42 research outputs found

    Holistic and mechanical combination in psychological assessment:Why algorithms are underutilized and what is needed to increase their use

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    Although mechanical combination results in more valid judgments and decisions than holistic combination, existing publications suggest that mechanical combination is rarely used in practice. Yet, these publications are either descriptions of anecdotal experiences or outdated surveys. Therefore, in several Western countries, we conducted two surveys (total N = 323) and two focus groups to investigate (1) how decision makers in psychological and HR practice combine information, (2) why they do (not) use mechanical combination, and (3) what may be needed to increase its use in practice. Many participants reported mostly using holistic combination, usually in teams. The most common reasons for not using mechanical combination were that algorithms are unavailable in practice and that stakeholders do not accept their use. Furthermore, decision makers do not quantify information, do not believe in research findings on evidence-based decision making, and think that combining holistic and mechanical combination results in the best decisions. The most important reason why mechanical combination is used was to increase predictive validity. To stimulate the use of mechanical combination in practice, our results suggest that decision makers should receive more training on evidence-based decision making, and decision aids supporting the use of mechanical combination should be developed

    A 4-Week Diet Low or High in Advanced Glycation Endproducts Has Limited Impact on Gut Microbial Composition in Abdominally Obese Individuals : The deAGEing Trial

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    Dietary advanced glycation endproducts (AGEs), abundantly present in Westernized diets, are linked to negative health outcomes, but their impact on the gut microbiota has not yet been well investigated in humans. We investigated the effects of a 4-week isocaloric and macronutrient-matched diet low or high in AGEs on the gut microbial composition of 70 abdominally obese individuals in a double-blind parallel-design randomized controlled trial (NCT03866343). Additionally, we investigated the cross-sectional associations between the habitual intake of dietary dicarbonyls, reactive precursors to AGEs, and the gut microbial composition, as assessed by 16S rRNA amplicon-based sequencing. Despite a marked percentage difference in AGE intake, we observed no differences in microbial richness and the general community structure. Only the Anaerostipes spp. had a relative abundance >0.5% and showed differential abundance (0.5 versus 1.11%; p = 0.028, after low- or high-AGE diet, respectively). While the habitual intake of dicarbonyls was not associated with microbial richness or a general community structure, the intake of 3-deoxyglucosone was especially associated with an abundance of several genera. Thus, a 4-week diet low or high in AGEs has a limited impact on the gut microbial composition of abdominally obese humans, paralleling its previously observed limited biological consequences. The effects of dietary dicarbonyls on the gut microbiota composition deserve further investigation.Peer reviewe

    The intramembrane protease Sppl2a is required for B cell and DC development and survival via cleavage of the invariant chain

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    The protease Sppl2a cleaves the N-terminal fragment of invariant chain (CD74) and is required for efficient B cell development and function.B cell development requires tight regulation to allow for the generation of a diverse repertoire while preventing the development of autoreactive cells. We report, using N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENU)–induced mutagenesis, the identification of a mutant mouse (chompB) with a block in early B cell development. The blockade occurs after the transitional 1 (T1) stage and leads to a decrease in mature B cell subsets and deficits in T cell–dependent antibody responses. Additionally, chompB mice have decreases in myeloid dendritic cells (DCs). The mutation was mapped to the intramembrane protease signal peptide peptidase-like 2a (Sppl2a), a gene not previously implicated in immune cell development. Proteomic analysis identified the invariant chain (CD74) as a key substrate of Sppl2a and suggests that regulated intramembrane proteolysis of CD74 by Sppl2a contributes to B cell and DC survival. Moreover, these data suggest that modulation of Sppl2a may be a useful therapeutic strategy for treatment of B cell dependent autoimmune disorders