23 research outputs found

    Searching for patterns in political event sequences: Experiments with the KEDs database

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    This paper presents an empirical study on the possibility of discovering interesting event sequences and sequential rules in a large database of international political events. A data mining algorithm first presented by Mannila and Toivonen (1996), has been implemented and extended, which is able to search for generalized episodes in such event databases. Experiments conducted with this algorithm on the Kansas Event Data System (KEDS) database, an event data set covering interactions between countries in the Persian Gulf region, are described. Some qualitative and quantitative results are reported, and experiences with strategies for reducing the problem complexity and focusing on the search on interesting subsets of events are described

    GPSDB: a new database for synonyms expansion of gene and protein names

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    Summary: We present a new database, GPSDB (Gene and Protein Synonyms DataBase) which collects gene/protein names, in a species specific way, from 14 main biological resources. A web-based search interface gives access to the database: given a gene/protein name, it retrieves all synonyms for this entity and queries Medline with a set of user-selected terms. Availability: GPSDB is freely available from http://biomint.oefai.at/ Contact: [email protected]

    Khresmoi Professional: Multilingual Semantic Search for Medical Professionals

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    There is increasing interest in and need for innovative solutions to medical search. In this paper we present the EU funded Khresmoi medical search and access system, currently in year 3 of 4 of development across 12 partners . The Khresmoi system uses a component based architecture housed in the cloud to allow for the development of several innovative applications to support target users medical information needs. The Khresmoi search systems based on this architecture have been designed to support the multilingual and multimod al information needs of three target groups the general public, general practitioners and consultant radiologists. In this paper we focus on the presentation of the systems to support the latter two groups using semantic, multilingual text and image based (including 2D and 3D radiology images) search

    An Evaluation of Landmarking Variants

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    . Landmarking is a novel technique for data characterization in metalearning. While conventional approaches typically describe a database with its statistical measurements and properties, landmarking proposes to enrich such a description with quick and easy-to-obtain performance measures of simple learning algorithms. In this paper, we will discuss two novel aspects of landmarking. First, we investigate relative landmarking, which tries to exploit the relative order of the landmark measures instead of their absolute value. Second, we propose to use subsampling estimates as a different way for efficiently obtaining landmarks. In general, our results are mostly negative. The most interesting result is a surprisingly simple rule that predicts quite accurately when it is worth to boost decision trees.

    Knowledge Discovery in International Conflict Databases

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    Artificial Intelligence is heavily supported by military institutions, while practically no effort goes into the investigation of possible contributions of AI to the avoidance and termination of crises and wars. This paper makes a first step into this direction by investigating the use of machine learning techniques for discovering knowledge in international conflict and conflict management databases. We have applied similarity-based case retrieval to the KOSIMO database of international conflicts. Furthermore, we present results of analyzing the CONFMAN database of successful and unsuccessful conflict management attempts with an inductive decision tree learning algorithm. The latter approach seems to be particularly promising, as conflict management events apparently are more repetitive and thus better suited for machine-aided analysis