7 research outputs found

    Self-regulation of behaviour in children and adolescents in the natural and institutional environment

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    The aim of the study is to present the results of research aimed at comparing the level of self-regulation of behaviour in children and adolescents in the natural and institutional environment. Institutionalisation occurs over a period of time in children and adolescents living in institutions. We can frequently observe the symptoms of institutionalisation in these groups of children and adolescents, which is a major obstacle to their functional self-regulation of behaviour and to their return to the natural social environment. The research sample was comprised of 2,776 children and adolescents from the natural and institutional environment in the Czech Republic (children and adolescents living in total institutions such as correctional institutions for children and minors and children's homes). The Self-regulation Questionnaire (SRQ) used in the study contained 12 items aimed at 3 areas of self-regulation of behaviour: Affect, Awareness and Empowerment. The results have shown that the level of self-regulation of behaviour is lower among children in the institutional environment. We recorded the most significant differences between children from the institutional and natural environment in the area of Affect (i.e. the regulation of emotions). It means that children and adolescents from institutional environments have more trouble controlling their emotions than children from a natural environment. We also found that the level of self-regulation of behaviour is dependent on the perceived level of problematic behaviour of children and adolescents. A higher level of problematic behaviour of children and adolescents indicates a lower level of self-regulation of their behaviour. We also found that differences in the level of self-regulation of behaviour, depending on the perceived degree of problematic behaviour, are not significant in either type of environment. It means that the perceived degree of problematic behaviour is reflected in the level of self-regulation of behaviour in a similar way in the natural and institutional environment. (C) 2016 Published by Elseiver Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license

    Teachers' beliefs about socially disadvantaged pupils in the Czech Republic

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    One of the significant factors influencing education of socially disadvantaged pupils is the teachers' beliefs about the group of pupils. Teachers' beliefs can influence teachers' judgements and teaching approach. The aim of this study is to determine if there is any relation between teachers' beliefs of socially disadvantaged pupils and selected determinants. In the context of the sociocognitive theories the study presents the results of the survey which point out the impact of the selected determinants to teachers' beliefs about socially disadvantaged pupils. We suppose that the determinants can significantly affect teachers' beliefs about the group of pupils. The research sample comprised 245 teachers who work at the educational level ISCED 1 and 2 in three regions of the Czech Republic. For the research was used variety of the research methods: questionnaire and Semantic differential (containing 12 scales with bipolar adjectives). Within the survey it was found that teachers' beliefs are influenced by the sociocultural context of the locality where the teachers work and length of practice. It was also found that teachers' beliefs about socially disadvantaged pupils are not influence by, experience with education of socially disadvantaged pupils and positive perceptions of pupils' diversity. Presented study by using various research methods, tries to point out the significant determinants of education of socially disadvantage pupils. The focus of the research is the teachers' beliefs of socially disadvantaged pupils, which might be according to our findings influenced by the socio-cultural context and length of practice. (C) 2016 Published by Elsevier Ltd


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    Education of socially disadvantaged pupils is a current issue widely discussed, especially in the context of the philosophy of inclusive education. The present article focuses on presentation of results of a research study aimed at finding out the relevance to teachers of selected determinants involved in education of socially disadvantaged pupils. For this purpose the Q-methodology was used. We found that teachers teaching at the selected elementary schools saw as the most relevant determinants of education of socially disadvantaged pupils reduced class numbers and interest of the socially disadvantaged pupils in their own education, while determinants of the teacher’s side (social environment the teacher comes from, their religious belief and race) were considered less relevant

    Self-regulation of emotions in relation to students' attitudes towards school life

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    The paper focuses on assessing, how the use of emotional regulation strategies and perceived position in formal and informal school life processes are related. The paper also aims to identify, which of the assessed school life processes are involved in the use of emotional regulation strategies, i.e. the use of adaptive emotional regulation strategies and non-adaptive emotional regulation strategies, or in the suppression of emotional manifestations. The research was carried out on a sample of 1,133 upper-primary school students using Cognitive Regulation of Emotion and Students’ Attitudes to School Life questionnaires. The results imply that the degree of use of adaptive strategies is affected by a combination of predominantly strengthening stimuli in the school environment, i.e. the perception of success and opportunity, and social inclusion in peer groups. On the contrary, high-risk environmental attributes connected with a feeling of negative experience at school play a larger part in the use of non-adaptive emotional regulation strategies. A combination of two opposing stimuli, i.e. a negative experience of school life and a positive approach by the teacher towards the pupils, contributes to the suppression of emotional manifestations. The perception of position in formal and informal school life processes as an important prerequisite for the use of students’ self-regulating mechanisms in the school environment.Tomas Bata University in Zlín, TBU; Grantová Agentura České Republiky, GA ČR, (GA CR 17-04816S)Czech Science Foundation [GA CR 17-04816S

    Self-efficacy of Professional Educators in Institutional Care for Children and Minors

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    The aim of the study is to present the results of research that determine the extent to which professional educators working in educational care centres and children’s homes influence the behaviour of children in institutional care related to their school results, relationships with peers, leisure time and manifestations of risky behaviour. Professionals working in educational care centres are believed to affect the behaviour of children to a greater extent than educators in children’s homes. Educators in children’s homes believe that they affect the school performance and leisure time of children. Educators in educational care centres believe that they largely affect the risky behaviour of children and their relationships with peers. The level of self-efficacy of educators is dependent on education, age and length of their teaching experience. These differences can be observed only in educators in educational care centres

    Teacher Self-Efficacy within the Context of Socially Disadvantaged Pupils’ Education

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    The teachers’ self-efficacy (TS) is one of the important determinants, which affects teachers’ behavior and also affects the effectivity of educational process. The presented study is based on the concept of Gibson and Dembi, who characterized the teachers’ self-efficacy by two dimensions – Personal Teaching Efficacy (PTE) and General Teaching Efficacy (GTE). Our goal is to present results of the research which was focused on determination of the relation between teachers’ self-efficacy and the factors related with the education of socially disadvantaged pupils. Among the mentioned research tool it was used the semantic differential method. We found out that the teachers from the chosen primary schools are more convinced about their abilities to influence pupils’ learning and behavior (PTE) and less convinced about the overcoming unfavorable effects of environment through the education (GTE). We also discovered that the teachers’ self-efficacy rate from chosen primary schools is not correlated with their experience (with the education of socially disadvantaged pupils) and there is no significant difference between TS and the territory of teachers’ work. The self-efficacy rate is strongly correlated with the evaluation of the concepts related with the education of socially disadvantaged pupils

    Models of self-regulation mechanisms in peer-rejected students

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    Self-regulation is a process that may affect the degree of peer rejection but may also be determined by the degree of peer rejection, whereby the degree of acceptance/rejection can influence the processes that lead to the strengthening or weakening of self-regulation. In this study, we concentrate on self-regulatory mechanisms (self-regulated behavior and strategies for emotional regulation) in peer-rejected students compared to non-rejected students. With the aid of structural equation modeling, we identified models of self-regulation mechanisms in three groups of students according to their acceptance/ rejection. These groups differ in the degree of peer rejection, the structure of the regulation of emotional relations, and the degree of self-regulation behavior. The results suggest that peer-rejected students do not form a monolithic group from the perspective of self-regulation mechanisms, as it is possible to identify diverse structures of relations between the self-regulation mechanisms that probably depend, inter alia, on the degree of peer rejection.Czech Science Foundation [GA CR 17-04816S]; Tomas Bata University in Zlin, Faculty of Humanities [RO60211011025/2102]Grantová Agentura České Republiky, GA ČR: GA ČR 17-04816S; Univerzita Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně: RO60211011025/210