5 research outputs found

    The study on the effect of fractional composition and ash particle diameter on the ash collection efficiency at the electrostatic precipitator

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    Cilj eksperimentalnih istraživanja prikazanih u ovom radu jeste da se proceni stepen efikasnosti rada elektrostatičkog filtra na realnom industrijskom postrojenju (termoelektrana 'Gacko' električne snage od 310 MW, Bosna i Hercegovina) i dobijeni rezultati iskoriste za projektovanje periodičnog ili neprekidnog merenja i uporede sa rezultatima istraživanja drugih istraživača. Istraživanje performansi elektrostatičkog filtra je izvrÅ”eno u skladu sa BAS ISO 9096:2003. Efikasnost elektrostatičkog filtra je procenjena tokom uklanjanja čestica pepela u Å”irokom opsegu veličina čestica od 1 do 250 Ī¼m. Eksploataciona iskustva ukazuju da su elektrostatički filtri efikasni za ugljeve različitog kvaliteta (prečnik čestica pepela veći od 1 Ƭm) i da se mogu optimizovati, kako u toku samog rada, tako i za neke naredne procese, kao Å”to je odsumporavanje dimnih gasova. U mernim ravnima, merenja su vrÅ”ena na 20 tačaka po preseku. Primećeno je da stepen uklanjanja pepela dobijen eksperimentalno (3 ispitivanja) ima približno jednake vrednosti (95,93-97,78%). Najbolje slaganje sa rezultatima eksperimentalnih ispitivanja pokazuje jednačina Deutsch-a, dok teorijski modeli Zhibin-Guoquan i Nobrega-Falaguasta-Coury ne aproksimiraju najbolje rezultate eksperimentalnih ispitivanja. Za čestice pepela prečnika manjeg od 17,5 Ī¼m ne postoji dobra korelacija između ispitivanih teorijskih modela. Najveće odstupanje modela za čestice pepela prečnika manjih od 17,5 Ī¼m je primećeno u slučaju upotrebe jednačine Deutsch-a.The goal of experimental investigations shown in this paper is to estimate the operating efficiency degree of the electrostatic precipitator on a real industrial plant (a the thermal power plant 'Gacko' with the electric power of 310 MW, Bosnia & Herzegovina) and to use the obtained results as a base of periodical engineering or continual measurement and compare them with the investigations of other investigators. The investigation of the electrostatic precipitator performance was done according to BAS ISO 9096:2003. In this paper, the electrostatic precipitator efficiency during the ash particle removal with a wide range of particle sizes from 1 to 250 Ī¼m is evaluated. The exploitational experience points out that electrostatic precipitators are efficient for the coals of different quality (coal particles with diameters bigger than 1 Ī¼m) and that they could be optimized during the exploitation itself and for some following processes (e.g., flue gas desulphurization). Within the measurement plane, the measurements were made on 20 points per section. It has been noticed that ash removal degrees obtained experimentally (3 investigations) have approximately equal value (95.93 to 97.78%). The best concordance with the results of experimental investigation shows the Deutsch equation, while theoretical models of Zhibin-Guoquan and Nobrega-Falaguasta-Coury do not correspond well to the results of experimental investigations. For the ash particles with the diameters less than 17.5 Ī¼m there is no good correlation between investigated theoretical models. The highest deviation of the model for ash particles with diameters less than 17.5 Ī¼m is notable in the case of using the Deutsch equation

    The study on the effect of fractional composition and ash particle diameter on the ash collection efficiency at the electrostatic precipitator

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    The goal of experimental investigations shown in this paper is to estimate the operating efficiency degree of the electrostatic precipitator on a real industrial plant (a the thermal power plant ā€žGackoā€œ with the electric power of 310 MW, Bosnia & Herzegovina) and to use the obtained results as a base of periodical engineering or continual measurement and compare them with the investigations of other investigators. The investigation of the electrostatic precipitator performance was done according to BAS ISO 9096:2003. In this paper, the electrostatic precipitator efficiency during the ash particle removal with a wide range of particle sizes from 1 to 250 Ī¼m is evaluated. The exploitational experience points out that electrostatic precipitators are efficient for the coals of different quality (coal particles with diameters bigger than 1 Ī¼m) and that they could be optimized during the exploitation itself and for some following processes (e.g., flue gas desulphurization). Within the measurement plane, the measurements were made on 20 points per section. It has been noticed that ash removal degrees obtained experimentally (3 investigations) have approximately equal value (95.93 to 97.78%). The best concordance with the results of experimental investigation shows the Deutsch equation, while theoretical models of Zhibin-Guoquan and Nobrega-Falaguasta-Coury do not correspond well to the results of experimental investigations. For the ash particles with the diameters less than 17.5 Ī¼m there is no good correlation between investigated theoretical models. The highest deviation of the model for ash particles with diameters less than 17.5 Ī¼m is notable in the case of using the Deutsch equation


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    This paper refers to an experiment of SO2 absorption to the particles of sorbent CaCO3, the mass of sample was 100 g with fractional composition of 500-700Āµm and 1100-1300Ī¼m. During the experiment the temperature varied from 200 and 400Ā°C. The aim of this experiment described in this paper, is to examine the influence of lower reaction temperature, the size of sorbent particles and reaction time to the degree of SO2 absorption and determining the degree of CaCO3 sorbent utilization. The results show that at the reaction temperature of approximately 200Ā°C and average diameter of sorbent particles ā‰ˆ600Ī¼m, the absorption degree of SO2 absorption to the particles of sorbent is between 42-66%.Reaching temperature of 400Ā°C and with the same fractional composition of the sorbent, ā‰ˆ600Ī¼m, the absorption degree of SO2 is slightly higher and it is somewhere around 45-78%. With greater diameters sorbent particle of ā‰ˆ1200Ī¼m, absorption degree of SO2 is a bit lower.The determined degree of utilized sorbent CaCO3 is considerably lower and it reaches up to 6.87%.The acquired results indicate that besides CaO,Ca(OH)2 and CaMg(CO3)2 it is reasonable to inject the CaCO3 sorbent, in the areas of lower temperatures i.e. in the flue channel of the thermal power plant

    Qualitative analysis of coal combusted in boilers of the thermal power plants in Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    In this paper we have looked into the qualitative analysis of coals in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B-H). The analysis includes the following characteristics: moisture (W), ash (A), combustible matter (Vg) and lower heating value (Hd). From the statistic parameters we have determined: absolute range (R), arithmetic mean (X), standard deviation (S) and variations coefficient (Cv). It has been shown that the coal characteristics (W, A, Vg, Hd) have normal distribution. The analysis show that there are considerable deviations of ash characteristics: moisture (36.23%), ash (34.21%), combustible matter (16.15%) and lower heating value (25.16%) from the mean value which is shown by the variations coefficient (Cv). Large oscilations of mass portions: W, A, Vg and Hd around the mean value can adversely influence the function of a boiler plant and an electric filter plant in thermal power plants in B-H in which the mentioned types of coal burn. Large ash oscilations (34.21%) around the mean value point out to the inability of application of dry procedures of desulphurisation of smoke gasses (FGD) due to the additional quantity of ash. It has been shown that the characteristics of Bosnian types of coal do not deviate a lot from the characteristics of coal in the surrounding countries (coals of Serbia and Monte Negro). The results can be used in analysis of coal combustion in thermal power plants, optimisation of electrical-filtre, reduction of SO2 in smoke gas and other practical problems