28,714 research outputs found

    Meteoroid detector

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    A meteoroid detector is described which uses, a cold cathode discharge tube with a gas-pressurized cell in space for recording a meteoroid puncture of the cell and for determining the size of the puncture

    Simulated rotor test apparatus dynamic characteristics in the 80- by 120-foot wind tunnel

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    A shake test was conducted in the 80 by 120 foot Wind Tunnel at NASA Ames Research Center, using a load frame and dummy weights to simulate the weight of the NASA Rotor Test Apparatus. The simulated hub was excited with broadband random excitation, and accelerometer responses were measured at various locations. The transfer functions (acceleration per unit excitation force as a function of frequency) for each of the accelerometer responses were computed, and the data were analyzed using modal analysis to estimate the model parameters

    Development of thermally stable phosphonitrile elastomers for advanced aerospace structures

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    Both high and low molecular weight, curable poly(fluoroalkoxy phosphazene) terpolymers were prepared. These terpolymers resulted from reaction of (Cl2PNn) polymer with alkoxides derived from CF3CH2OH and C3F7CH2OH, and an alkoxide derived from CH3CH(OH)C2H4OH. The terpolymers were crosslinked with polyisocyanates at room temperature. High molecular weight materials were converted into isocyanate prepolymers which as films underwent moisture cures at room temperature. Prepolymer solutions were stable for several days, and showed good adhesion. Also the effects of polymerization of (Cl2PN)3 were studied. Purified octachlorophosphazene, thiocyanate salts, or hydrogen chloride were employed in attempts to decrease molecular weight. Hydrogen chloride was found to be a good agent for preparation of low molecular weight poly(dichloro phosphazene)

    First Steps Toward Change in Teacher Preparation for Elementary Science

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    Unless introductory undergraduate science classes for prospective elementary teachers actively incorporate the philosophy of inquiry-based learning called for in K-l2 science education refom little will change in elementary science education. Thus, at James Madison University, we have developed a new integrated science core curriculum called Understanding our World [1]. This course sequence was not only designed to fulfill general education science requirements. but also to focus on content areas our students will need to know as teachers. The objectives of these courses are based on the National Science Education Standards and Virginia’s Science Standards of Learning, including earth and space science, chemistry, physics, life sciences, and environmental science [2,3]. As an integrated package, this course sequence addresses basic science content, calculation skills, the philosophy and history of science, the process of how science is done, the role of science in society, and applications of computers and technology in science. Keeping in mind that students tend to teach in the same way they were taught, Understanding our World core classes embrace the concepts associated with reform in elementary math and science

    Evaluation of bistable systems versus matched filters in detecting bipolar pulse signals

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    This paper presents a thorough evaluation of a bistable system versus a matched filter in detecting bipolar pulse signals. The detectability of the bistable system can be optimized by adding noise, i.e. the stochastic resonance (SR) phenomenon. This SR effect is also demonstrated by approximate statistical detection theory of the bistable system and corresponding numerical simulations. Furthermore, the performance comparison results between the bistable system and the matched filter show that (a) the bistable system is more robust than the matched filter in detecting signals with disturbed pulse rates, and (b) the bistable system approaches the performance of the matched filter in detecting unknown arrival times of received signals, with an especially better computational efficiency. These significant results verify the potential applicability of the bistable system in signal detection field.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures, MikTex v2.

    Strong Optomechanical Squeezing of Light

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    We create squeezed light by exploiting the quantum nature of the mechanical interaction between laser light and a membrane mechanical resonator embedded in an optical cavity. The radiation pressure shot noise (fluctuating optical force from quantum laser amplitude noise) induces resonator motion well above that of thermally driven motion. This motion imprints a phase shift on the laser light, hence correlating the amplitude and phase noise, a consequence of which is optical squeezing. We experimentally demonstrate strong and continuous optomechanical squeezing of 1.7 +/- 0.2 dB below the shot noise level. The peak level of squeezing measured near the mechanical resonance is well described by a model whose parameters are independently calibrated and that includes thermal motion of the membrane with no other classical noise sources.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Binge Eating Disorder Mediates Links between Symptoms of Depression and Anxiety and Caloric Intake in Obese Women

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    Despite considerable comorbidity between mood disorders, binge eating disorder (BED), and obesity, the underlying mechanisms remain unresolved. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine models by which internalizing behaviors of depression and anxiety influence food intake in overweight/obese women. Thirty-two women (15 BED, 17 controls) participated in a laboratory eating-episode and completed questionnaires assessing symptoms of anxiety and depression. Path analysis was used to test mediation and moderation models to determine the mechanisms by which internalizing symptoms influenced kilocalorie (kcal) intake. The BED group endorsed significantly more symptoms of depression (10.1 versus 4.8, P=0.005 ) and anxiety (8.5 versus 2.7, P=0.003). Linear regression indicated that BED diagnosis and internalizing symptoms accounted for 30% of the variance in kcal intake. Results from path analysis suggested that BED mediates the influence of internalizing symptoms on total kcal intake. The associations between internalizing symptoms and food intake are best described as operating indirectly through a BED diagnosis. This suggests that symptoms of depression and anxiety influence whether one engages in binge eating, which influences kcal intake. Greater understanding of the mechanisms underlying the associations between mood, binge eating, and food intake will facilitate the development of more effective prevention and treatment strategies for both BED and obesity

    Diagnostics of the structure of AGN's broad line regions with reverberation mapping data: confirmation of the two-component broad line region model

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    We re-examine the ten Reverberation Mapping (RM) sources with public data based on the two-component model of the Broad Line Region (BLR). In fitting their broad H-beta lines, six of them only need one Gaussian component, one of them has a double-peak profile, one has an irregular profile, and only two of them need two components, i.e., a Very Broad Gaussian Component (VBGC) and an Inter-Mediate Gaussian Component (IMGC). The Gaussian components are assumed to come from two distinct regions in the two-component model; they are Very Broad Line Region (VBLR) and Inter-Mediate Line region (IMLR). The two sources with a two-component profile are Mrk 509 and NGC 4051. The time lags of the two components of both sources satisfy tIMLR/tVBLR=VVBLR2/VIMLR2t_{IMLR}/t_{VBLR}=V^2_{VBLR}/V^2_{IMLR}, where tIMLRt_{IMLR} and tVBLRt_{VBLR} are the lags of the two components while VIMLRV_{IMLR} and VVBLRV_{VBLR} represent the mean gas velocities of the two regions, supporting the two-component model of the BLR of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN). The fact that most of these ten sources only have the VBGC confirms the assumption that RM mainly measures the radius of the VBLR; consequently, the radius obtained from the R-L relationship mainly represent the radius of VBLR. Moreover, NGC 4051, with a lag of about 5 days in the one component model, is an outlier on the R-L relationship as shown in Kaspi et al. (2005); however this problem disappears in our two-component model with lags of about 2 and 6 days for the VBGC and IMGC, respectively.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in the Special Issue of Science in China (G) "Astrophysics of Black holes and Related Compact Objects