65 research outputs found
Biljni pripravci u samolijeÄenju virusnih bradavica
This article represents an overview of the most common used medicinal plant
preparations in the self-treatment of viral warts. These plants (Chelidonium maius,
Ficus carica, Thuja occidentalis, Allium sativum, Melaleuca alternifolia, Melaleuca
quinquenervia, Cinnamomum camphora chemotype cineol, Ricinus communis, Salix
alba, Citrus limon, Drosera rotundifolia and Taraxacum officinale) contain various
chemical compounds (flavonoids, phenolic acids, essential oils, tannins, alkaloids,
coumarins, proteolytic enzymes, phenolic heterosides, vitamins, polysaccharides
etc.) that contribute to their activity. Many of these herbs have a traditional medicinal
use and some have even been tested in clinical trials. Some plants are shown
to have proteolytic enzymes that soften the wart tissue, while others have antiviral
Nealkoholna masna bolest jetre (NAFLD; engl. non-alcoholic fatty liver disease) predstavlja jednu od
najÄeÅ”Äih kroniÄnih upalnih bolesti jetre koja može prijeÄi u steatohepatitis, koji u oko 20 % sluÄajeva
progredira do ciroze ili karcinoma jetre. Radi se o multifaktorijalnoj bolesti za koju trenutno nema
zadovoljavajuÄe terapije, a farmakoloÅ”ke metode se baziraju uglavnom na lijeÄenju metaboliÄkih
poremeÄaja koji su povezani s boleÅ”Äu. Koriste se antidijabetici koji poveÄavaju osjetljivost na inzulin
(tiazolidini i bigvanidi), antioksidansi (vitamin E), antilipemici (statini), blokatori angiotenzinskih receptora
i drugi, meÄutim niti jedan od njih nije pokazao znaÄajnu uÄinkovitost i dugotrajnu sigurnost u
primjeni. Zbog svega navedenog, posljednjeg desetljeÄa, biljni preparati sve viÅ”e privlaÄe pažnju zbog
Å”iroke dostupnosti, relativno malo nuspojava, Å”irokog mehanizma djelovanja, te posljediÄne koristi.
Dosad objavljene in vitro i in vivo studije pokazuju da biljni preparati kroz razliÄite mehanizme djelovanja
smanjuju oÅ”teÄenje hepatocita povezano s NAFLD. Neki od navedenih mehanizama su: smanjenje
lipogeneze; poveÄanje oksidacije Ī²-masnih kiselina; poveÄanje osjetljivosti na inzulin; smanjenje oksidativnog
stresa i inhibicija aktivacije upalnih putova.
Biljni preparati se mogu koristiti kao biljni ekstrakti (korijen sladiÄa, zeleni Äaj, sjeme sikavice, crveno
grožÄe),kemijske tvari (flavonoidi, polifenoli, saponini, alkaloidi) i biljne mjeÅ”avine (kineska, japanska).
Iz invitro studija i in vivo životinjskih modela, možemo zakljuÄiti da biljni lijekovi mogu biti obeÄavajuÄa
terapijska sredstva, no vrlo je malo randomiziranih kliniÄkih studija koje bi potvrdile njihovu
uÄinkovitost i sigurnost u ljudi.Veliki problem predstavlja i standardizacija uzorka, formulacija te doziranje.Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is one of the most common chronic inflammatory diseases
of the liver, which can be transmitted to steatohepatitis, which in about 20% progresses to cirrhosis
or liver cancer. It is a multifactorial disease for which there is currently no satisfactory therapy, and
pharmacological methods are based mainly on the treatment of metabolic disorders associated with the
disease. Antidiabetic agents that increase insulin sensitivity (thiazolidines and biguanides), antioxidants
(vitamin E), antiliphemics (statins), angiotensin receptor blockers and others are used, however none of
them showed significant efficacy and long-term safety in use. Because of all this, for the last decade,
herbal preparations are increasingly attracting attention due to their wide availability, relatively few
side effects, wide mechanism of action, and consequent benefits. So far published in vitro and in vivo
Sažeci radova / Abstracts
studies have shown that herbal preparations through various mechanisms of action reduce hepatocellular
damage associated with NAFLD. Some of the mechanisms mentioned are: reduction of lipogenesis;
increased oxidation of Ī²-fatty acids; insulin sensitivity increase; reduction of oxidative stress and activation
of inflammatory pathways.
Herbal preparations can be used as herbal extracts (herb root, green tea, glitter seeds, red grapes), chemical
substances (flavonoids, polyphenols, saponins, alkaloids) and herbal mixtures (chinese, japanese).
From in vitro studies and in vivo animal models, we can conclude that herbal remedies can be promising
therapeutic agents, but there are very few randomized clinical studies that would confirm their effectiveness
and safety in humans. A major problem is the standardization of the sample, formulation and dosage
Contact Allergy Caused by Fragrance Mix and Myroxylon pereirae (Balsam Of Peru), a Retrospective Study
Because of their widespread use, fragrances are among the most common causes of contact allergic dermatitis, second
only to nickel. During a five-year period 3,065 patients with contact dermatitis were patch tested using a specific mix of
fragrances. 509 (16.6%) patients were allergic to the fragrance mix, while 258 (8.4%) patients exhibited an allergic reaction
to Myroxylon pereirae (balsam of Peru). Between those 509 patients, 157 were patch tested with eight individual
substances contained in the fragrance mix: cinnamal, cinnamyl alcohol, eugenol, isoeugenol, geraniol, hydroxycitronellal,
alpha-amyl cinnamal and Evernia prunastri (oak moss). The most frequent allergens were isoeugenol 57.9%
(91/157), eugenol 55.4% (87/157), cinnamyl alcohol 34.4% (54/157) and Evernia prunastri (oak moss) 24.2% (38/157).
There were 62 patients (39.5%) who exhibited an allergic reaction to both the fragrance mix and Myroxylon pereirae (balsam
of Peru). The results prove the importance of avoiding allergens in daily life, especially in industrial and cosmetic
products. In order to prevent ACD, better cooperation between industry and dermatologists is needed
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