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    V diplomskem delu smo na podlagi teoretičnih izhodišč želeli predstaviti pomen, ki ga imata sodelovanje ter vključevanje staršev v proces izobraževanja glasbeno-plesno talentiranih otrok. Glasba in ples imata pri vzgoji otrok neprecenljivo vlogo, saj prispevata k uresničevanju široke palete vzgojno-izobraževalnih ciljev. Glasbene in plesne izkušnje spodbujajo otrokovo izražanje čustev ter izostrijo zavedanje in opažanje čustev drugih. Družina je tista, ki prva ustreže otrokovi želji po plesnem in glasbenem izražanju, zato smo se v nalogi najprej osredotočili na pomen družine, ki je nepogrešljiv dejavnik otrokovega razvoja. Pojasnili smo naloge družine, oblike družin ter družinska vzgojna sredstva. Nato smo opredelili pojem glasbene in plesne talentiranosti, kdo so talentirani otroci, kako jih prepoznamo, kakšne so njihove značilnosti in potrebe ter kakšno vlogo imajo starši pri razvoju otrokove talentiranosti. Predstavili smo tudi Glasbeno šolo Gornja Radgona kot institucijo, ki izobražuje glasbeno in plesno talentirane otroke. Delo z umetniško nadarjenimi otroki zahteva posebne didaktične pristope, ključna pa je vloga staršev kot soudeležencev v izobraževalnem procesu. Otrok potrebuje čustveno podporo staršev, na katero se lahko zanese ne glede na svoje uspehe in neuspehe. Staršem in učiteljem je skupni cilj uspeh otroka, zato je pomembno, da se vzpostavi kakovostni sodelovalni odnos in komunikacija med domom in šolo – starši in učitelji. V nalogi smo predstavili formalne in neformalne oblike sodelovanja med šolo in domom in kako se te konkretno uresničujejo na Glasbeni šoli v Gornji Radgoni.Our aim in this diploma was to introduce the meaning that cooperation and integration of the parents in the educational process of music-dance gifted children. Music and dance play an important role, because they contribute to the realization of a wide range of educational aims. Musical and dance experiences encourage childrens\u27 expression of feelings and sharpen the awareness and observation of the feelings of the others. Family is the first one which satisfies the child\u27s wish for dance and musical expression. In the diploma we put our focus on the meaning of the family which is an indispensable factor of the child\u27s growth. We explained the tasks of the families, their forms and means of education. Later we defined the concept of musical and dance talent, who talented children are, how we recognize them, what their characteristics and needs are and what role the parents play in the development of the childrens\u27 talent. We presented Musical School Gornja Radgona (Glasbena šola Gornja Radgona) as an institution that educates musically and dance gifted children. Working with artistically gifted children demands special didactical approaches, but of crucial importance is the participation of the parents in the eduacational process. A child needs the emotional parents\u27 support on which he can rely, regardless of the success or failure. Parents and teachers strive to children\u27s success. It is important that a qualitative cooperational relationship and communication between home and school – parents and teachers is established. In the diploma we introduced formal and informal forms of cooperation between school and home and also how these take place at the Musical School Gornja Radgona