22 research outputs found

    Corporate Philanthropy in Top Romanian Companies

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    This paper aims to provide an insight on the CSR activities developed by top Romanian companies and to analyze whether some economic indexes as number of employees and turnover have a considerable impact on the decision of companies to involve in social responsible activities. The approach is based on a cross-analysis of the statistical weight of donations for eight top company donors in 2007 in Romania. By reviewing the results of the research, the author considers the opportunity to develop a case for CSR, even in its basic form: philanthropy, as a premise for long run social performance.corporate philanthropy, corporate social responsibility, microeconomic indexes, stakeholders.


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    The paper identifies in a valuable manner an attribute of corporate social responsibility, represented by the care towards internal stakeholders. Taking the pulse of the human resources also rebounds into signals given to the company on how to reestablishcorporate social responsibility, stakeholder, voice of workforce, contingent worker

    The collapse of ENRON, a classic case of corporate social irresponsibility

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    Corporate Social Responsibility is an issue that is working its way into many policy debates and corporate agendas. The definition of corporate social responsibility has undergone substantial modifications over time and it is still evolving along with society and society’s expectations. There is no globally accepted definition of CSR, nor is there a consensus on a definitive list of the issues it encompasses. It is generally agreed that CSR is neither corporate philanthropy nor strict compliance with the law. However, we can easily identify “events” which doesn’t fit in the CSR framework. The collapse of energy broker Enron Corp. has been described as the biggest business surprise of the past 10 years. It was a surprise which unexpectedly left 20000 employees in a deeply compromised safety of their pension funds. The concept of CSR is underpinned by the idea that corporations can no longer act as isolated economic entities operating in detachment from broader society. Traditional views about competitiveness, survival and profitability are being swept away. The increasingly negative and very pervasive impact of global corporations in all aspects of social life and in the environment has been the catalyst in the emergence of a diversity of stakeholders demanding accountability about the impact of corporate activity in the whole aspects of its influence.corporate social responsibility, irresponsibility, ethical leadership, Enron


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    The paper identifies in a valuable manner an attribute of corporate social responsibility, represented by the care towards internal stakeholders. Taking the pulse of the human resources also rebounds into signals given to the company on how to reestablis

    Security in Quantum Computing

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    Quantum key distribution will bring more confidentiality and privacy of communication in the future ICT world and will solve the eavesdropping issue. Domains regarded are e-government, e-commerce, e-health, transmission of biometric data, intelligent transport systems and more. So far, quantum researches focus on using properties of the qubit to bring improvements in technologies from our days. &nbsp;The purpose of this paper is to describe the quantum encryption methods. These methods can bring more efficiency of security in existing communications. In this matter, many encryption architectures have been proposed. As an example, the QKD architecture is presented in this paper.</p

    Beverley Clack, Brian R. Clack, The Philosophy of Religion. A Critical Introduction

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    This volume, the third edition of The Philosophy of Religion: A critical Introduction, authored by Beverley and Brian Clack is a handbook, a useful introduction to the main debates on analytical philosophy of religion and a sample of methodological clarity. The book explores contemporary arguments for the existence of God shaped under the natural theology framework; then, the main challenges to theism are presented, and radical reviews of theism are put forward. The main stages in the develop..

    Le prophÚte Jonas, Terminator et Kant entrent dans un bar : sur le pouvoir des récits eschatologiques dans la théologie et dans la littérature de science-fiction

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    International audienceApocalyptical narratives always became influential in difficult political times, beginning with the biblical literature. They challenge a given political reality by encouraging people to resist it and by recalling that present political power and injustice cannot be eternal. These narratives remind that the present time should not be given a privileged status over the past and the future. My article starts from the observation that the projections concerning the future in general and especially eschatological imagination are recurrent themes in both religion and science fiction. The look towards the future represents the common ground between the narrative of Judeo-Christian tradition and science fiction literature. These narratives challenge the present based on a promise or threat of a future that is not there. Apocalyptic references challenge a certain political power based on an ‘ontology’ of non-existence (or not yet being). The paper compares different ways of questioning political power in theology and science fiction by emphasizing the role of apocalyptic imagination.Depuis la littĂ©rature biblique, les narrations apocalyptiques apparaissent dans des moments politiques difficiles. Elles contestent une certaine rĂ©alitĂ© politique donnĂ©e en en-courageant le peuple Ă  rĂ©sister en rappelant que le pouvoir et l’injustice prĂ©sents ne sont pas Ă©ternels. Cette narration rappelle qu’il ne faut pas donner un statut privilĂ©giĂ© au temps prĂ©sent par rapport au passĂ© et au futur. Cet article part de l’observation selon laquelle l’imaginaire sur le futur en gĂ©nĂ©ral, et particuliĂšrement l’imaginaire sur la fin des temps et du monde, reprĂ©sente un thĂšme rĂ©current Ă  la fois dans la religion et dans la science-fiction. L’orientation vers l’avenir reprĂ©sente le point commun entre les narrations de la tradition judĂ©o-chrĂ©tienne et la littĂ©rature de science-fiction. Ces narrations mettent en cause le prĂ©sent Ă  partir d’une promesse ou menace d’avenir qui n’est pas lĂ . Les narrations apocalyptiques contestent un pouvoir politique donnĂ© Ă  partir d’une « ontologie » du non-ĂȘtre (ou du pas encore). L’article compare le mĂ©canisme de contestations du prĂ©sent Ă  partir des narrations thĂ©ologiques et des narrations de la littĂ©rature de science-fiction en mettant en exergue le rĂŽle de l’imaginaire apocalyptique