wires at 2000 and 2200 deg

    Tungsten fiber-reinforced nickel superalloy

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    Tungsten fiber-reinforced nickel superalloy combines the strength of refractory metals with the oxidation resistance of superalloys. Knowledge of the relationship between fabrication technique, matrix compositions and fiber sizes minimized fiber-matrix reaction. Potential application includes high temperature turbine components

    Predicted inlet gas temperatures for tungsten fiber reinforced superalloy turbine blades

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    Tungsten fiber reinforced superalloy composite (TFRS) impingement cooled turbine blade inlet gas temperatures were calculated taking into account material spanwise strength, thermal conductivity, material oxidation resistance, fiber-matrix interaction, and coolant flow. Measured values of TFRS thermal conductivities are presented. Calculations indicate that blades made of 30 volume percent fiber content TFRS having a 12,000 N-m/kg stress-to-density ratio while operating at 40 atmospheres and a 0.06 coolant flow ratio could permit a turbine blade inlet gas temperature of over 1900K. This is more than 150K greater than similar superalloy blades

    Reinforced metallic composites Patent

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    High strength reinforced metallic composites for applications over wide temperature rang

    Nutztierhaltung in den Alpenländern: Wege zu einer graslandbasierten Milch- und Fleischproduktion

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    Die Landwirtschaft erfüllt für die Gesellschaft wichtige wirtschaftliche, soziokulturelle und ökologische Funktionen. Gleichwohl hat sie starke negative Auswirkungen auf den Zustand der Ökosysteme. Daran konnte auch die Ökologisierung der Agrarpolitik seit Anfang der 1990er Jahre nicht prinzipiell etwas ändern. Aufgrund der großen Bedeutung von Grünland für die Landwirtschaft in der Schweiz (60 % der landwirtschaftlichen Nutzfläche) und Österreich (40 %) ist die Rolle der Wiederkäuer für eine ökologisch nachhaltige Agrar- und Ernährungspolitik besonders wichtig. Vor diesem Hintergrund haben wir analysiert, inwieweit standortgerechte, graslandbasierte regenerative Milch- und Rindfleischsysteme, die den Wettbewerb zwischen Lebens- und Futtermittelproduktion minimieren, zu einer ökologisch nachhaltigen Landnutzung beitragen können, ohne dabei die regionalen Ökosystemgrenzen zu überschreiten (Stolze et al. 2019)