133 research outputs found

    Ten years after: Release cutting around old oaks still affects oak vitality and saproxylic beetles in a Norway spruce stand

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    It is often suggested to release oaks (Quercus robur) from competition, to ensure their survival and boost their conservational value. However, few studies have explored how long-lasting this effect is and how it affects saproxylic beetles.Ten years after cutting, we investigated effects of different release cutting levels (high, medium, and no release) around 140-year-old retained oaks in a commercial forest with Norway spruce (Picea abies).We evaluated oak vitality using crown and dead wood measurements. Saproxylic beetles were caught in window traps, identified to species level, and grouped according to their association with oak and/or Norway spruce.Released oaks had more light, higher temperatures, greater crown growth, and less dead wood in the crown compared to the no-release control.After 10 years we still found a higher abundance of oak-associated beetles and higher overall species richness of saproxylic beetles in the released oaks. Beetle species composition significantly differed between released oaks and control.We suggest avoiding planting trees beneath retained oaks when regenerating conifer forests and to proceed with conservation management during subsequent thinning by removing regeneration under the oak crowns. We emphasize the benefits of monitoring the retained oaks to maintain tree vitality, habitat quality, and insolation

    ”De flesta vill ju sjunga Loreengenren”

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    Syftet med denna studie Ă€r att undersöka hur klassiskt utbildade sĂ„ngpedagoger sĂ€ger att de arbetar med tonĂ„ringar i genrer inom vilka pedagogerna saknar formell utbildning. Studien har genomförts genom kvalitativa intervjuer, dĂ€r vi har intervjuat sex sĂ„ngpedagoger som arbetar inom kulturskola eller estetiskt program. Resultaten visar att pedagogerna anser att fokus inte bör ligga pĂ„ att genreanpassa undervisningen alltför tidigt i elevernas utveckling. MĂ„nga av dem föresprĂ„kar att lĂ€ra ut vad de anser vara ett sunt och hĂ€lsosamt sĂ„ngsĂ€tt, och ser ingen anledning att dela in sĂ„ng alltför strikt i olika genrer nĂ€r de arbetar med tonĂ„rsröster. Studien tyder pĂ„ att pedagogerna inte anser att deras egna klassiska utbildning Ă€r en begrĂ€nsande faktor nĂ€r de undervisar i andra genrer pĂ„ kulturskolor eller estetiskta program.The purpose of this study is to examine how classically educated singing teachers state that they work with teenagers in musical genres in which they lack formal education. The study has been implemented through qualitative interviews with six singing teachers who teach at music schools and at art programs at high school level. The results show that the teachers do not have the opinion that classification of genres should be prioritized in early ages. When working with teenage voices, the majority favor to teach, what they call, a “healthy” way of singing, rather than to divide singing into different genres. The study indicates that the teachers do not regard their own classical education as a limiting factor when teaching other musical genres at music schools or art programs

    Expatriatens teoretiska verklighet – en historia av motsĂ€gelser

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    The competition on the global market is becoming increasingly tough for international companies where workers located abroad, so called expatriates are thought of as an important tool in obtaining competition advantages. Several scientists have studied different parts of a mission abroad for expatriates where pre-departure training as well as adjustment to the host country has been accentuated. However, science in the field of cultural adaptation is missing a perspective which conveys a comparative reasoning regarding what managers as well as expatriates consider to be of importance in these aspects of the mission abroad. The purpose of this thesis is therefore to study these aspects through a qualitative methodology where a manager- as well as an expatriate perspective is applied. Particular focus will address the appearance of culture shock as to how its effects can be minimized. The primary source of this thesis is semi structured interviews with five people whom are either currently working abroad or have completed past missions abroad and are presently located in Sweden. In addition to these five expatriates, two managers within Human Resource have been interviewed in order to communicate how each of their companies manages missions abroad. All reports of the informants have then been analyzed in regards to previous theories of science. The results of the thesis demonstrate how there is an existing difference between what scientists in their theories regard as important within pre-departure training and what is being executed in actual situations. All informants have pointed out how the core of cultural dissimilarities is not possible to grasp until having arrived in the host country. This result in cross-cultural training, which according to scientists should take place before the departure, in best case scenario is being offered in the host country at the beginning of the mission. It has also emerged how companies mainly offer support in practical matters such as house searching and language training. However, other aspects such as cross-cultural training are managed by the expatriate’s own initiative. During the progress of the study information has emerged regarding how several expatriates choose to leave their company when returning to Sweden. Future research should therefore address this following step within the mission abroad where the expatriate will return to its company in Sweden. The reason for this is that continuous research withholding the same character as this thesis could accentuate the effects of cross-cultural training and culture shock on a deeper level.Konkurrensen pĂ„ den globala marknaden blir allt hĂ„rdare för internationella företag dĂ€r utlandsplacerade medarbetare, sĂ„ kallade expatriater anses vara ett viktigt verktyg för att erhĂ„lla konkurrensfördelar. Flera forskare har studerat olika delar av utlandsuppdrag dĂ€r sĂ„vĂ€l förberedande trĂ€ning innan uppdraget som anpassning pĂ„ plats i vĂ€rdlandet har framhĂ€vts. Dock saknas forskning dĂ€r ett komparativt resonemang förs angĂ„ende vad chefer samt expatriater upplever vara av betydelse i dessa delar av utlandsuppdraget. Syftet med denna uppsats Ă€r dĂ€rför att studera dessa aspekter med kvalitativ metodologi dĂ€r bĂ„de ett lednings- samt expatriatperspektiv appliceras. SĂ€rskilt fokus riktas mot fenomenet kulturkrock och hur dess effekter kan minimeras. Uppsatsens primĂ€ra kĂ€lla Ă€r semistrukturerade intervjuer med fem personer vilka arbetar utomlands i nulĂ€get eller har avslutat tidigare utlandsuppdrag och befinner sig dĂ€rmed i Sverige. Utöver dessa fem expatriater har tvĂ„ chefer inom Human Resource intervjuats för att delge hur deras respektive företag arbetar med utlandsuppdrag. Samtliga informanters redogörelser har sedan relaterats till tidigare forskningsteorier. Resultaten frĂ„n studien visar hur det existerar en ytterst stor skillnad i vad forskningsteori anser betydande inom förberedande trĂ€ning inför utlandsuppdrag och vad som genomförs i praktiken. Samtliga informanter har pĂ„pekat hur kĂ€rnan i kulturella skillnader mellan hemland och vĂ€rdland inte gĂ„r att ta till sig förrĂ€n vĂ€l pĂ„ plats i vĂ€rdlandet. Detta medför att interkulturell trĂ€ning som enligt forskare bör ske innan avfĂ€rd, i bĂ€sta fall erbjuds pĂ„ plats vid uppdragets start. Det har Ă€ven framkommit hur företag till största delen erbjuder hjĂ€lp med praktiska aspekter sĂ„som bostadssökande samt sprĂ„ktrĂ€ning, dock hanteras övriga aspekter sĂ„som interkulturell trĂ€ning pĂ„ eget initiativ av expatriaten. Under studiens gĂ„ng har information framkommit angĂ„ende hur ett stort antal expatriater vĂ€ljer att lĂ€mna företaget vid hemkomst i Sverige. Framtida forskning bör dĂ€rför riktas mot detta följande steg i utlandsuppdraget dĂ€r expatriaten ska Ă„tervĂ€nda till sitt företag i Sverige. Detta med anledning av att vidare studier av denna uppsats karaktĂ€r kan framhĂ€va effekter av interkulturell trĂ€ning samt kulturkrockar pĂ„ en djupare nivĂ„

    Forest floor bryophyte and lichen diversity in Scots pine and Norway spruce production forests

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    Bryophytes and lichens are two main components of the forest floor vegetation. They provide essential ecosystem services, including nutrient recycling and water regulation. Here, we contrast the species richness, cover and community composition of forest floor bryophytes and lichens in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) and Norway spruce (Picea abies) dominated production forests. The study sites were located in the hemiboreal zone of southern Sweden, and represented early-, mid- and late rotation stands. Our aim was to examine the potential consequences for forest floor biodiversity from the decreasing use of Scots pine production forests in this region.Whereas Scots pine and Norway spruce stands did not differ in bryophyte cover, we found a higher cover of lichens in Scots pine stands, and highest in the intermediate aged stands. Also the species richness of lichens was higher in the Scots pine stands, while bryophyte species richness was higher in the Norway spruce stands. Differences in canopy cover and associated light transmittance to the forest floor appears to be important drivers for distinctive different forest floor communities in the Scots pine and Norway spruce stands, as revealed by NonMetric Multidimensional Scaling (NMDS). Mean Ellenberg indicator values for bryophytes and lichens showed that species associated with Scots pine stands were characterized by their tolerance of brighter conditions, higher insolation, and better adaptation to a continental climate. Norway spruce stands instead had a comparably larger proportion of species tolerating lower light, but also indicators of higher available nutrient levels, humidity, and pH. The outcome of the Ellenberg indicator species analysis, as well as the larger cover of lichens,and adaptations to drought found among some mosses, revealed that forest floor communities are shaped by different environmental factors in Scots pine and Norway spruce production stands. These environmental differences, and the quantified shifts in forest floor communities identified in this study, indicate the large shifts in understory bryophyte and lichen species composition and abundance that is likely to occur if Scots pine stands are converted to Norway spruce

    Conifer tree species and age as drivers of epiphytic lichen communities in northern European production forests

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    The epiphytic lichen species richness and community composition was compared for 600 living trees distributed within the interior of 60 Scots pine and Norway spruce monoculture stands in southern Sweden. A higher species richness, and more unique species, was found on trees of Scots pine than of Norway spruce, and distinctive communities were associated with the two tree species. Lichen species composition also shifted between the 30-, 55- and 80-year-old stands, although there was no significant difference in species richness between the different age classes. Tree species and age of the stand explained most of the variation in community composition (41%), with additional variance explained by lichen proximity to the ground (6%) and aspect (1%) (northern/southern side of trunk). Scots pine and Norway spruce share many attributes, such as both being conifers with acidic bark properties and having a similar geographical distribution in Fennoscandia. However, our study showed that species richness and community composition can nevertheless diverge in stands dominated by these two tree species. Since the occurrence of red-listed species was low in these stands, we suggest that 80-year rotations are not long enough for the occurrence of the many rare and specialized lichen species that require old forest structures and long forest continuity in this region

    Potential implications of shortened rotation length for forest birds, bryophytes, lichens and vascular plants: An example from southern Swedish production forests

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    The rotation lengths of intensively managed production forests may be altered to achieve a variety of goals, with correspondingly implications for biodiversity. Here we consider the potential implications of shortened rotation times for biodiversity in planted monocultures of the two most common production tree species in Sweden, Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) and Norway spruce (Picea abies). To do so we surveyed bird, bryophyte, epiphytic lichen and vascular plant diversity in 80 and 55-year-old stands; stand ages which approximate present-day and potential future rotation lengths in this region respectively. We found clear differences in the species communities of the 55 compared to the 80-year-old stands for both understory species and epiphytes, but not for birds. Nevertheless, bird species richness was still highest in the 80-year-old Norway spruce dominated stands. Dead wood amount was also highest the 80-year-old Norway spruce stands. Highest species richness of epiphytic lichens was found in 80-year-old Scots pine stands. However, 55-year-old Scots pine stands had a higher understory species richness and diversity than the older Scots pine stands, including a larger number of open land species. The 80-year-old forest stands examined may be considered old with respect to production forest rotation lengths in Sweden but are relatively young when comparing stand ages of unmanaged natural forest stands. Nevertheless, our results indicate that shortening the rotation time of Scots pine and Norway spruce, in this part of Sweden from 80 to 55 years, could have important consequences for forest biodiversity. These consequences are primarily inferred from the likely implications from shortened rotations for lichens community composition and diversity in both Norway spruce and Scots pine stands, as well as impacts on understory plant species in Norway spruce stands

    Pre-commercial thinning in Norway spruce-birch mixed stands can provide abundant forage for ungulates without losing volume production

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    Mixed stands of Norway spruce and birch have the potential to simultaneously produce timber and provide large ungulates with a significant amount of forage during the regeneration phase. While the growth and yield of such mixtures are well studied, little is known about potential trade-offs between timber and forage production and which management techniques are suitable for meeting both goals. In this study, four different pre-commercial thinning (PCT) strategies were used to study the trade-offs between production and available forage for free-ranging ungulates in a Norway spruce-birch mixture. The four PCT strategies were: 1) retaining 2000 birch stems ha(-1) with 2000 Norway spruce ha(-1), 2) removing all birches within a 0.75 m radius around Norway spruce stems, 3) removing all birches and other broadleaves, and 4) no PCT (control). Growth of Norway spruce was higher in the 2000 birch ha(-1) and full removal treatments compared to the untreated control, but these two treatments did not differ from one another in volume production of Norway spruce. We found a negative effect of PCT on forage availability but no effect on ungulate browsing. Therefore, PCT strategies that provide both sufficient birch forage and maximize volume production of Norway spruce can be implemented

    TNF inhibitors and extraarticular RA Personal non-commercial use only

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    ABSTRACT. Objective. The aims of this study were to evaluate whether treatment with tumor necrosis factor (TNF) inhibitors in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) affects the risk of developing severe extraarticular rheumatoid arthritis (ExRA) manifestations and to investigate potential predictors for developing ExRA. Methods. A dynamic community-based cohort of patients with RA was studied (n = 1977). Clinical records were reviewed and cases of severe ExRA were identified. Information on exposure to TNF inhibitors was obtained from a regional register. Exposure to TNF inhibitors was analyzed in a time-dependent fashion and the incidence of severe ExRA in exposed patients was compared with the incidence in unexposed patients. Cox regression models were used to assess potential predictors of severe ExRA. Results. During treatment with TNF inhibitors, there were 17 patients with new onset of severe ExRA in 2400 person-years at risk (PY; 0.71/100 PY, 95% CI 0.41-1.13) compared with 104 in 15,599 PY (0.67/100 PY, 95% CI 0.54-0.81) in patients without TNF inhibitors. This corresponded to an incidence rate ratio of 1.06 (95% CI 0.60-1.78). The age-and sex-adjusted HR for ExRA in anti-TNF-treated patients was 1.21 (95% CI 1.02-1.43), with similar findings in models adjusted for time-dependent Health Assessment Questionnaire and propensity for anti-TNF treatment. Male sex, positive rheumatoid factor (RF), long disease duration, and greater disability were predictors for ExRA. Conclusion. This study suggests that patients treated with TNF inhibitors are at a slightly increased risk of developing severe ExRA. RF-positive patients with disabling disease of long duration were more likely to develop sever

    KĂ€rlekens konstruktion – En intervjustudie om att leva polyamoröst, relationsanarkistiskt eller icke-monogamt i ett samhĂ€lle med monogami som norm

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    Syftet med denna uppsats Ă€r att problematisera tvĂ„samhetsnormen genom att undersöka hur personer som kallar sig polyamorösa, relationsanarkister eller medvetet icke-monogama förhĂ„ller sig till normer för kĂ€rlek, vĂ€nskap och relationer, med fokus pĂ„ normen om tvĂ„samhet. Vi undersöker hur det kan upplevas att bryta mot denna norm och vilka reaktioner dessa personer möter frĂ„n omgivningen. Vi har anvĂ€nt oss av feministiskt poststrukturalistiskt och queerteoretiskt perspektiv som förstĂ„elseram. VĂ„ra frĂ„gestĂ€llningar Ă€r: ‱ Hur beskriver intervjupersonerna sina tankar och erfarenheter av att leva icke-monogamt? ‱ Hur resonerar intervjupersonerna kring och förhĂ„ller sig till normer för kĂ€rlek och relationer? ‱ Hur upplever de omgivningens reaktioner pĂ„- och bemötande av uttryckta icke-monogama tankar, kĂ€nslor och praktiker? Undersökningen bygger pĂ„ kvalitativa intervjuer med sju personer som har olika sĂ€tt att tĂ€nka kring och utforma nĂ€ra relationer. Deras gemensamma nĂ€mnare Ă€r en kritik av normativa relations- och kĂ€rleksideal. Studien visar att en central frĂ„ga för dessa personer Ă€r att ha ett aktivt och reflekterande förhĂ„llningssĂ€tt till nĂ€ra relationer utan fĂ€rdiga mallar och förestĂ€llningar om vad en relation ska innehĂ„lla. Ett framtrĂ€dande synsĂ€tt Ă€r att varje relation Ă€r unik och inte behöver stĂ„ i konkurrensstĂ€llning med andra relationer. Ur detta synsĂ€tt kommer en öppenhet att ha flera intima och kĂ€rleksfulla relationer samtidigt. NĂ„gra vill utmana normerna för vĂ€nskap genom att vĂ€nskapsrelationers status uppvĂ€rderas och reglerna för vĂ€nskap och kĂ€rlek ifrĂ„gasĂ€tts. Det finns en kritik mot det vĂ€rde som den tvĂ„samma kĂ€rleksrelationen tillmĂ€ts pĂ„ bekostnad av andra relationer. De intervjuade betonar ocksĂ„ att ha ansvarsfulla och jĂ€mlika nĂ€ra relationer. Vi ser att det Ă€r möjligt att utforma nĂ€ra relationer pĂ„ sitt eget sĂ€tt, men det Ă€r inte utan att det möter motstĂ„nd. Det Ă€r frĂ€mst bejakandet av kĂ€rleksfulla relationer med flera samtidigt som Ă€r kontroversiellt. Intervjupersonerna möter positiva reaktioner frĂ„n omgivningen, men ocksĂ„ ifrĂ„gasĂ€ttande, osynliggörande och diskriminering. Den direkta diskrimineringen tar sig bland annat uttryck i en diskvalificering av alternativa sĂ€tt att utforma nĂ€ra relationer pĂ„. Det kan dĂ„ vara pĂ„ individuell nivĂ„, till exempel genom negativa kommentarer men ocksĂ„ pĂ„ institutionell nivĂ„ i form av att inte kunna ge sina partners lika legal status. Indirekt diskriminering sker genom att den monogama livsstilen premieras pĂ„ olika sĂ€tt, bland annat genom att förutsĂ€tta att alla lever monogamt, eller att vĂ€rdera den monogama livsstilen som mer efterstrĂ€vansvĂ€rd
