18 research outputs found


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    The rapid development of digital computer hardware and software has had a dramatic influence on mathematics, and contrary. The advanced hardware and modern sophistical software such as computer visualization, symbolic computation, computerassisted proofs, multi-precision arithmetic and powerful libraries, have provided resolving many open problems, a huge very difficult mathematical problems, and discovering new patterns and relationships, far beyond a human capability. In the first part of the paper we give a short review of some typical mathematical problems solved by computer tools. In the second part we present some new original contributions, such as intriguing consequence of the presence of roundoff errors, distribution of zeros of random polynomials, dynamic study of zero-finding methods, a new three-point family of methods for solving nonlinear equations and two algorithms for the inclusion of a simple complex zero of a polynomial

    CAD of the special car lifting device

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    One way of solving the improperly parked cars problem is their towing by means of a special vehicle. Hanging the car and putting it onto that vehicle is realized by a special lifting device. This paper presents some design details of the 5 t lifting capacity device

    Radio-protective effect of DMSO glycerol in human non-small cell lung cancer irradiated with gamma rays

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    Direct effects of radiation affect the DNA molecule, causing DNAdamage and finally cell death. We examined the role of DMSO and glycerol as free-radical scavengers in HTB177 cells irradiated with gamma rays. Direct effects of radiation were estimated through DNA double strand break (DSB) quantification and cell survival. Results of this work revealed that chosen concentration of DMSO exhibit higher protective effect comparing to glycerol.Physical chemistry 2016 : 13th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 26-30 September 2016

    Редизајн обртне платформе роторног багера SRs 1200

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    Роторни багер SRs 1200x24/4x4+VR (G ‐ 3) био је ангажован на ископу јаловине на „Пољу Д“ РБ Колубара. Дана 06.11. 2012. године дошло је до тешке хаварије машине изазване обрушавањем чела етаже.Суштина техничког решења јесте да се редизајном структуре која је претрпела тешко хаваријско оштећење обезбеди повољнија дистрибуција оптерећења, елиминишу геометријски концентратори напона и оствари повољнија дистрибуција крутости унутар структуре. Осим тога, оштра ограничења током развоја редизајниране структуре представљали су захтеви да се реконструкција обави у теренским условима, без демонтаже подсистема носеће конструкције. Тиме је време извођења реконструкције драстично скраћено и вишеструко су смањени губици изазвани застојем машине, односно, целокупног БТО система

    Analysis of radiation-induced DNA double strand breaks after exposure to alpha particles: γ-H2AX staining method

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    The aim of this study was to analyse the γ-H2AX foci in HTB177 non-small lung cancer cells after irradiation with helium ions. Cells were irradiated in three different positions along the widened Bragg peak to follow formation of DNA DSB with respect to LET values. To compare diverse approaches in γ-H2AX foci analysis, we applied the method of foci quantification and total fluorescence intensity measurements. It was shown that helium ions significantly increased the number of γ- H2AX in all irradiated cells. Somewhat higher number of foci was found in samples irradiated within the LET of 24 keV/μm than in those exposed to 4.8 and 37 keV/μm. The same trend was observed after γ-H2AX total fluorescence analysis, showing a good correlation with the results of γ- H2AX foci counting. Further analysis of foci size, as well as colocalization with other DSB repair factors would complement these analyses and give more information about the nature of DNA lesions induced by helium ions

    Direct and indirect effects of proton and carbon ion irradiations on breast adenocarcinoma cells

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    ERRS 2022, 47th Annual Meeting of the European Radiation Research Society; 21-24 September 2022, Catania, Italy

    Radiosensitivity of uveal melanoma cells to photons and protons

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    Even though protons show several benefits for the therapy of ocular tumors, the application of a single RBE value in eye treatment planning is still questionable and requires further investigation. In this work, the effects of protons were experimentally measured on 92.1, a specific uveal melanoma cell line. The chosen irradiation position was the middle of the 62 MeV therapeutic Spread-Out Bragg Peak. The normal, ARPE-19 retinal cells were also used to assess the behaviour of healthy tissue exposed to irradiation. Cells were irradiated with single doses ranging from 1 to 6 Gy, and the clonogenic assay was adopted to evaluate cell survival after irradiation. The radiobiological results suggest that proton irradiation can cause significant lethal damages in both normal and cancerous cells. The obtained experimental data from biological models will serve for comparisons with Monte Carlo simulations and LEM II calculations

    Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) Peel Extract: Potential Cytotoxic Agent Against Different Cancer Cell Lines

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    The aim of the present study was to investigate effects of pomegranate peel (PP) extract on different human cancer cell lines. MTT was performed to estimate cytotoxic effects of PP extract against HTB140, HTB177, MCF7, HCT116 human cancer cell lines and MRC-5 normal fibroblasts. Clonogenic assay was used to reveal cell survival after the treatment with PP extract. Cell cycle analysis was done using flow cytometry. Wound healing assay was applied to estimate inhibitory effects of PP extract on migration of cancer cells. The results showed that PP extract expressed selective cytotoxicity for cancer cells compared to normal cell line. Analyzed cancer cell lines displayed individual variations in sensitivity to PP extract reflected through changes in clonogenic survival, cell cycle distribution and migration, which may be due to the specific nature of each tested cell line. In conclusion, PP extract exhibits good inhibitory effects on tested cancer cell lines

    Radiobiological Outcomes, Microdosimetric Evaluations and Monte Carlo Predictions in Eye Proton Therapy

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    CATANA (Centro di AdroTerapia ed Applicazioni Nucleari Avanzate) was the first Italian protontherapy facility dedicated to the treatment of ocular neoplastic pathologies. It is in operation at the LNS Laboratories of the Italian Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN-LNS) and to date, 500 patients have been successfully treated. Even though proton therapy has demonstrated success in clinical settings, there is still a need for more accurate models because they are crucial for the estimation of clinically relevant RBE values. Since RBE can vary depending on several physical and biological parameters, there is a clear need for more experimental data to generate predictions. Establishing a database of cell survival experiments is therefore useful to accurately predict the effects of irradiations on both cancerous and normal tissue. The main aim of this work was to compare RBE values obtained from in-vitro experimental data with predictions made by the LEM II (Local Effect Model), Monte Carlo approaches, and semi-empirical models based on LET experimental measurements. For this purpose, the 92.1 uveal melanoma and ARPE-19 cells derived from normal retinal pigmented epithelium were selected and irradiated in the middle of clinical SOBP of the CATANA proton therapy facility. The remarkable results show the potentiality of using microdosimetric spectrum, Monte Carlo simulations and LEM model to predict not only the RBE but also the survival curves